He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2067 Mr. Akroma, you need to grow up~

After listening to the story of Xiaozhi and Chi's encounter, it was Mingyi's turn to widen her eyes in disbelief.

Is this some fantasy story?

"Not only Xiaozhi, but also Xiaomao and Xiaolan. These are friends who grew up with Xiaozhi."

Xiaoxia also added on the side.

"Xiao Lan?"

Mingyi blinked, it sounded like a girl's name.

If you grow up with Xiaozhi, are you childhood sweethearts?

"It's not important about Xiaolan. The important thing is that there are people like me in this world."

Xiaozhi said seriously.

There are also Akin and others in the Johto area, in the Yoshien area, and in the Sinnoh area.

"When I first came to the Hezhong area, I met a similar person. He was an international patrolman named Hei"

Before Xiaozhi finished speaking, he quickly stopped talking.

He promised Heici that he would not reveal his identity.

"International Patrol?"

Hearing this word, Mingyi immediately recalled a certain memory fragment in the Acromar simulator, as if he was handcuffed by a young senior patrolman?

"In short, I now suspect that you may be such an existence, and you have a connection with yourself in another world."

Mingyi rubbed his temples inexplicably.

"Hey~ But I didn't feel that there was an old grandfather in my body."

"It doesn't have to be the old man, it could also be a memory, a kind of ability. Anyway, it's all kinds of things, it's all possible."

Xiaozhi interrupted.

After all, in the Sinnoh region, Mingyao even crossed directly from the Xicui region.

He won't be surprised by any other form of contact now.

"What I'm saying now seems to be just a little smarter, knowing some cold knowledge, and I don't feel any difference."

Mingyi tried to sum up the answer.

This made Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia look at each other.

Perhaps Mingyi's ability is simply the acquisition of rich knowledge of another world?

Or maybe, haven't fully awakened yet?

"In short, this should be a good thing, don't panic, let everything take its course."

After thinking unsuccessfully, Xiao Zhi could only pat the latter on the shoulder, and suggested in a tone of someone who has experienced it:

"Try to integrate this knowledge and make it your own strength."

After Mingyi completely digested these secrets, she gradually recovered her expression and clenched her fists secretly.

"I see."

That's right, I originally wanted to work hard to become stronger, to become someone worthy of standing next to Xiaozhi, and not to hold back my partner.

Although I don't know this precious and rare knowledge, why did it appear in my mind?

Now that it's out there, take advantage of it!

Seeing this, Xiaozhi also heaved a sigh of relief. Anyway, things are going in a good direction.

It was just waiting until night, when the few people who had been out in the sun all day returned to the villa hungry, ready to eat and rest.

Master Kona also came back from the villa next door.

When the few people just walked to the door, they all frowned.

In the air, there is a strong smell of alcohol?

"Is anyone drinking?"

Xiaozhi was a little surprised, and hurried into the villa.

But he saw that the sofa in the hall was already filled with wheat juice bottles, piled up in a random staggered manner.

There were even a few wine bottles that fell to the ground, and some unfinished wheat juice flowed out from the mouth of the bottles, making the floor of the whole hall look sloppy and damp.

And Akromar fell into the pile of wine bottles.

Gulu Gulu!

Even when he was drunk, he would subconsciously pour alcohol into his mouth.

Xiaoxia and Kona are okay, but they saw a drunk scientist.

But Xiaozhi and Mingyi changed their colors.

Mr. Akromar, actually drunk?

You must know that when traveling before, Akromar once said that he does not like alcohol, which will affect his smart brain judgment.

Moreover, Akromar, who has always loved cleanliness and faintly has obsessive-compulsive disorder and cleanliness disorder, is now lying in the pile of wine bottles, and his clean and tidy clothes have become wet, stained with traces of alcohol.

His face was also dirty, and he looked devastated.

The blond hair on the top of his head, which was combed neatly every day, became frizzy and scattered, and the iconic blue satellite hair was completely wilted and hung over his face.

"I am not a scientist!! Science is dead!!"

"My brain can no longer design a qualified instrument!"

While drinking, Akromar was still yelling indiscriminately.

Seeing Xiaozhi and the others coming in, he even got up staggeringly, and said in surprise:

"Xiaozhi, I seem to have found a new way out! How about I find a gangster in the future and become their accountant~"

"My brain is rotten, but it should be okay to settle accounts~"

"Yes, how about looking for Team Plasma and laundering money for them!?"

Seeing that Akromar was talking nonsense and almost fell, Xiao Zhi hurriedly stepped forward to help him.

Didn't expect that just one machine would deal such a big blow?

"Hey! Mr. Akromar, your machine is fine, the problem is actually my brain!"

Mingyi hastily opened his mouth and said.

It seemed that it was because of her problems that Akromar, who was always neat and tidy, turned into a sloppy drunk.

"Oh~ Mingyi, is your brain broken too~ That's a coincidence~ Let's go to the plasma team to eat and drink together~!"

Akroma hiccupped, and then held the wine bottle with one hand, and was about to drag Mingyi out with the other hand.

"Don't run around, Mr. Acromar."

Xiaozhi hurried forward, trying to calm him down first.

It seems that solving Mingyi's problem is not enough, there is still a big problem waiting for him.

"Leave this person to me."

But at this moment, Kona suddenly spoke up.

"Miss Cora."

Seeing Xiaozhi Mingyi's puzzled look, Ke Na smiled and said:

"Alcoholism or something, this is something an adult would do, leave it to me, an adult, to deal with it~"

"Take it as a thank you gift for using the simulator that time, and let me see a different me~"

After enjoying the life of a "villain Kona", Kona is still in a very good mood.

"Come out, Miss Lips~"

As he said that, Kona released Miss Lips, whose eyes glowed with a hypnotic light, directly hypnotizing Akromar.

call out.!

Immediately, a burst of mental power was released, and Akromar was suspended and dragged to the top of Kona's head.

"Although Mr. Akroma is a genius scientist, his mind is still immature. Such a boy needs to grow up~"

Kona blinked at several people, showing a charming smile:

"In short, I will take him to grow up~"

"Don't worry, Bonnie and I are very experienced in this aspect~"

Even that Miss Lips gave them a wink, as if to say that she is also very experienced.

Saying that, they left the villa one after the other, dragging the drunken Akromar in the air

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