He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2316 Crimson Genesect and...

The next day, early morning.

The three of Xiaozhi got up early and enjoyed breakfast at the Elf Center in Fanba City.

Although Xiaoxia is a representative contestant in the Kanto region, the official specially prepared a hotel...

But in comparison, Xiaoxia would rather stay with Xiaozhi and the others at the Elf Center.

And at noon, the three of them welcomed an acquaintance.

"Mr. Akromar, long time no see~!"

Seeing the blond-haired scientist with glasses approaching, with the bangs on his satellite head still firmly raised, Xiao Zhi immediately stood up excitedly, and hurried forward to greet him.

Beside Xiaoxia and Mingyi also greeted cheerfully.

"Everyone, I'm not late, haha~"

Akromar chuckled lightly, and with one palm in his coat pocket, he showed his signature friendly smile.

Behind him was a purplish-brown Genesect as a guard, and the turret was folded vertically behind it, which was very cool.

It's just the appearance of a dangerous exterminator, with red eyes shining all the time, a metal body and sharp claws glowing with coldness, which made some passers-by look timid.

"Let's go, let's find an open space, your surprise is ready~"

Without much delay, Akromar hooked his hand and signaled the three of them to follow him.

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up. Before they parted last time, Mr. Akromar said that he would give himself a surprise.

He already had an answer in his heart, Ming Yi and Xiao Xia hurriedly followed behind, ready to watch.

Soon, Akromar brought the three to...

A backyard driving range at the Pokemon Center?

It seemed to be a private driving range, with a large area, but no one was there.

Surrounded by closed black walls, it cannot be spied on by outsiders.

"I rented a training ground for you for the time being... You are all going to participate in the World Championship, right? Just practice here, so you don't get up early and compete with others."

Akromar is rich and powerful, he directly rented this venue for a one-month private use period.

You must know that the World Championship is about to be held, and the free elf center in Fanba City is naturally full of trainers from all over the world.

And the public training grounds in the backyard are in short supply, so naturally they can only come first and then come later.

However, the Elf Center generally has several private training grounds for a fee, which are provided for high-level local tyrant trainers.

"Great Mr. Akromar!"

"Really reliable!"

The three of Xiaozhi immediately gave Akromar a thumbs up and praised.

Akromar stroked his chin with a slightly smug expression.

It doesn't matter, anyway, it's the Plasma team's money, use it as you like.

But the point now...

"Hey, Ash, this is your Genesect."

Akromar threw a high-level ball at Ash.

Xiaozhi was overjoyed, and immediately opened to the open space in front of him.


When the red light fell, a crimson Genesect appeared on the field. Suddenly, a chilling aura from ancient times enveloped the entire field, making people shudder.

The dangerous red light in the eyes is dazzling, especially the fort behind it has been erected, as if it can fire a terrifying high-tech light cannon at any time.

"Has the battery been repaired?! Great!


Seeing that Genesect was free to set up and retract his fort, and the original breach was completely restored, Xiaozhi was overjoyed.


And this crimson World Destroyer also recognized the people in front of them. They had stayed on the beach of Lianyi Town for more than a month, and they were already very familiar with the aura of the latter group.

The murderous aura instantly weakened a lot.


However, it was rare to have repaired his most proud fort, and Genesect immediately set up the fort above his head, ready to frighten the group of people.

"Great! You're handsome again, Genesect!


However, at the next moment, seeing Xiaozhi's gesture of jumping over to celebrate, Genesect's metal body couldn't help but shudder.

In my mind, I instantly recalled the scene of being locked by Xiaozhi's whole body and breaking the fort abruptly...


Genesect couldn't help but panic, and immediately stepped back several steps, trying to keep a distance from Xiaozhi.

Naturally, the original prestige is gone, more like a frightened bug.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Is it because I haven't seen each other for half a month, and the intimacy that I brushed up has dropped again?

Although he didn't give him a hug, Xiaozhi still stepped forward, and "Dongdong" knocked on Genesect's steel arm twice.

It is very strong, it should not be broken so easily this time.


Genesect stepped down with his shoulders in coordination, and a drop of sweat dripped down his flat side head, for fear that Xiao Zhi would take off his arm again.


"The relationship is already quite good..."

Standing by the side, Akromar watched closely the whole process of getting along with each other, and couldn't help but marvel.

Unexpectedly, in the end, Xiaozhi actually tamed this rebellious crimson world destroyer without relying on the means of scientific machines...

Recalling the bet between Xiaozhi and himself, he thought it was a fantasy.

Even in Zhenxin Town, a tombstone has already been reserved...


Akromar bowed his head in silence for a while, not knowing what he was thinking about.

At the side, Mingyi also leaned over and greeted Genesect.

As for Xiaoxia...

She has a natural fear of bugs, not to mention this dangerous ancient world destroyer. Just looking at it makes people creepy, so she naturally hides away.

After being silent for a while, Akromar paused, and a burst of light reflected from his glasses.

"Xiaozhi, it's the surprise I told you about before."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi quickly recovered and took a deep breath.

The next moment, Akromar had an extra poke ball in his hand, a poke ball belonging to Xiaozhi.

"Sure enough, has it succeeded?!"

Xiaozhi was completely sure of the surprise, and immediately looked at Akromar excitedly, especially when he saw the latter's response with a smile and nod, his heart was even more ecstatic.

"What Pokémon is it?"

Next to it, Xiaoxia is not aware of the situation, she doesn't know what kind of dumb riddle it is.


As Akromar opened the poke ball, a Pokémon with an unusually unique shape appeared above everyone's heads.

This is a mechanical moth, the whole body is completely made of metal.

Its pitch-black torso was covered with a snow-white hard shell, and its lower abdominal cocoon was a beige blue metal shell.

It has a smooth black head, crimson curved tentacles on both sides, and orange-red cross electronic eyes.

The most attractive thing is the wings of this metal moth.

It's not attached to the sides of the body...

Instead, it split into six independent orange-red diamond-shaped iron plates, covered with white spots and black triangular patterns, floating behind it one by one.


Even these six diamond-shaped iron plates can be gathered together to form a whole.

The bottom is tightly fitted together, and the upper part is spiky and protruding, just like...

A dazzling sun!

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