He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2007 The Missing Beishang

"Um, Ms. Douzi. I don't have any thoughts about showbiz for the time being."

Mingyi laughed dryly, waved his hand and refused.

But the girl in front of me is only two years older than me at most, is she already the president of a company?

No wonder it looks very mature.

Mingyi was a little surprised.

Hearing this, the girl named Douzi was not depressed, instead she took a few steps closer and continued to promote her company hard.

"Don't refuse so quickly~ Our BW Arts Company is definitely the most professional company in the whole of Hezhong! My vision is also very accurate, you will definitely be popular."


Before Douzi finished speaking, something hit his head suddenly.

"Ah, it hurts so much! Who is it!"

With tears in her eyes, she turned her head angrily.

But just after seeing the person coming, Douzi's expression changed instantly, he stuck out his tongue, and quickly jumped to Mingyi's side.

She turned her head and looked at the sky, as if the previous things had nothing to do with her.

"During work, don't do private things!"

This is a man wearing a white-brown striped coat, white trousers, and a conductor's hat, with a serious face, and he is holding a knife in his hand.

Immediately, his tense face suddenly relaxed, and he couldn't help laughing:

"Are you talking about the most professional company in the Hezhong area? Hee hee~ The company is so mixed up that it is about to go bankrupt, and even the president has to come out to do part-time debt repayment in person. The most professional company~"

"Stop it, ahhh, stop it!!"

Hearing the other party's merciless exposure, Douzi blushed, covered his ears and shook his head, like an ostrich not wanting to hear these facts.

Finally, he glared at Nansha angrily, and ran back to the small pavilion in desperation.

Well, the operation of the company is just a little bit of a problem!

Although she did come to do a part-time job today, it was all out of interest, definitely not to make money to pay off debts!

In the small pavilion, Douzi was still making please gestures to Mingyi.

Don't go, wait for her to get off work, and then talk about work!

This made Xiaozhi and Mingyi a little dumbfounded. Could it be that the energetic girl who seems to be in a hurry is so miserable?

And the smiling man in a striped coat in front of him.

"This is the supervisor of the battle subway, Mr. Nanxia."

Douzi stretched out his palm and introduced weakly.

Nan Xia grinned at the corner of his mouth, and then gave Dou Zi a thumbs up.

His face was a little weird, his gray hair almost covered his cheeks, and he smiled like a robot.

But don't look at Nanxia's merciless debunking of Douzi, but the two have a good relationship, and Nanxia also provided this part-time beauty job.

There is almost no need to do anything all day, just stay in the small pavilion and stamp people.

But the salary is extraordinarily generous.

Although it is still a drop in the bucket to save a company that is on the verge of bankruptcy.

"Are you Mr. Nanxia! Please, please sign me!"

After seeing the celebrity, Mingyi committed another mistake, immediately took out the autograph book with high interest, and put it in front of Nansha.


Nan Xia nodded with a smile, and took the pen and paper to sign.

While eating Wanli's, Mingyi was still thinking about what was in the pot, and couldn't help asking tentatively:

"What about Mr. Beishang? Is he here too~?"

Nanxia and Beishang are a pair of twin brothers, they are both subway managers who are fighting against the subway, and they are also the final doubles opponents that challengers need to face, with strong strength.

However, compared to Nansha's cheerful personality, Beishang, who always wears a shabby black and brown coat, has a much more gloomy and serious personality.

Ming Yi knew the two of them very well, the two brothers were almost inseparable, maybe he could get the autographs of both of them at the same time today!

"Beishang, this."

But when it came to this, Nan Xia's playful expression sank, and he hesitated.

In the small pavilion next to it, Douzi subconsciously took over the words and said:

"Mr. Beishang has been missing for a month, and I'm worried about him too. Ah, I'm not going to let it slip!"

But halfway through the speech, she realized it and quickly covered her mouth.

"Hey, there's actually nothing to hide."

Nan Xia was not angry, but waved her hands helplessly.

His twin brother, Beishang, suddenly disappeared last month and is completely missing.

To avoid affecting the normal operation of the battle subway, the search for people is carried out in secret, and no one knows that Beishang has disappeared on the surface.

Now it seems that there is no way to hide it, and it is necessary to openly look for his brother.

"Ah, is Mr. Beishang missing?"

Mingyi opened his mouth wide, his expression full of worry.

No wonder in the past month, I haven't seen the two brothers appearing in front of the screen at the same time.

However, Nanxia didn't show the expected sadness, she just shook her head and forced a smile on her face.

"But it's not a big problem. My brother should be alive and well."

The two are twins, they grew up together, and they have a perfect understanding, although they don't have those magical telepathy

But the vague induction between each other still exists.

Although she doesn't know where Beishang is now, Nanxia can feel that her brother is still alive and well.

What I have to do now is to firmly guard the battle subway facilities before Beishang comes back.

"So this is ah."

Wen Yan Mingyi also heaved a sigh of relief, just now she had already imagined a lot of scenes of murder and throwing corpses.

"Hey, Xiaozhi and I originally wanted to challenge you to a doubles match with Mr. Beishang. It seems that now is not the time."

Originally, Mingyi wanted to have a battle with Nanxia and Beishang to cheer Xiaozhi up.

"In that case, Mingyi, we won't bother you anymore"

Xiaozhi waved his hand, but didn't force it.

"Xiaozhi? Where is Xiaozhi?"

And Douzi, who had been looking like a salted fish in the small pavilion, suddenly jumped up when he heard the keyword.

"Wait a minute wait a minute!"

She trotted out of the small pavilion in a hurry, ran to Xiaozhi, and took out a file.

"You are Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town? Is that Xiaozhi who has been the strongest rookie in the Kanto region in the past two years?!"

Saying that, Douzi held up the document to Xiaozhi's face, and compared it carefully.

There is Xiaozhi's detailed resume on it, as well as a photo of holding a trophy at the Lily of the Valley Conference.

Although the clothes and hats are different, the faces are indeed the same.

Douzi glanced at Pikachu on his shoulder again.

"Ahh! It's really Xiaozhi! I didn't expect to see you here!!"

After fully confirming, Douzi threw away the document directly, and took the initiative to hold Xiaozhi's palm with excitement, shaking it constantly.

All my attention was on Mingyi just now, and I almost missed the ultimate big fish behind!

(To explain, in the original work, Bei Shang traveled to Xicui area.)

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