He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2288 Huche and Qinghai Bodaoguan!

After nearly 2 hours of sailing, Xiaozhi can already see an island in the distance...

Qinghai wave city!

This is the island city in the northeast corner of the Hezhong area.

After landing from a beach, Xiaoxia raised her hand and rubbed Chenglong's head.

Since there is no perpetual motion feature that can achieve infinite battery life on the sea—water storage, and it lives in closed caves and lakes all year round, the durability of this dragon ride is not strong.


This riding dragon is already breathing a little bit, and is not good at manned long-distance sailing.

"Thank you for your hard work, Chenglong~"

Xiaoxia took Chenglong back with some distress. It seems that she should use other means of transportation on the return journey, so that Chenglong can take a good rest.

"Beep! It's not a big problem. There is an undersea tunnel between Lianyi Town and Qinghai Bo City to connect Luoto~!"

At this time, Rotom flew to the entrance of a tunnel next to him, and introduced triumphantly.

The return trip can take the undersea tunnel, and you can even see many ocean Pokémon directly along the way.

"Sounds like a great idea!"

Xiaoxia's eyes lit up. Since the other side of the tunnel directly arrived at Lianyi Town, and the three of them set off directly from the coast of the private villa area, there was still a difference of several kilometers during the period.

Only then did a few people look at the entire wave city in Qinghai.

This is an independent island, the area is not very spacious, it is a very standard seaside resort town.

On the beach, you can already see the promotional banners of many travel agencies.

However, there are not many tourists, scattered...

After all, Lianyi Town has the longest and most beautiful coastal scenery in the Hezhong area. Most of the tourists who experience the seaside beach are basically in Lianyi Town, but rarely come to the neighboring island.

"The undersea tunnel seems to have been built only in recent years. Backed by Lianyi Town, the economy of Bo City in Qinghai has picked up a bit..."

Ming Yi blinked, and blurted out without looking at any travel guide.

Not only does she have knowledge about Pokémon in her brain, but she also has profound knowledge of human geography.

"Beep beep! Wave City in Qinghai is also very similar to Mushui Town in Fangyuan area. Residents will build their houses above the sea water~!"

And Rotom flew directly in front of Mingyi, covering the latter's face with his body, rushing to introduce him.

These things should be introduced by it, don't steal the show!

"It's different~ Mushui Town is completely above the deep sea. Although the houses are connected together, the bottom is rootless after all, and it will still bump up and down with the ups and downs of the sea."

Mingyi pushed Rotom down and said with a smile:

"But the houses in Bo City, Qinghai are only built on the shallow water coast, and the brackets below are firmly inserted into the ground, so living there is not much different from land~!"

Rotom immediately seized the flaw and retorted:

"Beep beep! So I said similar, not same Lotor!


"Rotom, let's introduce things carefully~!"

Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia: "..."

Some don't understand why these two people started to fight.

But as the two people said, the size of the island is not too large, and the terrain is flat, and there are no cliffs and steep slopes, so you can see the end of it.

In the center of the island, most of them are trading markets and entertainment venues.

The residential buildings are all built in the offshore beach area outside the island.

Rows of wooden buildings are built on stilts above the sea water, forming a very unique landscape group.

But these are not their focus.

"Let's go! Go directly to the Qinghai wave gymnasium!"

Xiaoxia grabbed the wrists of Xiaozhi and Mingyi, and took the initiative to walk quickly in one direction.

Since planning to join Shuijing's team, Xiaoxia has also become full of energy.

After all, she chose to come to the Hezhong area before, purely for legal laziness and vacation.

It's okay to lie on the back of a dragon to fish, dive for treasure, and get paid for nothing...

Who doesn't get lost in the lake these days? !

And this Qinghai wave gymnasium is located at the northernmost end of the island.

This is a very rare general building in Bo City, Qinghai. The exterior is a magnificent venue building with the logo of the United League on it.

Just when Xiaoxia was about to knock on the door...

Boom boom boom!

Inside the gymnasium, or the rear, came the sound of explosions.

"What's wrong?"

Xiaozhi poked his head out from the side of the gymnasium, but found the structure of this gymnasium very interesting.

Qinghai Bodao Museum is located on the northernmost side of the island, directly behind the seawater area...

Similar to the local wooden houses, behind the Qinghai Bodao Pavilion, there are also many wooden suspended objects.

"Well, it seems that there is no need to knock on the door..."

Seeing this, Xiaoxia simply didn't go through the main entrance, and just walked around the side of the gymnasium, all the way to the back of the gymnasium.

On the open-air sea area behind the gymnasium, a regular strip-shaped wooden passageway was built, and a water arena was built directly on the sea!

It was a coincidence that a few people came here, and it seemed that a gymnasium challenge was being staged here.

The construction of the arena is also very wild. There are no fences blocking the way, and a few people can walk in and watch.

But I saw a dark-skinned, tall and straight blue-haired man on one end of the tall wooden frame.

He has a fit body, a sunny and friendly face, his upper body is bare, and his lower body is wearing blue and white diving suit trousers.

He still wears diving goggles around his neck, and there is even a basket of elf balls in the fishing net at his feet...

It is the owner of the Qinghai Wave Gymnasium, Xizi Yin!

As for the challenger on the other side...

"Hey, isn't this guy...?"

Xiaozhi stared blankly, looking a little familiar.

He has the shape of a boy in shorts, with short gray-green hair standing upright, and an orange headband on his forehead, matching his tiger-headed and tiger-headed expression.

Even beside him, there is a familiar Leo Lu...

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up immediately.

It's Huche!

In order to avenge himself in another world, he ran for a long time in Lianyi Town, planning to compete with Huche.

As a result, the target was never found, and he thought that the other party had already left here.

I didn't expect to come to wave city in Qinghai next door!


Xiao Zhi simply sat down in the area of ​​the spectator seats, not caring about the owner, but staring at Hu Che with fiery eyes.

After the challenge in the gymnasium is over, he will challenge Huche again!

"What's wrong with Xiaozhi?"

"Why are you so excited all of a sudden?"

Xiaoxia and Mingyi looked at each other, not understanding why Xiaozhi suddenly became excited.

Is there anything special about this shorts boy?

The two of them simply followed Xiaozhi, and sat together in the spectator seats...

Since it is completely open to the open air, it seems that anyone can enter and watch.

In addition to them, there are also some tourists or locals sitting on the surrounding wooden shelves.

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