He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2300 World Championships and Alliance Conference

This time, the direction of the flying leaf storm was precise, and it collided head-on with the wave missile that the entity attacked.


Just at the moment of contact, Feiye Storm forcefully smashed and scattered the wave missiles, and this scene also made Huche's face change suddenly.

How is it possible, the power of Feiye Storm should be greatly reduced!


However, there was no time for him to think. The Feiye Storm, which continued to attack, not only defeated the wave missile, but also continued to attack Lucario's body.

The fierce hurricane, the flying leaves like sharp blades all over the sky...

The power of the Feiye Storm, which has been blessed with the characteristics of the anti-tune, soared, causing Lucario's eyes to widen for a moment, and he stood there in a daze, at a loss.

The next moment, Feiye Storm hit Lucario head-on, and directly rushed him out of the arena.

Hugh boom boom!

It wasn't until Lucario hit the wall a few meters away, and a large gravel crater was blasted out, that the flying leaf storm gradually dissipated.


As for Lucario, he slipped and fell to the ground with injuries all over his body, his eyes were spinning, and he was completely unable to fight.

On the wall above, huge gravel potholes were exposed, which showed the force of this flying leaf storm, and many people in the arena watched in silence for a while.

"Singing the anti-tune characteristic, it's really amazing..."

After a while, Xiaoxia spoke in a daze.

No wonder it was chosen by Xiaozhi as the finale trump card in the Hezhong team. The Ivy Snake, which is already of outstanding quality, is matched with such a powerful characteristic, and it can completely kill randomly!

"Lucario lost the ability to fight... Xiaozhi won this friendly match!"

And Xi Ziyin who reacted quickly raised his palm and said.

For this battle that seemed to have been fought for several days, draw a complete end.

By the way, did Xiaozhi also come to challenge the gym?

It feels like after giving him this Ivy Snake to cast a flying leaf storm, the next step is to push the team brainlessly, right? !

"Good job, Ivy Snake~!"

Seeing the power of the naysayer for the first time, Xiaozhi also praised excitedly.

However, Ivy Snake frowned instead, as if he didn't care about defeating this Lucario, and cared more about the meaning of Xiaozhi's words.

Why is she doing a good job?

Couldn't it be the two of them, both doing a good job?

Xiaozhi: "..."

On the other side, Hu Che had already supported Lucario who had fallen to the ground, with his head down, looking a little disappointed.

This game was a complete tragedy, I was defeated so easily...


Lucario, who recovered a little bit, barely raised his arms and let out a low shout, as if to comfort his trainer.

The partner of one person and one dog usually makes Pokémon more mature.

With Lucario's encouragement, Hu Che didn't just fall into a slump.

After taking back Lucario's poke ball, he took several deep breaths before walking towards Xiaozhi.

"Xiaozhi, I lost today...but Lucario and I will become stronger!"

His eyes rekindled flames, and he looked at Xiaozhi solemnly.

"In the next Union League meeting, I will definitely defeat you with Lucario!


"Well, I don't join the federation..."

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched, and he was about to explain.

However, Hu Che didn't give him this chance. After making the declaration of battle, he immediately grabbed Lucario's poke ball and ran towards the local pokemon center.

Originally thought that relying on this team, I could easily promote the Hezhong League Conference...

It seems that in the next period of time, I have to redouble my training, and I can't relax for a moment!

Xiaozhi: "..."

This made him look helplessly at Huche who ran away.

His eager personality is really similar to Ah Shun from the Sinnoh area, isn't he?

But he doesn't intend to attend the United Union Convention...

After this trip, now I only have a commemorative badge from the Cypress Fan Gym on my body, which is very clean.

Speaking of which, this year's United League Conference seems to have been postponed for one month, because it was afraid of stealing the popularity of the Fanba City World Championships... Originally, the two conferences were held at the same time.

Just now Xiaozhi wanted to say, why don't you come to the tournament directly.

According to his understanding, before the Sailing Championships, there seems to be a selection competition for ordinary passers-by to compete for the qualifications to enter the championship.

Of course, officially invited foreign powerhouses like Xiaoxia and Master Kona can directly enter the main match of the championship without selection...

Far away.


"Xiaozhi, so you are still such a powerful trainer..."

After the battle was over, Mr. Xiziyin came over and praised with a smile.

Listening to the conversation just now, Xiao Zhi seemed not interested in the alliance meeting, which made him feel relieved that he didn't need to face such a dangerous opponent.

But with a trainer of this level, still so young...why don't they go the right way?

Do you have to buy all kinds of hot search ads to attract attention?

But Xiziyin didn't say anything, after all, this kind of thing is not illegal, so he bought it when he bought it.

After this battle, Xiziyin's focus was on Mingyi in the spectator seats...

Or in other words, it was Shuangrenmaru sitting next to Mingyi!

It can be seen that this is a well-trained double-edged pill.

"In this case..."

Xiziyin made a decision in his heart, and immediately pulled Mingyi aside mysteriously, and whispered.

Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia: "?"

Not sure, but the two of them didn't have the habit of eavesdropping, so they didn't care.

A series of all-hands battles allowed Xiaozhi to exercise his muscles and bones on the spot and let out a long sigh of relief.


I didn't expect to accompany Xiaoxia to the Qinghai Wave Gymnasium today, and there will be a good battle!

Although the 5v6 battle is completed...it is still secondary to win Huche.

The point is that after testing this period of time, the strength of all my Pokémon has changed, and the strength has indeed been greatly improved!

"At this point, the early battles of the championship should not be a big problem..."

Xiaozhi stroked his chin, since it was a competition in the Hezhong area, let the Ivy Snakes and the others show their performance as much as possible.

However, if you want to face the powerful kings from all over the world who may be encountered at any time later in the schedule, you must let them evolve again, and their strength will be improved again to have a chance of winning.

But thinking not to eavesdrop, Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia were watching the fried pig and continued to do push-ups.

After this match, Chaochaozhu was the most tiring one.


However, Xiaozhi's own hearing is excellent, and he still vaguely heard some words in Xiziyin's mouth not far away.

Words such as "Qinghai Bodokan", "Shuangrenwan", "tournament", "evolution", "help".

After rearranging and combining, Xiaozhi probably understood why Mr. Xiziyin wanted to find Mingyi.

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