He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2291 Exchange, Jenny Turtle and Water Otter!

"Xiaozhi, don't go away! I'll be right back!!"


Behind Qinghai Bo Gymnasium, after Huche and his Leolu spoke to Xiaozhi solemnly, one person and one dog rushed to the local elf center in a hurry.

Huche suddenly invited Xiaozhi to fight before...

You want to challenge me, you want to challenge you, you want to challenge me!

Xiaozhi immediately agreed, and even directly expressed that he would have a 6v6 battle with all members.


Hu Che is also a fighting maniac. After an exclamation mark appeared above his head, he immediately agreed with enthusiasm. roundabout

It's just that several Pokémon were injured a lot in the battle with Xi Ziyi, so they had to go to the elf center first. Before leaving, Huche also told Xiaozhi not to leave.


Xiaozhi naturally didn't leave, the old god was standing on the sea, waiting for Huche to return.

Now, you can have a good fight with this guy!

Coincidentally, you can also test the results of your practice in Lianyi Town this time!

Counting the days, he has been in Lianyi Town for more than a month, and the strength of this army of Hezhong babies is not comparable to that of a month ago!

Xiaoxia \u0026 Mingyi: "?"

The two of them didn't quite understand what kind of wind Xiaozhi was blowing today, and how he was so serious about that boy.

With Xiaozhi's strength, didn't he just fight casually?

Naturally, the two of them couldn't guess that it was a wonderful encounter in another world...


Taking advantage of this time, Xiaoxia and Xiziyi wandered around Qinghai Bodaoguan, and Mingyi followed behind, looking around curiously.

Until the three of them wandered around for two hours and returned to the back of the Qinghai Bodo Hall, Xiaozhi was still stuck there like a piece of wood.

"Uh, you won't be let go...?" Lan

Ming Yi raised his hand and looked in the direction of the elf center, but he didn't see Hu Che, and said worriedly.

That young man looked unreliable, could it be that he forgot the agreement and left?

As for Xiaoxia and Xiziyi, after having an in-depth exchange on the common topic of water-type Pokémon and water-type museum owners, they each took out a poke ball.

"Come out!"

As the two threw the poke ball at the same time, two small Pokémon appeared.

One is the Hezhong Yusanjia, the water otter, which Mingyi is very familiar with, and the other...

"Huh? This is?"

Even Xiaozhi was attracted and looked at him.

Round blue head, brown tortoise shell, cute and lively Jenny Jenny...

"Is this the Yusanjia in the Kanto region? It's called Squirtle... so cute~!"

Mingyi couldn't help but squat down and gently rubbed the bald head of the Squirrel.

But what makes Xiaozhi even more curious is...

The elf ball released by the otter was held in Xiaoxia's hands, while the elf ball of Jenny Turtle was in the hands of Mr. Xi Ziyi.

It seems to be reversed? roundabout

"Ahh! Water otter, let's get along well~!"

And Xiaoxia already had love in her eyes, and she hugged the otter in her arms, rubbing her cheek against her cheek.

Different from Mingyi's competitive otter, this otter is a bit shy, with a reddened white pockmarked face.

On the other side, Xi Ziyi also gently picked up the Squirrel Turtle and placed it on her strong arms.

"Teach the Squirtle well, and I will raise you into a strong Blastoise!"


This Squirrel gave a low snort, half-closed its eyes, and clenched its fists. It also looked like a Squirrel who advocated fighting. roundabout

Seeing this scene, Xiaozhi suddenly realized...

So they were exchanging Pokémon?

"Well, there happens to be an unclaimed otter in the gym... Xiaoxia will be a perfect trainer."

Xi Ziyi explained with a smile.

Qinghai Bo City is located in the northeast corner of the Hezhong area, and there is no Dr. Pokémon here...

The owner of the gymnasium can also be the target of receiving the initial Pokémon as a newcomer trainer.

But after all, it is a water attribute gymnasium, and what Xiziyi will give away will only be water attribute otters, and there will be no warm pigs and rattan snakes. . roundabout

"Speaking of Hualan Gym, are there any other Squirrels?"

Xiaozhi looked at Xiaoxia curiously.

In the original Jenny Turtle Legion, he took over the boss, and Xiaoxia took over one of the younger Jenny Turtles...

But this one is obviously not the Squirrel Turtle back then, right?

"Xiaozhi, you haven't been back to the Kanto region for a long time~"

Xiaoxia just smiled, and while holding the water otter lightly, she explained with a smile:

"Our Hualan gymnasium has become a shelter for stray squirrels... so there are also several unclaimed squirrels~" Lan

The reason why the Squirrel Legion appeared at the beginning was because those irresponsible newcomer trainers directly abandoned the Squirrels they had just received...

This phenomenon is still common today.

"So we, Hualan Gym, Yuhong Gym, and Honglian Gym are united... Now we are still shouldering the task of taking in the abandoned Yusanjia and helping them find new suitable trainers."

Miss Junsha from all over the country, after discovering that there are Yusanjia who have been abandoned and singled out, will be forcibly arrested and sent to these three gymnasiums.

So now in the Kanto region, there are very few phenomena like the Jenny Turtle Legion, who abandoned the three imperial families and became bandits and took over the mountains as kings.

However, since the former Red Lotus Gym has been destroyed by the volcanic eruption, the new Gym is also a bit unwelcome...

Xia Bo, the owner of the Red Lotus Gymnasium, usually sends the little fire dragons sent directly to the fire-breathing dragon valley in the neighboring Chengdu area. roundabout

That's where the real pros are.

"Is there such a thing..."

Xiaozhi was stunned, the changes in the Kanto region are really great.

Speaking of it, although he has also returned to the Kanto region several times.

However, they basically stayed in Zhenxin Town and Changqing City, and did not go to other cities in the Kanto region.

"That's great..."

Mingyi couldn't help but nodded approvingly. roundabout

After all, the abandonment of Yusanjia is very common, and it is not uncommon in the Hezhong area.

Even Xiaozhi's Nuannuan pig was abandoned in Suanmu Town...

However, the Hezhong area does not have such a complete and considerate system.

"It seems pretty good?"

As the owner of the local museum, Xi Ziyi touched her chin and kept it in mind.

Find an opportunity to give feedback to the Hezhong Alliance, and see if the Hezhong region can implement a similar system.

As for the gyms that can receive Pokémon of the three attributes of water, fire, and grass...

"Uh, it seems like a Sanyao gymnasium will do?"

Xi Ziyi suddenly thought of something, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Sanyao gymnasium is jointly operated by three brothers, and the three masters are respectively good at water, fire, and grass attributes, corresponding to the original three royal families.

But it seems like it's still a restaurant, and if you take in too many stray Pokémon, it seems to have some bad effects...?



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