He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2002 Perhaps there is still salvation?

"Life is exhausted?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's complexion changed, he subconsciously stood up, and retorted:

"Impossible, Vulcan Moth was fighting Pikachu just now!"

If it was an old man in his twilight years, how could he use such a powerful dance of fire trick?

"Little Zhi, haven't you heard of returning to the light? People who are in a desperate situation may be able to show their last brilliance, but once this temporary brilliance passes, everything will pass."

Akromar even asked back:

"Don't you think there was anything wrong in the battle just now?"

Xiaozhi didn't answer, and silently looked at Vulcan Moth lying on the ground.

Indeed, strong is strong

But the endurance of this Vulcan moth is very average.

So after a while of the battle, Pikachu was completely in an advantage, and the opponent couldn't even beat him.

Mingyi next to him put his palms around his mouth and didn't make a sound. Vulcan Moth looks like an old man whose days are numbered.

Akromar also squatted down, reached out and inserted his hand into the gap between the ground and the Vulcan Moth, and touched upwards.

The Vulcan Moth, who was so fierce just now and showed a stunning posture, has no ability to struggle to stop it at this moment, allowing a stranger to touch it.

Soon, Akromar shook his head.

Xiaozhi and Mingyi looked at each other, and quickly imitated Akromar's appearance, reaching out to touch Vulcan Moth's abdomen.

The touch from the palm made Xiaozhi's expression suffocated.

The abdomen, which looks very full on the outside, feels very dry to the touch, and it can be pressed down a lot with almost no effort.

It seems that there is only an empty shell left in the abdomen, and there are no other flesh and blood organs in it.

And looking at Vulcan Moth up close at this moment, one can find that the latter's entire body looks very old.

Looking at it from a distance just now, these tiny appearances are all covered by the dazzling light and scale powder released by Vulcan Moth

"I'm going to call Emperor Yan over now!"

Xiaozhi stood up quickly, and made a gesture to go to the nearest elf center to exchange Yandi back.

Breathing out the sacred flame with life force, maybe it can revive the latter?

It's just that Xiaozhi really didn't know what to say when he said these words.

Although Yandi's flame healing effect is not to say, but if it is to rejuvenate a dying old man, it seems to be very difficult to do.

He remembered hearing from Dr. Oki before that he tried to let Emperor Yan spray flames on him to see if he could make himself a few years younger.

It's just the result of the final experiment. Apart from making Dr. Oki excited for a few days, it didn't have any good effect.

"After all, Vulcan Moth is not the legendary Phoenix King. There is no such thing as rebirth from Nirvana. You only have one life."

With his palms in his pockets, Akromar shook his head regretfully.

This Vulcan Moth not only reached the end of its lifespan, but all its organs and tissues were also exhausted and shrunk.

Thousands of years. No, at least 2,500 years of life is not something a vulcan moth can achieve.

Perhaps the "Sun God" who was abandoned in the ancient castle had already reached the end of his life, and should have died with the weathering of the sand and soil.

It seems that he is holding his last breath, guarding the depths of the ancient castle, waiting for the prayers of the believers, or is it a fierce battle with the challenger?

Xiaozhi's previous battle also let him completely blow away his last breath, and he was unable to recover.

"Vulcan Moth"

Xiaozhi half-kneeled in front of Vulcan Moth with some exhaustion, reaching out to touch the latter's dark head with a sad expression.

It should be as hot as a flame, but at this moment, the head is extremely cold to the touch.

And this Vulcan Moth, who had lived for an unknown number of years, also struggled to slowly raise its head, and looked at the human being in front of it with its blue eyes in the shape of cross pupils.

Is this the human being who finally fought it?

Thousands of years of life have made this vulcan moth extremely intelligent, and it is no different from the legendary Pokémon.

Being subdued by the elf ball also created a weak connection between Vulcan Moth and Xiaozhi.


Vulcan Moth let out a low cry, but soon lost its strength, and its head drooped, and Xiao Zhi quickly sat on the ground, letting the latter's head rest on his lap.

"I originally thought that you have been trapped here for so many years, and then I will take you to see the outside world. But you haven't seen it yet."

Vulcan Moth seemed to understand human language, blinked and stared at Xiaozhi.

This human being is somewhat similar to his former believer, but also somewhat different.

Obviously don't respect yourself, but you can feel the love conveyed by the other party?

Mingyi couldn't bear to watch this scene anymore, her eyes were red and she turned her head.

And Akromar put his hands in his pockets, his eyes were serious, as if he was making some decision.

Finally, Akromar spoke up.

"Perhaps, this Vulcan moth can still be saved."

As soon as these words came out, Xiaozhi and Mingyi looked at Akromar one after another, overjoyed.

This fanatical scientist would not have said such a thing without certainty.

"Mr. Akromar, how do you cure this Vulcan moth! No matter what secret medicine you need, I can help you find it!"

Xiaozhi immediately looked closely at Akromar, patted his chest and said.

As expected of Mr. Akromar, he is always so trustworthy!

Even Vulcan Moth, who was lying on the ground, seemed to have become more energetic, looking at this human with weird hair.

It's just that it knows its own body best.

I should have been buried with the surrounding sand long ago. It's just that as the sun god who was revered by countless people in ancient times, Vulcan Moth didn't want to die alone in this closed underground stone room, and no one cared about it.

At the very least, a grand battle should be used as the curtain call of my life!

Now that I want to prolong my life, it is simply a dream.

Thinking of this, Vulcan Moth's slightly refreshed eyes became dull again.

"Maybe we need to hurry up. Anyway, Xiao Zhi, you put away the Vulcan Moth first, let's go out first."

Hearing that there is still a way to save it, Xiaozhi got up quickly and put the dying Vulcan moth into the elf ball first.

On the other side, Akromar was already looking for a way out.

"Genesect, use Dig!!"

But he found a weak spot in the rock wall and directed the steel worm god to dig out.

After Genesect broke through the outer hard rock, the outside was the normal soil ground, until he dug a stone path close to five or six meters.


The gravel suddenly collapsed outward, and there was a hollow place in front of it.

They dug directly into the ancient secret road next to the ancient city!

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