He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2293 Qinghai Wave Tragedy (Part 1)

The battle ended in just two rounds, and the entire arena suddenly became quiet, and many people didn't react. roundabout

"What the hell, this fried pig?!"

Hu Che put his arms in a blocking posture in front of him, with a surprised expression.

He hasn't fully developed his swan dancing power yet.

Then, it's over? !

"Stir-fried pork, it has become so powerful"

In the auditorium, Ming Yi also said in surprise.

Since he has been exercising internally and has never actually fought, even though he sees Chaochaozhu every day, Mingyi is a little amazed at Chaochaozhu's progress. roundabout

Such a fight, like

That's right, just as fierce and fierce as a fighting boxing ring!


Even the protagonist Chaochaozhu was stunned for a while, looking at the fainting dancing swan in front of him, and then at his own arms.

I seem to have become very powerful all of a sudden!

Could it be that Mr. Monkey is right?

"Fried fried pig, you have to thank the deceased monkey~" Lan

Xiaozhi said with a smile from behind.

With the professional one-on-one teaching of Abandoned Monkey, plus the boost effect of Pokémon Virus

It was the first shot after a month, and the strength of Chaochaozhu was really not the same!


When he said this, a poke ball on Xiaozhi's waist suddenly opened automatically.

When the red light fell, the figure of Abandoned Monkey appeared beside Xiaozhi.


Seeing the figure of the Abandoned Monkey, Chaochaozhu shuddered instantly as if seeing a ghost.

"Give up drinking!!"

The Abandoned Monkey didn't come out to fight, but forked his palms, pointed to his eyes with two fingers, and then pointed to the fried pig.

I'm watching you all the time, if you don't perform well, you have to practice more tonight!

Fried fried pig: "?!"

The Abandoned World Monkey casually walked to the side viewing seats, and sat down on it.

It has a large body, and one person can sit three people. roundabout

Arms folded on the chest, thighs spread apart, combined with the appearance of wearing sunglasses, it looks like people can't laugh, just stand up obediently.

"Huh, don't you want to fight?"

Taking back the dancing swan, Hu Che looked at the Abandoned Monkey sitting in the spectator seats, and breathed a sigh of relief.

This momentum makes my scalp tingle just looking at it

In other words, there are only five Pokémon left on Xiaozhi's body?

If it's six to five, count the free electric mouse next to it

He can win! roundabout

"Please, Great Sword Demon!!"

Huche's second Pokémon is the Great Sword Demon that was previously shown in the Qinghai Bodokan battle.

"Beep! The attribute is unfavorable, and it is the second stage of the third stage of the battle. It is recommended to replace Lotto!"

Rotom sounded the siren, and it was especially responsible today.

"Rotom, you really don't understand Pokémon at all."

Xiaozhi complained, ignored Rotom's suggestion, and raised his finger:

"Keep fighting, fried pig!"

He has seen the battle of the Great Sword Ghost before, and the current fried pig is not invincible.

The battle broke out again, Hu Che regrouped and took the initiative to attack:

"Great Sword Demon, let them see our power water jet!!"

The big sword ghost condensed the water coat all over his body, and rushed out suddenly.

Whoosh! !

The ultra-fast jet of water hit the fried pig's face, knocking it back several meters at a time, leaving long marks on the ground with its lower limbs.

But, blocked. roundabout

"How can it be?!"

Huche's face changed, and he quickly looked at it, only to see that the muscles of Chaochaozhu's body had swelled a lot at this moment, and the muscles on the chest were also bulging.

Bodybuilding, attack power and defense power have been improved!


The corner of Fried Pig's mouth raised, and he forcibly blocked the blow with his toned body.

"It's now, use tile splitting!!"

Immediately, he raised one arm, wrapped in white light, and slashed heavily in front of him! roundabout

boom! !

Piwa hit one arm of the Great Sword Ghost, and it flew backwards.

"Give up drinking~"

This also made the Abandoned Monkey in the auditorium nod its head in satisfaction.

It crossed its legs and waved a paper fan it didn't know where to find, fanning the wind leisurely.

This is one of its teachings to Chaochaozhu - when faced with a melee move that cannot be dodged, since it cannot be dodged, then use bodybuilding moves to forcibly block it and take the opportunity to launch a counterattack.

Hu Che's expression gradually became flustered. Obviously, the shape and attributes of the great sword ghost are absolutely superior, so why was he suppressed by this fire pig? roundabout

"Damn it, water cannon!!"

The Great Sword Ghost opened its mouth, and a jet of fierce water spewed out.

Faced with long-range moves, naturally he cannot resist with his body, Xiao Zhi quickly directed:

"Use gunpowder charge to escape!"

The fried pig trampled on the ground, arousing countless gunpowder and fire dust. The next moment, the body turned into a ball of fire and rushed out, sideways avoiding the dangerous high-pressure water cannon move.

"Good time, Great Sword Demon, use the shell blade!!"

Seeing the other party rushing towards him, Hu Che was overjoyed and said immediately. roundabout

The Great Sword Demon put away the water cannon, grabbed the shell foot blade of the forelimb with one of his forelimbs, condensed the dangerous water flow and slashed towards the target.


When the two approached, Chaochaozhu's eyes were dignified, he raised his attention to the extreme, raised his hands upwards and put them together


The next moment, Chao Chaozhu precisely held the shell blade that fell vertically between his palms.

After receiving the shell blade with his bare hands, the edge of the dangerous energy blade hovered above the head of the fried pig.

"Great Sword Demon, hurry up and use the other shell blade!"

Hu Che was completely confused by the operation of frying pigs, and shouted hastily.

The other forelimb of the Great Sword Demon drew out the shell blade, and slashed towards the fried pig.

However, Xiaozhi's command is even more outrageous:

"Take its shell blade!!"

Chaochaozhu showed a sneer, swiped his palm to the side, and forcibly snatched the shell blade away.

This also made the Abandoned Monkey in the spectator seats slap the armrest of the seat suddenly, and stood up excitedly.

It is the esoteric meaning it imparts, an upgraded version of empty-handed and white-knife

Take the sword with bare hands!

Chaochaozhu used the thief move, but this time it held the shell blade with one hand.

Bang! Bang! Bang! !

After slashing repeatedly, it collided with the shell blade of the Great Sword Demon, making crisp and explosive noises.


It's just that, it made this big sword ghost a bit wary.

After all, it can enchant shells and cover them with water energy blades, but fried pigs can't. roundabout

The sharp shell blade can even smash the shell in the hand of the fried pig.

Whether it is a water otter or a great sword ghost, their own shell blades are extremely rare.

Although the power of the shell blade it used was more authentic and powerful, it was the Great Sword Demon's movements that became chaotic.

With the palm of his hand, he forcibly avoided the tribe.

"Hey wait a minute, this is not an item! Thief moves won't work either"

do push-ups

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