He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2059 Is the other me so miserable?

[In the semi-finals, your opponent is the mysterious Dakdo. 】

[The opponent took out the legendary Pokémon in a row, and played two against six, causing you to lose miserably, and finally fell on the road to the semi-finals. 】

【Your journey to the Sinnoh Alliance is over this time, and your strength is still growing slowly. 】

The next scene was similar to what Xiaozhi expected.

Facing this beast man Dakdo who suddenly came out, he also dispatched the same carload of beasts to contend with and defeat him.

If all of them use normal Pokémon to fight.

Although it can be defeated, it still needs a good fight.

So for this "Little Wisdom", Dakdo is an existence at the level of ghosts and gods.

Boom! Boom!

Dakdo's nightmare god shot a child, and easily harvested the head of "Xiaozhi".

However, in the state of full blood, the Nightmare God was instantly killed by the Lizard King's Leaf Blade.

"Have you hit the nail on the head?"

Xiaozhi was a little surprised, after all, this Nightmare God had just passed the dream eating, and his physical strength should be full.

And then Latios, who was sent by Dakoto, shot a child again.

Being a beast man is indeed addictive, he can see Dakota laughing wildly behind him.

In the end, under Pikachu's vigorous counterattack, he barely died with Latios, and this tragic semi-final officially came to an end.

"It's really outrageous."

Watching the battle from a third perspective, Xiaozhi couldn't help complaining.

This "Xiaozhi" was forcibly blocked from winning the conference again!

After all, he was the only one who defeated Dakdo's two Pokémon in the entire Lily of the Valley Conference

It stands to reason that if there is no such a beast man who descended from the sky, he should just win the championship casually.

"Is there really no one doing something malicious?"

Xiaozhi frowned deeply. He has been the winner of the Silver Conference since the beginning, so he doesn't care about this award.

But this "Little Wisdom" from another world, who has already qualified to win the championship since the Silver Conference, has passed three regions in a row, and the highest score is only the top 4?

Full of malice!

Although it's not him, Xiaozhi wants to scold others for his other self.

"Okay, I'm not in a hurry."

Xiaozhi shook his head, he couldn't win the championship in the Lily of the Valley Conference, so he endured it

Next is the Hezhong area, right?

In the later period of Fangyuan, this "little wisdom" entered the stage of the heavenly king for the first time, and Sinnoh was regarded as the first entry into the stage of the heavenly king Xiaoyuan

Who else can stand in the way of the next United Alliance conference?

This time, there won't be another beast man, right?

Sure enough, the simulator then went to the stage of traveling in the Hezhong area.

[You who are still ten years old, this time came to travel in the Hezhong area. 】

【Along the way, you met Alice, the girl of the dragon, and Tiantong, the Pokémon bartender of Sanyao Gym, and the three of them traveled together. 】

This is the plot he is currently going on, and Xiaozhi immediately cheered up.

Although there is a huge difference between him and another Xiaozhi in the small plot.

The plots in the Kanto and Johto areas are similar.

But the further you get to the back, the greater the difference. When you arrive in the Hezhong area, it can be said that it is a completely different world.

"Alice and Tiantong?"

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes. Alice is a dark-skinned spiritual girl, like a forest savage, who can even swing forward by pulling the jungle vines

Well, I don't know.

But if Tiantong

"San Yao Gym, is Mr. Cohen's brother?"

Xiaozhi remembered that when he was at Suanmu Ranch, Cohen almost became his travel partner.

The current self has completely lost interest in the alliance conference, and after coming to the Hezhong area, he didn't check the local gymnasium owner much.

But this "Xiaozhi" has no champion yet.

So the plot is still very repetitive, it is still the old way of challenging gyms, collecting badges, and challenging alliance conferences.

Just when he thought that this time, "Xiaozhi" would finally be unstoppable and kill randomly in the Hezhong area, the first step made him dumbfounded.

[You are in Luzi Town, seeing Emperor Xiu for the first time. 】

[He is a newcomer trainer, he has just received the initial Pokémon Vine Snake, he has an arrogant attitude, and looks down on you. 】

【So you decided to teach him a lesson and challenge him one-on-one. 】

[In the end, you were defeated by a novice trainer. Your strength seems to be completely wiped out. 】

Xiaozhi: "."

He was completely dumbfounded.

Although the other Pokémon are placed in the backyard, only Pikachu is brought.

But this Pikachu also defeated the Ice God Pillar, Latios' god mouse, and was killed by a vine snake that had just been taken out?

You must know that this Pikachu has not been "cut with a knife"!

And even if it is temporarily unable to release lightning due to Zekrom

But with a flash of lightning, Iron Tail can be used!

Xiaozhi held his temples subconsciously, and his brain was a little dizzy.

In front of the Yoshien area and the Sinnoh area, although the progress is slow, the level is still maintained at any rate.

This time in the Hezhong area, is it because the environment is not acclimatized? Why is this "Little Wisdom" completely cleared? !

This made Xiaozhi suddenly have a bad feeling.

After finally reaching the top 4 results, this time the Hezhong Conference will not be cleared again, and we will start all over again, right?

"Could it be that this Pikachu has also started acting?"

Xiaozhi stared closely at the screen, trying to find the flaws of this Pikachu.

But in the next match against the club, this "Little Wisdom" once again faced Emperor Xiu.

Unsurprisingly, he was killed again.

Xiaozhi shook his head vigorously, now he doesn't want to watch anymore.

How about interrupting the simulation first?

It is simply a live broadcast of a large-scale persecution of the main character!

He has also seen that rookie trainer, Emperor Xiu, in real life. He is just a little clever. Is it so difficult to deal with? !

And "Little Wisdom", who was originally in Fangyuan and Shenao, gradually showed a mature appearance.

When he arrived in the Hezhong area, his behavioral level and so on, he turned back into a cute new baby.

Even Alice, who was in the team, couldn't help ridiculing again and again.

"It turns out that Xiaozhi in another world is living in such a miserable life?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help mourning for his other self.

After watching the whole thing, Xiaozhi knows that the other party is also a sincere person who loves Pokémon wholeheartedly and can protect Pokémon with his life.

Someone is really targeting it maliciously!

The problem is that in the later conference called "Dong George Battle", Xiudi, who was not so powerful before, was eliminated directly in the top 16.

And "Xiaozhi" made it all the way to the final, but lost to his partner Alice in the last step.

Anyway, it doesn't give you the win.

"How do you feel that at this stage, strength and so on are completely chaotic?"

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