He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1991 Don't struggle anymore, just grab whatever you want!

It's just that Lian Wu has been traveling and exercising all over the past six months, so he doesn't know much about the affairs of the alliance.

But he roughly knew that there was a new colleague.

It is said that she is a big blonde beauty, especially good at super power attributes.

The cold and luxurious temperament made Cattleya gain a very high popularity in the Hezhong area within a very short period of time as the new king.

After all, one of the other three heavenly kings in the Hezhong area was an introverted novelist.

One is a shady gambler with a bad gambling habit.

And 2 meters tall, like a giant bear.

It's not surprising that the glamorous lady, Cattleya's fans.

It's just the king of the super power attribute. For Lian Wu, who is good at fighting attributes, he is not an easy person to deal with.

Although he has not seen this woman before, Lian Wu respects the former.


Xiaozhi and Mingyi looked at each other, and responded with a dry smile.

He just asked casually, why is Mr. Lian Wu already complaining about his three colleagues?

In fact, Mingyi really wanted to complain and refute. Ms. Wanlong, who is good at ghost attributes, is right even though she is a novelist.

But what happened to novelists, why is there such a big prejudice against those who write novels!

And obviously Miss Wanlong's appearance is absolutely no problem!

Xiaozhi is not familiar with Hezhong Heavenly King, so he didn't intervene much

Before leaving, Lian Wu asked Xiaozhi about his purpose.

"Are you here to challenge our United Alliance? Well, with your strength, you should be able to push it easily. In fact, it doesn't make much sense whether you participate or not."

Lian Wu suggested quite enthusiastically.

But Xiaozhi shook his head:

"I'm not going to participate in the United League Convention. I'm here to participate in the World Championship in 3 months!"

"World Championship? The one in Fanba City?"

Hearing this, Lianwu was a little surprised, then raised his thick yellow eyebrows, and said in surprise:

"Just in time, I also want to participate in this World Championship. If we meet again, let's fight with all our strength!"

Lian Wu clenched his fists and said loudly.

After all, today is only 1v1, so I didn't enjoy myself at all!

But you have to win this kid steadily. In the next three months, I have to double my training!

"Will Mr. Lian Wu also participate?"

Listening to Xiaozhi's words, it seemed that he didn't know much about this tournament, so Lian Wu explained:

"You also know that this World Championship is a major competition organized by our Union League Champion, Mr. Adek."

When he said this, Lian Wu also subconsciously glanced at Rotom, who was lying on the ground next to him, completely out of battery.

Strictly speaking, Adek is not his master.

It's just that when I was young, I had a guiding source for a period of time and taught myself fighting skills.

Therefore, Lian Wu would not call Adek a teacher, but respectfully call him an elder.

Back to the World Championships.

Since it was the first time, and the Galar area next door was also touching porcelain, a similar world championship was held.

Therefore, while the United Alliance invites the world's strongest players, it also forces the four alliance kings in this region to participate!

"It means that in this game, can I see the Four Heavenly Kings of Hezhong at the same time!?"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up. From what it sounds like, the force is suddenly much higher than that of ordinary alliance conferences.

No, it is estimated that Mr. Adek, the league champion, will also participate

So even if no strong players from other places are invited, there is guaranteed to be a strong player from the entire United Champions League as an opponent.

No loss!

The flame in Xiaozhi's chest was burning again. It seemed that in the coming days, he had to train his Pokémon well.

With the Pokémon virus, he intends to see the limit of these little guys!

Of course, if you are facing Mr. Adek, or if you really attract some strong people.

It is estimated that some old buddies should be summoned to come and help.

I just don't know what kind of picture the world championship in the Galar region is like?

It should also be a gathering of powerful people from all walks of life, right?

At this moment Xiaozhi wished he could split himself in half and participate in the world championships in two places at the same time!

After seeing off Mr. Lian Wu, it was getting late, Xiaozhi and Mingyi returned to the elf center and had dinner.

Even Akromar, who had been busy all day, came back, and sat face to face with the two happily.

But Akromar eats without using his hands at all.

Instead, use both hands to control the smart panel, and then the two mechanical arms behind it stretch out to assist in eating

It's completely bewitched by technology!

"Uh, by the way, did you smell any strange smell?"

But when he was eating, Xiaozhi had a keen sense of smell, and suddenly sniffed around, and couldn't help but speak.

Sour and sour.

Kind of like the smell of toilet sewer?

"Is there? Why can't I smell it?"

Mingyi also tried to sniff his nose, but he didn't smell anything strange.

"Ahaha, Xiaozhi, maybe your nose is a little stuffy, do you want to try my newly invented nasal device?"

Akromar's face was not flushed, but he had already pulled out a machine that looked like a big drill in his hand, and said enthusiastically.

Xiaozhi quickly waved his hand, indicating that he had smelled it wrong.

But there is also a murmur in my heart, this fanatical scientist, when he sleeps in the middle of the night, he will not force himself to blow his nose?

On the other side, at night, the back alley of Feiyun City.

"Finally stopped you!"

Alice and Fang came one after the other, blocking the wild Eevee in the middle.

One man and one dragon tracked Ibrahimovic for several hours before blocking him in this dark alley.

Alice is good at survival activities in the jungle. It's just that in the big cities, there are no trees and vines, so she can't swing around at all. She can only run with her legs, but she is exhausted.

Similarly, the stamina of this Ibrahimovic was basically exhausted.

Inexplicably, he was dragged around by the tail by a weird illustrated book, and then was chased by a savage human for several hours.


Finally, this Eevee couldn't hold back any longer. It simply lay on its back, spread its limbs, and stuck out its tongue from the corner of its mouth.

Don't struggle anymore, grab whatever you want.

Anyway, all the clansmen in Feiyun Park have been arrested, and sooner or later he will be arrested too.

Hurry up! !

Alice: "?"

Why did you suddenly give up struggling?

Yaya is still growing up, and she is still preparing to fight side by side with Yaya.

But this is also a good thing, Alice took out a blank elf ball and threw it at the broken Eevee.


The poke ball fell to the ground without even shaking, and stopped moving, which showed that this Eevee was really tired.

"Great, Ibrahimovic has been successfully subdued!"

Alice stepped forward to pick up the elf ball full of joy, and then looked for some objects with powerful dragon attributes, and tried to make this Eevee evolve into Dragon Eevee!

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