He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2051 Akromar is out!

The days of special training pass day by day

Around the early morning of the fifteenth day, when Xiaozhi stretched out and walked out of the room, he found that the door opposite was open.

"Hey, is Mister Akromar out of customs?"

Xiaozhi regained his energy all of a sudden, and walked down the stairs quickly.

Sure enough, at the dining table in the hall of the villa, I saw a familiar man with a satellite head enjoying his breakfast elegantly.

Of course, Xiaoxia, Mingyi, and Kona are also nearby, chatting with each other.

Even Rotom, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, was leaning on the table for magnetic charging, and it seemed that he had entered Mr. Akromar's room.

"Yo~ Mr. Akromar, you finally came out!"

Xiaozhi walked in in surprise and said hello, then grabbed a piece of bread with one hand, dragged the bread with the other hand, and was about to walk out of the villa.

"Did something happen?"

Akromar let Xiaozhi drag him in a daze, not knowing what was going on.

He also just finished his research, and was about to introduce to everyone the great invention he had spent fifteen days studying.

This time, it was an incredible invention that could overturn the world!

And each room in the villa is equipped with a separate wash room, even if the door is closed all the time, there is no need to worry about becoming a smelly savage.

However, after fifteen days of busy work, although Akromar was neatly dressed, the satellite bangs on his head still looked a bit wilted.

Until the two came outside the villa together, they saw the crimson figure sitting on the reef by the coast, silently looking at the sea from a distance.

"Wait, you released Genesect?!"

"Beep! I didn't witness Loto!"

This time, both Akromar and Rotom became spiritual at the same time.


Akromar even immediately released two purple-brown Genesects with muscle memory, one on the left and one on the right as guards, and his expression suddenly became tense and serious.

That heterochromatic Genesect is absolutely dangerous!

Sensing someone approaching, Genesect also turned his head, especially after seeing two of the same kind, his eyes instantly became blood red and brightened.

"Jie Jie!"

It jumped up, flew across tens of meters and landed directly in front of everyone, and instantly entered a state of attack and anger.

The two sharp claws of the insect limbs were raised, and the tearing claws were ready to go.

"Jie Sa!!"

He even yelled at two of the same kind, but he didn't get any response for a long time.

These two Genesects, whose minds are controlled by the Akromar machine, are like puppets, only obeying Akromar's command.

The ultra-high intelligence also made the heterochromatic Genesect instantly understand this, and his anger rose again.

"Genesect, prepare to use the high-tech light cannon!"

Akromar also looked tense, and quickly controlled the instrument in his hand, about to suppress and strike the opponent.

When the situation was tense, Xiaozhi suddenly stood in the middle of the two camps.

"Wait a minute, it's all our own people!!"

"Xiaozhi, come here quickly, this guy doesn't know what it means to be his own."

Akromar looked anxious, and quickly reminded.

In his heart, he was a little annoyed at how Xiaozhi put this dangerous guy outside so easily.


As for the crimson Genesect, when he saw Xiaozhi, his fierce aura suddenly disappeared, and the red light in his eyes flickered.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi heaved a sigh of relief, and while signaling Akromar to stop manipulating Genesect to attack, he turned his head to look at the latter.

"Don't worry, we're all on our own. Mr. Akromar was invited by me to repair the fort for you."

Hearing this, the aura of the red steel worm god was indeed decreasing bit by bit.

In fact, Xiaozhi still has great confidence in the latter's temper.

For the past fifteen days, Genesect has been watching him and the group of Pokémon training quietly, seeming to be quite concerned.

Sometimes Xiaoxia and Mingyi would boldly stand directly behind each other, and Genesect never showed any intention of attacking.

And for the past fifteen days, Xiaozhi will talk to him with the A button every day, increasing his favorability little by little.

At the beginning, he relied on this trick to gain good impressions for several months, and successfully became a partner with the fierce fossil pterosaur in Dr. Damu's backyard.

After getting rid of the opponent's initial violent temper, he is quite familiar with the next process.

Akromar: "?"

However, this scene stunned the genius scientist.

Has he retreated for too long? Is it the stage of complete taming now? !

Every time it wakes up, it destroys and blows up the base of the plasma team, and unleashes wild firepower to straf the ancient world destroyer, just like that is solved.

Wait a minute, what does repair mean?

It was only then that Akromar noticed that there was a broken cannon on the beach behind the Genesect.

Because I was too nervous, I didn't notice it at first.

Looking at it again this time, it turns out that Genesect's body has become very slender at this moment, only an insect torso is left, and the big cannon on his back is gone!

Xiaozhi scratched his head, and looked at Akromar with some embarrassment:

"Uh, I accidentally broke off that turret last time. Can you see if it can be re-welded?"

This should be the traditional electrician category, right?

Akromar: "???"

His bewildered expression became more and more exaggerated.

Did my ears hear correctly, the fort was broken off?

Like breaking a biscuit, breaking it off with your hands?

You must know that Acromar has invested exaggerated funds and efforts in this strange-colored Genesect, and the metal materials in his body are more expensive and luxurious than the other four Muggle seedlings combined!

In return, it is naturally an indestructible armored body.

Then the fort was broken off?

Akromar shook his head vigorously, is my consciousness still in the aftereffect period of that machine?

You must know that he once got up quietly in the middle of the night, and secretly checked the body of Xiaozhi who was sleeping soundly.

It's a pretty solid body, and the muscle density is at the upper-middle level, there's nothing too surprising

"Could it be, is it because of the incredible waveguide power?"

Akromar thought in his heart, but naturally he didn't associate it with the brute force of a super true rookie.

Temporarily stabilized the atmosphere, Akromar also stopped directing the two Genesects to attack but still commanded, carefully guarding by his side.

"Jie Jie"

Seeing this man arbitrarily driving his companion like a puppet, the strange-colored Genesect was somewhat angry.

There is still part of the memory in my mind, this satellite head human being seems to be his own creator.?

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