He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2053 Rotom: Have I been dismantled twice? !

"Yes, I am the key Loto~!"

It sounded like it should be a compliment, and Rotom immediately flew around happily, showing a smug expression on the screen.

"Rotom is the key.?"

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes, somehow this machine has something to do with his illustration book again.

Akromar pushed his glasses and explained slowly.

In fact, it is not too difficult to develop the equipment of the simulator itself. At most, it is just the design of some simulation algorithm structures. The difficulty lies in the acquisition of initial data.

Same person, different past experiences, backgrounds, traits

Akromar does not intend to generate these things randomly, but hopes that these things are real data that exists in itself.

This reminded him that when he was still at Suanmu Ranch, when he first met Xiaozhi, Rotom directly called out his identity information.

Even for many people I met later, Rotom automatically popped up messages.

Even the inner thoughts that a person has never mentioned outside.

Rotom read out such data directly.

What is hidden in the database in this machine? !

The most important thing is that most of these intelligence data are consistent.

But some of them are different, and there are even future intelligence that never happened.

"According to my two disassembly inspections of the Rotom illustration book, I found that these data, which should be very scientific, actually exist in a form that is quite metaphysical and difficult to explain by science."

And this part of the data is completely connected with the illustrated book.

Even if I try to replace Rotom with the Rotom I just conquered, I plan to use the control variable method to eliminate one factor first.

But the experiment failed, as if welded to death by electric welding, Rotom was bound to the illustrated book.

At least in the case of non-Rotom taking the initiative, they cannot be separated at all.


Akromar's words made Rotom tremble, and a look of panic appeared on the screen.

Wait a minute, I've already been dismantled?

You want to kick me out of the illustrated book and let that Muggle Rotom take my place?

How come I don't know about these things? !

And it was dismantled twice? !

"Is it because of Zekrom's lightning strike?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi thought inwardly that Rotom was fine not long ago, since he was slashed by Zekrom once, he has completely released himself and returned to his original heart.

Akromar didn't care about Rotom's shock.

It was disassembled immediately, and when it was put back together, there were no extra screw parts. His disassembly and restoration methods are very professional.

And not to mention the illustration book, even Xiaozhi's body, he has quietly checked it at night

These are not the point.

In summary, Akromar made a bold guess.

"Rotom may contain information about parallel worlds!"

In this world, his identity information has not been exposed at all, and it is absolutely impossible for Rotom to know his information

So maybe the information that Rotom read at that time was actually the information of "self" in another world?

"Is that so?"

Suddenly hearing Akromar's astonishing deduction, Xiao Zhi stroked his chin and fell into deep thought.

Seems to make sense?

He is the one who listens to Rotom talking the most, including the past illustrations.

In the past, the information about the characters blurted out in the illustrated book is indeed a bit strange when you think about it.

The illustration book was originally received from Dr. Oki, but Dr. Oki did not check anything unusual, it is of normal quality.

And the clues of "making trouble" first appeared in the illustrated book, it seems that it happened after he met Brother Chi on the first day of his trip?

And as far as he knows, Xiaomao's illustrated book seems to be a little weird.

If it is really according to what Mr. Akromar said, it seems to make sense?

Because of the arrival of the soul from another world, they were all mixed together, so the illustrated book mutated.

"Beep! Beep!!"

And in mid-air, Rotom was still flying around like a headless chicken, not completely getting out of the bad news of his being dismantled.

Is its body already unclean?

The circuit board has been completely exposed to the eyes of others.

"Anyway, these are just an introduction to the background of this instrument. Next, let's focus on how to use it~!" At this time, Akromar suddenly reached out and grabbed Rotom in the air.

"Beep! What are you doing?"

Rotom struggled immediately, but it was completely scum in the form of the illustrated book, and Akromar made a gesture to insert it into a slot on the top of the instrument.

"Wait a minute, no Lotto is allowed there!"


With the sound of a crisp card slot being inserted, Rotom suddenly stopped struggling.


The bottom socket was completely filled, and Rotom's screen showed an expression of enjoyment.

Sure enough, magnetic charging on the back and unlimited Bluetooth data transmission are all regressive inventions!

It hasn't used the socket at the bottom of it for a long time, and the traditional wired connection is really the most fragrant!

Xiaozhi: "."

It's just an ordinary charging operation, why do you always feel something weird?

"Mr. Akromar, this is?"

"Since I can't extract the data in Rotom's body, every time I use this machine, I must rely on Rotom's real-time help and data support."

Akromar shrugged helplessly and said.


And with the insertion of Rotom, the one-meter-high mainframe began to vibrate, and even the sound of the high-speed rotating fan inside could be heard.

And Akromar also took out two VR headsets from the back of the instrument, with a long cable trailing behind them, connecting them with the instrument.

"As for how to use it, it's actually very simple. Plug in the Rotom machine and it will start, and then wear this device, with its own hypnotic effect, you can start to build and simulate a brand new life in the target's brain."

"A life that actually happened!"

Akromar emphasized again.

It sounds like it’s just a fresh picture, just for fun

But it is of great significance to see a real life that is the same but different!

For a scholar or scientist, it may be possible to obtain different breakthroughs and innovations from the "other self".

Even for an ordinary trainer, he can improve and increase his own strength from the fighting style of his "other self".

"Then I'll come first!"

Xiaozhi immediately grabbed a vr device excitedly, and was about to wear it on his head.

His idea is very simple, he just wants to see what his other life is like!

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