He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2286 Suicune? Undulating water!

After all, in Pokémon battles, most of the boost effects are cast by oneself.

The negative effect is given by the opponent...

It is completely possible to use the anti-tune feature to produce unexpected effects!

"And the leaf vine snake seems to be able to control the flying leaf storm, right?"

Xiaozhi instantly thought of the Flying Leaf Storm move that Ye Vine Snake was practicing recently. This is a move that will reduce its own special attack after use. The more you use it, the weaker it becomes...

But with the support of the characteristic of singing a different tune, the power of the flying leaf storm will become more and more terrifying!

"Quickly check Rotom, what other moves that Leaf Vine Snake can use to reduce its ability!"

Xiaozhi immediately became excited and urged.

These moves, combined with Yevine Snake's calm fighting thinking, will be an incredible killer!

"Beep beep! It seems... there is no Lotor?"

However, Rotom searched for a while, but did not give Xiaozhi a satisfactory answer.

"Is it gone..."

This made Xiaozhi frowned suddenly, feeling very sorry.

"There is no perfect Pokémon in the world...Since it has such excellent characteristics, it will naturally be cut in terms of skills."

Next to him, Kona, as an old Jianghu, smiled and expressed his essence.

It really allows the leaf vine snake to master a few more skills similar to the flying leaf storm...

Then there is no need to play other Pokémon, just watch the Yevine Snake fight.

"No, at least there is another trick!"

But Xiaozhi's eyes lit up quickly, and he slapped the table to get up.

Dragon attribute big move, meteor swarm!

"Uh, the leaf vine snake, or the monarch snake can control the meteor group?"

Akromar rubbed his chin with a strange expression, thinking about it in his mind.

"Beep! Ye Vine Snake's family can't master Meteor Swarm Luoto 100%!"

Rotom gave an affirmative answer.

However, Xiaozhi just shook his fingers and showed a confident smile.

On this point, when he was traveling in the Shen'ao area, he had already reached a conclusion with Xiaoguang.

Each Pokémon has a skill pool that can be mastered by the corresponding race, and if you want to master moves other than the skill pool, even if the attributes and body organs match each other, it will be very difficult to master.

However, it is not impossible to master!

"Ye Vine Snake has now mastered the two dragon-attribute moves of Tornado and Dragon Tail...then it is not impossible to master Meteor Swarm in the future!"

Xiao Zhi secretly made up his mind that after Ye Vine Snake completed the training of Flying Leaf Storm, he would start to practice Meteor Swarm!

Then it's time to find some dragon-type treasures for her, and make up for it...

He does have a dragon slate, which is left unused at home as a brick, and he can ask Dr. Oki to send it over for a try.

Also, the black cracked empty seat once left him a black dragon scale, and it will be used as a prop for the leaf vine snake temporarily, right?

While thinking about the plan, Xiaozhi looked out the window. At this moment, the vine snake had jumped onto the eaves of the villa, looking very withdrawn and out of place.

"Uh, does this feature also affect the personality? This is not easy to handle..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help frowning again, it's hard to communicate like this.

"It's not a big problem. Generally, this kind of eccentricity will only intensify during the period of the leaf vine snake... After it evolves into a monarch snake, the latter can rely on strong willpower to completely suppress this emotion. Retains the beneficial effect of the trait."

Mingyi said with a smile, making Xiaozhi heave a sigh of relief.

So is it just a temporary rebellious period? This is not a big problem.

"Beep! Why do you know more than me, Mingyi!? And I don't have any of these materials!


However, Mingyi's sophistication and profound knowledge suddenly made Rotom anxious, and everyone flew around their heads.

In its database, there are only introductions to the most basic features of the anti-tune!

In the future, Mingyi will take over the scenes, so there will be no scenes for it? !

"How about I dismantle you and put something on for you~?"

Akromar pushed his glasses, and suddenly looked at Rotom with kindness.

This made the latter shiver suddenly, and the CPU temperature dropped sharply.

However, before Rotom could answer, Akromar put away his expression and shrugged his shoulders:

"By the way, I don't seem to need to ask for your opinion, I can tear it down anytime I want..."

Rotom: "..."

Yes, I seem to have been dismantled twice, and the circuit boards have been seen...?!


The practice in Ripple Town is still going on.

After confirming Ye Vine Snake's training direction, Xiaozhi worked harder on training.

Seeing that Ye Vine Snake seems to have been appointed as the trump card in the Hezhong team, it also made other Pokémon who refused to admit defeat step up their training and prepare to take the position of carrying the banner by themselves.

"Stir fry..."

Stir-fried pigs are an exception. It is absolutely beautiful for the leaf vine snake to become the trump card, and the power of the vine whip will definitely be even more exciting in the future.

No, it is a powerful whipping trick!

And in this way, I don't need to exercise at 300% strength every day, right?

"Give up drinking!"

However, Mr. Abandoned Monkey, who was wearing sunglasses, didn't care about these things, and started a new round of draining training while twisting fried fried pigs.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with me who will carry the banner in the end of this group of newcomers...

It is the predecessor of the first generation, and the opponent should be that electric mouse!

"Give up drinking!"

But this also made Abandoned Monkey feel a bit aggrieved, thinking that when they met for the first time, Pikachu was a Muggle electric mouse, and it punched one by one.

How come after meeting again now, this electric mouse seems to have changed its fate against the sky, and its strength has reached such a point? !

Where can I buy this hanging! ?

Damn it, it's obvious that I'm exercising to the limit every day!

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, which made the Sacrifice Monkey vent his anger on Chaochaozhu.

"Give up drinking!"

Today is a 500% workout!

"Stir fry...!?"

This made Chaochao Pig's face darken, and he almost fainted...


However, Xiaozhi and the others are not exercising at high intensity every day.

Today, Xiaozhi put away a group of Pokémon and did not carry out daily exercise.

He, Xiaoxia and Mingyi ride on Xiaoxia's Chenglong and sail leisurely on the sea.

Today they plan to travel to Boshi, Qinghai, a seaside city northeast of Lianyi Town.

This city is independent from the entire Hezhong continental plate. It is an island city, and even has a very peculiar architectural landscape of wooden houses on the sea.

The Qinghai Wave Gym in Wave City, Qinghai is also their goal this time.

Also as a water attribute gym, Xiaoxia is going to have a friendly exchange with this gym.


The speed of the dragon parade was not fast, which made this trip very leisurely. Xiaozhi somewhat recalled the trip to the Orange Islands.

But today Xiaoxia is very excited, staring at her mobile phone, which seems to be a live broadcast of a press conference.

The supporter of the press conference, Xiaozhi met once when he was traveling in Chengdu, and it was that Shuijun idiot—Mr. Shuijing.

As for the contents of this conference...

"Everyone, as we all know, I have been following the trail of Suicune!"

On the press conference stage, Shui Jing, dressed in formal attire, looked excited and slammed the table.

"Not long ago, I found a Suicune... No, it's a special Suicune!"

"It has a similar but completely different appearance to Suicune, like a dinosaur beast with a strong sense of wild beauty!"

"I named this special Suicune the Undulating Water!"

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