He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 206 Beep. Volcano erupts in five weeks

Seeing that the two on the screen were about to fall into a quarrel, Dr. Oki quickly interrupted them.

"Stop arguing, since you defeated this fossilized pterosaur together, you are all qualified to be its trainer. Right now, I am still helping these prehistoric Pokémon recover. Don't bother me. Wait Next time you come back to Zhenxin Town, try it yourself."

After speaking, Dr. Oki directly cut off the phone, turned around and ran to the group of prehistoric Pokémon, his research heart was burning.

As for who can subdue the fossil pterosaur in the future, although one of them is his own grandson, it is not a big problem.

One day, if Xiaozhi subdues all the legendary Pokémon of Fengwang level, then Xiaomao, his grandson, can also be lost...

Not particularly familiar.

"Haha, prehistoric Pokémon, let me give you a physical examination!"

Dr. Oki raised his paw, showing a villain-like smile...


In the elf center, Xiaozhi and Xiaomao glared at each other, but the former's face was obviously much better than the latter's.

After all, Dr. Oki has already said so, which is basically equivalent to giving the ownership of the fossil pterosaur to Xiaozhi for nothing, which makes Xiaomao a little upset.

The luxury ball can increase the friendliness, this is really not just talk.

"It's okay, when I drive my half-step mega fossil pterosaur to fly in the Kanto region, I will allow you to watch from below."

Xiaozhi patted the latter's shoulder and said with a smile.


Xiao Mao snorted coldly, without saying a word, pushed open the door of the elf center and left.

He is going to catch a real legendary Pokémon, which will shock the world and make the name of Zhenxin Town Xiaomao resound all over the world!

Half step mega fossil pterosaur? But a rotten...


His mind exploded at the moment.


Just as Xiaomao pushed open the door of the elf center, an orange-haired figure walked in. It was Xiaoxia who had been offline for a long time.

Among the three, Xiaogang went to grab the golden pick, and Xiaozhi went to the deep pit to steal chickens. It can be said that they all gained a lot, only Xiaoxia suddenly disappeared midway.

Only then did Xiaozhi realize that someone was missing, and it turned out to be Xiaoxia.

What surprised the two of them was that Xiaoxia was holding a Pokémon egg in her arms, with red and blue patterns on it.

"Good guy, this time digging for fossils, the three of us went to grab a golden pick, one to catch real prehistoric Pokémon, and the other to dig fossil eggs?"

"It's not a fossil egg, it's a living egg!"

Xiaoxia said triumphantly.

This Pokémon egg can still hear a slight heartbeat, it is alive!

Some rough-natured Pokémon mother probably left it there.

"That's probably Katie's egg, it's full of poop after all."

"You understand."

Xiaoxia: "..."

But then she raised her pretty eyebrows slightly, knowing that Katie is also a very precious Pokémon.

It's decided, she wants to breed this katti into a water-attribute katti that can spray water!

She whistled and carefully put the Pokémon egg into her backpack...



Fossil event, a day later.

In the southern waters of the Kanto region, on a cruise ship, the three of Xiaozhi were resting.

They are going to the location of the seventh gymnasium, Red Lotus Town.

This town is on a small crater island surrounded by the ocean, and they had to take sea transportation.

Xiaozhi has a surfing cammy turtle, but it is not durable and is not suitable for long-term manned voyages, let alone a turtle shell of that size, at best, it is only enough to take Xiaozhi alone to surf on the sea.

In addition to being able to squirt a water gun, it cannot be a tool turtle.

"In the future, we must catch a Pokémon that can only sail long distances on the sea!"

Xiaozhi secretly thought.


The cruise ship sailed on the sea for half a day, and the three of them also saw a small island from afar.

The first one is a bunch of not particularly tall volcanic chimneys in the middle, surrounded by a scene of tropical islands.

The area of ​​the island is not too big, and even most of the area can be seen on the cruise ship. Except for some vegetation on the edge, it is a large town with obvious human activities.

After disembarking the boat and boarding the island, the surrounding temperature quietly increased by a few degrees, and from time to time, you can still feel the hot smoke rising from the ground.

"Uh, so it's true that this volcano won't erupt...?" Xiaozhi couldn't help asking.

As far as the area of ​​this volcano is concerned, once it erupts, basically everything on this small island will be buried with it, right?

There is no need to run.

However, when he looked into the town, it was obvious that the business and tourism industries were booming, there were many shops, and there was an endless stream of travelers, as if he was not worried about the volcano erupting at all.

If there is any place in the Kanto area that is a holy place for tourism, Honglian Town can compete for the top three.

Small islands in the ocean, unique volcanic landforms, open-air volcanic hot springs, etc. are all very attractive elements.

"It's okay. This is an extinct volcano. Experts have come to investigate it. It won't erupt for at least 50 years."

Xiaogang patted Xiaozhi on the shoulder and explained with a smile. He said this sentence very confidently, because these experts are their masters in Nibi City.

The researchers in Nibi City are not only good at fossil and rock research, but also have a lot of knowledge in volcano research!

As soon as the words fell, an electronic sound suddenly came from Xiaozhi's waist.

"Beep. After the authoritative test of this illustration book, this volcano will erupt in five weeks. Believe it or not."

Three people: "?"

Explosion in five weeks?

"Hahaha, it's impossible. Our experts in Nibi City all understand and understand." Xiaogang waved his hands and laughed, talking nonsense again when it was a picture book.

You must know that this illustration book usually likes to talk nonsense...

Wait, it seems that I have said a few truths...?

Xiaogang's joking eyes gradually darkened unconsciously. Generally, in such a serious situation, the illustrated book does not seem to be able to lie.

At this time, a faint voice came from Xiaozhi's mind.

"The high probability is true. In my electronic world, the volcano here did explode..."

beep beep. Player Chi joined the group chat.

When he traveled in the first year, he had challenged the Red Lotus Gym in Honglian Town. At that time, Honglian Town was also a normal town.

But one day later, without warning, the volcano erupted.

The monstrous flame magma wiped out the prosperous Honglian Town overnight...

At that time, Qinglu, who had become the owner of the Viking Gymnasium, went to Honglian Town after the volcanic eruption. At that time, it had completely turned into a wild island covered by cooled volcanic lava. The only man-made building was All that remains is a makeshift Pokémon Center.

It is worth mentioning that Qinglu, who was investigating in Honglian Town at that time, also met the player Ajin...

"It seems to be true..."

Xiaogang's mind suddenly turned dark, wondering if the experts in Nibi City were all big parallel importers?

50 years?

Grass can grow for 50 years!

Its faith has collapsed a bit, he is a loyal fan of the rock experts in Nibi City!

"It's okay, maybe they just talked about Tu Yile casually, but I didn't expect anyone to believe it."

Xiao Zhi patted Xiao Gang on the shoulder and comforted him.

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