He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2017 If you go whoring for free, it seems not bad?

"Little color horse, have you taken a fancy to the beautiful little girl?"

Xiao Ju'er patted the zebra's head angrily, but the zebra was not interrupted, and still rubbed Mingyi's side intimately.

"It looks like you are in love with Mingyi?"

Xiaozhi rubbed his chin, thoughtfully.

This phenomenon does exist, and Pokémon naturally develops a good impression of a certain human being.

Of course, it is also possible that Pokémon is also part of the Appearance Association.

Seeing this, Xiao Ju'er could only smile helplessly, then rubbed the head of this zebra, and then turned to look at her thunder zebra.

This little zebra is the child of his Thunder zebra, and it didn't take long to hatch from the egg.

Strictly speaking, it is not his own Pokémon.

Seeing her lightning zebra nodding, Xiaoju'er looked at Mingyi and said:

"Since you like Xiao Mingyi so much, Xiao Mingyi, can I ask you to take good care of this child?"

Wen Yan Mingyi's face was startled, subconsciously waved his hand, and quickly refused.

"This is Miss Xiaoju'er's Pokémon, how can you give it to me?"

But Xiao Ju'er just smiled and shook her head.

She is not an egg hatching party, she will open a box of Pokémon eggs to pick the best offspring.

This zebra is just a beautiful misunderstanding of Thunder Zebra.

I don't know which wild horse on the side of the road gave it to the arch!

Xiao Ju'er didn't intend to raise two identical Pokémon at the same time. She originally planned to find a suitable trainer among the models in Leiwen Gym.

There is no need to look for it now, but there is a candidate.

After listening to the explanation, Mingyi also heaved a sigh of relief, looking at the cute little zebra who still refused to leave, his eyes gradually brightened.

There is also the handsome and tall thunder zebra next to it. In the future, can I sit on it gracefully like Miss Xiao Ju'er?

Or gallop like lightning?

"Since it likes you so much. Subdue it, Mingyi!"

Xiaozhi also patted Mingyi on the shoulder, and said.

However, a strange thought suddenly popped up in my heart.


Have you tamed more and more riding Pokémon recently?

Hayock, the four-season deer, now has a zebra

When these three Pokémon evolve to their final form, they are all animal-type Pokémon with four limbs stepping on the ground. They are of suitable size and are good choices for riding partners.

Oh, and water otters.

Although the second stage of evolution of the otter, the double-edged pill, looks like an upright warrior. But the final evolution of the great sword ghost has become a beast-like elf with four feet on the ground.

In the end, Mingyi will not form a riding team, will he?

Encouraged by the surrounding people, Mingyi nodded heavily, and approached the zebra on his own initiative.


He raised his hand to stroke the zebra's head, the seemingly spiky white fur immediately turned into soft soft fur when it touched the palm, and a blue electric arc was slightly stirred up on it.

However, the arc does not sting, but instead gives people a feeling of shock like a massage.

"Zebra, do you want to travel with me?"

Mingyi took out a blank poke ball, this action immediately made the little zebra excited, and after a few jumps in place, the horse's mouth hit the poke ball.

call out.!

The elf ball opened, sucked it into it, and stopped after a while.

Zebra, successfully tamed! !

"Zebra, my fourth Pokémon~!"

Mingyi tightly held the elf ball in his hand, his face was ruddy, and his pretty face was full of excitement.

But besides being excited, I also felt a little weird.

Yesterday's match against the subway, I didn't do anything, just watched the show behind. As a result, Little York evolved!

Today is also the same, I walked around the Lei Wen gymnasium.

He even tamed a zebra! ?

However, this feeling of whoring for nothing seems surprisingly good?

The next day, today's Douzi did not act with Xiaozhi.

Two big fish came at once, she has been quite busy these days.

As for cooperation

"Mr. Xiaozhi, you don't need to deliberately do anything, just travel normally and it's over. Leave the rest to me. I'm a professional~!"

Before parting yesterday, Douzi repeated confidently again.

This made Xiaozhi a little creepy, and when he just walked out of the elf center, he looked around at the surrounding street pedestrians.

Do you always feel that Douzi is hiding around, always ready to take pictures?

"Let's go, let's go to Akromar's laboratory~!"

Mingyi next to him didn't know what to do, he just hummed a little song and said cheerfully.

There was a communication from Akromar this morning, saying they could go there.

After three days of rescue, Vulcan Moth's life was temporarily saved, and Akromar was relieved.

"Let's go!"

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi was also full of energy, and hurriedly walked along the address given by Akromar.

Akromar's laboratory is located in the northeast corner of Raven City. There are not many functional buildings here. Most of them are residential houses, which will not be too noisy.

And the location in the city center is also a music hall and a ball game arena, so the sound is extremely loud.

When Xiaozhi and the two arrived at the destination, they saw a large private research institute in front of them, and there was no name at the door.

The gate of the outermost fence was locked tightly, and there were two humanoid Pokémon carrying steel bars, squatting on both sides of the gate.

It looked fierce, standing there like a security guard, as if it would throw the steel bars in its hands directly at the trespassers at any time.

Inside is a square off-white building with only one floor.

"Beep beep! Iron-bone soil man, fighting attribute, evolutionary type of porter, used to carrying I-shaped steel bars to exercise, likes to show off his well-trained muscles and show off to his peers, is the most common laborer in the Hezhong area~ !"

Rotom broadcasts reports automatically.

It happened to be the previous state of the old construction craftsman that Maeda had only seen.

But after evolution, the hard steel bars became stone pillars, why did Xiao Zhi feel that he was going backwards instead?



Seeing Xiaozhi and the two of them staring at the door, the two small workers waved the long steel bars in their hands, ready to disperse them.


But at this time, there was a coughing sound from behind.

Although they didn't turn their heads, the two iron-bone natives were very familiar with the voice. They immediately put away their fierce expressions, placed the steel bars vertically on one side of their bodies, and bowed and nodded respectfully.

As for the visitor

Naturally, it was Akromar, who was still wearing a high-tech researcher's gown, neatly combed short blond hair draped back, and blue satellite bangs looked very eye-catching.

"Mr. Akromar~!"

Seeing the person coming, Xiaozhi and Mingyi looked happy, greeted each other and walked forward.

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