He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2100 Kigard polyhedron

"Beep! Kigard, the search for Loto has been completed~!"

Hearing the key words, Rotom took active actions.

In order not to be robbed of his job by Mingyi, Rotom has behaved very seriously these days.

"Zigolde, a legendary Pokémon in the Carlos area, has the magical power of stabilizing and restoring the natural demeanor. It is said that whenever the ecosystem of Carlos suffers a catastrophe collapse, this patron saint-like Pokémon will Show up at Loto~!"

However, Rotom's information is very rough, and the attributes are not introduced much. Even the image is just a very blurry green shadow, and the specific shape cannot be distinguished at all.

"Well, in fact, we don't know much information. The legendary Kigard hasn't appeared in decades~"

Next to him, Dexio replied helplessly.

But this made Xiaozhi even more surprised, and his eyes couldn't help falling on the green slime lying dead on the reef.

So what does this ball have to do with the legendary beast?

"This is Dr. Bratano's latest research. By the way, let's introduce myself~"

Gina took off her sunglasses, holding her hands in front of her with a smile.

"Me and Dexio are actually Dr. Brattano's assistant~"

"Dr. Bratano is the most famous Pokémon doctor in the Carlos area, and the legendary Kigard is one of his research subjects."

The couple each said a sentence, helping each other to add.

Originally, I thought it was just a chance meeting, but I didn't introduce too much to Xiaozhi and his party before, I just said that I came to Lianyi Town for vacation.

"We were actually entrusted by Dr. Bratano to help him find cells related to Ziggard in other places, that is, this one."

Dexio bent down, put the green planarian slime on his palm, and spread it out flat.


Xiaozhi blinked, a little confused.

"According to Dr. Brattano's research, Kigard may be composed of a small number of nuclei and a large number of cell groups."

"The core acts as Ziggard's brain will, absorbing power from the cells and controlling the overall action."

Gina poked the green cells in her boyfriend's hand, and continued:

"And this is the cell, which does not have an independent brain thought, but can provide the core with energy support."

However, the energy stored in a single cell is negligible, and a certain amount of cells is needed to support core operations.

Xiaozhi listened in a daze, amazed.

This legendary Pokémon is completely different from the beasts I have come into contact with before.

"So the two of us came to Lianyi Town this time to see if there are these Kigard cells in places other than the Carlos area. It seems that they exist."

Dexio's expression froze.

Gina next to her coughed. Of course, the two of them also planned to travel at public expense this time, fishing for fish and paddling water.

The most important thing about Kigard is naturally the core. Since this beast is closely related to the ecosystem in the Kalos region, the core should also be hidden somewhere in the Kalos region and does not exist outside.

But the number of cores is rare, maybe there is only one in the whole world?

So far, Dr. Bratano has not succeeded in finding a core individual.

But compared with this, the number of cells is very large.

Especially in the Kalos area, in any middle-level jungle, there are dozens of individual cells hidden.

It is estimated that all the cells are sleeping, waiting for the response of the core individual.

However, there is nothing wrong with the ecosystem in the Kalos region. According to legend, Ziggard will naturally not show up in idleness.

But in places outside the Carlos area, not to mention the core individuals, even the number of cell individuals is very scarce.

Having lived in Lianyi Town for more than ten days, Dexio and Dexio have not officially discovered a local individual cell.

"Unexpectedly, it was Xiao Zhi who helped us find a cell first."

Gina looked surprised, and then looked Xiaozhi up and down, trying to find the reason.

After all, these individual cells have their own protective colors, and usually lie there motionless, blending with the surroundings.

It can only be detected and visualized with specialized equipment.

But the detection equipment that Dr. Bratano gave them is too inaccurate, and it can still be used normally in places with high cell population density in the Carlos area.

In the field, nothing can be detected at all.

Both of Gina's plane tickets back to Carlos have already been booked, and they are about to return without success.

As a result, he just bumped into Xiaozhi and walked up.

"Uh haha, maybe my eyesight is better~"

Xiaozhi scratched his head and fooled around casually.

You can't just show off your waveguide power to anyone.

At this time, Gina and Dexio looked at each other, and both of them had an idea in their hearts at the same time.

"In short, Xiaozhi, you are a magical trainer!"

"Maybe it's a good choice if I give this thing to you~!"

Immediately afterwards, Dexio took out a fist-sized polyhedron from his pocket. It was unknown what material it was, but it was probably a truncated octahedron.

Most of the sections are black, but the top section is green with a pattern.

And every corner is also outlined with green marks, full of technological color.

"This thing was invented by Dr. Brattano, and it's called the Ziggard polyhedron. As for its function."

As he said, Dixio held the polyhedron in his hand, and brought the green section close to the cells on his palm.


There was only a smooth sound, and the green ooze was directly sucked into the polyhedron and disappeared.

Xiaozhi watched in surprise, while Gina quickly explained:

"The function of this polyhedron is very simple. It can absorb the core you found, or individual cells into it for storage."

"According to the doctor's vision, when you find a core and a sufficient amount of cells...and fuse them together, you can create a real Ziggard!"

Upon hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up instantly.

It sounds like an incredible Legendary Pokémon, and he wants to meet him too.

And it seems that as long as you have this polyhedron, the subsequent continuous collection

In the end, can a Ziggard be subdued directly? !

Seeing the fire in Xiaozhi's eyes, Dexio and Dexio looked at each other and smiled, and finally the latter handed the Kigard polyhedron in his hand to Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi: "?"

This made him a little at a loss, and he was embarrassed to take it.

This polyhedron should be a very precious piece of equipment. Is this going to be given to me directly? !

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