He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2318 The rules of the World Championship!

In general, this is a Pokémon with high durability, high magic resistance, and high special attack.

Like Vulcan Moth, Iron Poison Moth can also unleash an astonishingly powerful flame attack like a hot sun.

"Huh, luckily it's poisonous..."

After thinking about it for a while, Xiaozhi heaved a sigh of relief.

The only weakness of the iron poisonous moth is its weak physical defense, but fortunately, its own poisonous property does not need to be afraid of attacks from melee combat moves, and it has 1/2 resistance.

The magnetic levitation body is isolated from the ground...

Instead, it has a floating feature, so you don't need to worry about the most dangerous ground moves with quadruple effects.

"Then I have to be careful about shooting down and gravity moves..."

Xiao Zhi thought to himself, he often likes to knock people down from the sky, this is also the fatal weakness of the iron poisonous moth.

"As for its characteristics, I'm still researching, and I'm not sure yet...but it should be related to the special force field charging."

Akromar suddenly spoke.

Maybe in the future, he can also invent a special carrying item to provide an increase buff to this poisonous iron moth.

Wen Yan Xiaozhi nodded, he has always believed in Mr. Akromar's craftsmanship.

"Anyway, thank you, Mr. Akromar!"

After accepting the newborn iron poisonous moth, Xiaozhi looked at Akromar gratefully.

Along the way, the latter helped him enormously.

One must know that at the beginning, he and Mingyi only wanted to find a cook who could cook as a partner...

Unexpectedly, a ruthless character came directly!

Akromar smiled at this, and spread his hands, with a somewhat proud look of a scientist.

"No need to thank you, I also gained a lot of valuable information and experience from it~"

Compared with trainers like Xiaozhi Mingyi, they pay more attention to the actual material level.

What Akromar pursues is spiritual wealth, such as knowledge, memory, and experience.


Seeing that in a short period of time, Xiaozhi was able to completely embrace the iron poisonous moth in his arms.

He even stretched out his other hand, hooking Genesect next to his shoulder like a close friend.

"Is this the bond between humans and Pokémon? It's completely detached from machines..."

The corner of Akromar's mouth twitched, as if this was the greatest knowledge he gained from it.


In the following days, Xiaozhi and the others temporarily lived in this elf center.

With a private training ground, preparations for the next World Championships will be smoother.

On this day, after rest, several people sat around the table.

"Is this how the tournament system used to be..."

The opening of the competition is approaching, but Xiao Zhi doesn't know much about these things, and is listening to two friends explaining the rules of the competition.

The World Championship is held in a knockout format, which is not much different from the previous league conferences.

The only difference is that the players inside have changed from trainers who have collected all eight badges to strong players from all over the world.

"Among them, the champions of the Hezhong region, the Four Heavenly Kings, and the gymnasium owners from all over the place will definitely participate..."

Xiaoxia hugged her chest to introduce, and beside her was her Koda Duck as an assistant, holding a big poster of the world championship in a daze.

Mingyi nodded, there might be some contestants like her who were entrusted by the gymnasium owner.

"In addition to the local powerhouses in Hezhong, there are also some foreign powerhouses, heavenly kings, gym masters, or some powerful trainers who have become famous outside, it is possible..."

Xiaoxia pointed to herself, and then to Xiaozhi, they belonged to this camp.


Xiaozhi froze for a moment, then looked down at himself.

He should be just a passerby, right?

"No, Xiaozhi, there is a threshold for this World Championship, and only those with official letters of recommendation can participate."

At this time, Xiaoxia suddenly took out an invitation letter, which was the proof of participation given to her by the Kanto League.

Mingyi, who was beside him, also took out a letter from his pocket, which was an invitation letter signed "Qinghai Bodaoguan".

"Wait a minute, this letter...?"

Xiaozhi looked familiar, and immediately took out his backpack and searched for a while.

In the end, in a corner, I found a crumpled invitation letter of the same type.

The signature above refers to the "Sinnoh Alliance".

"I see. Miss Zhulan gave me not only an invitation letter, but also a qualification for the competition?"

Only then did Xiaozhi come back to his senses.

Fortunately, I didn't lose it casually!

"That's right, only those who have these invitation letters are eligible to participate."

Only then did Xiaoxia nod her head, and the three of them, like the Three Musketeers, folded the letters together rather secondary.

Of course, the letters did not name anyone.

It's like the United League invites the Kanto League. The only thing they want is some powerful trainers.

As for who these trainers are, whether they are people with Kanto household registration... these are not important.

Although Xiaozhi received an invitation letter from the Sinnoh Alliance, he is not a well-known trainer in the Sinnoh region after all, and naturally he will not be forcibly regarded as a "representative region".

It's just that he has the qualifications and contributed the head of a strong man to this championship.

"I see..."

After listening to Xiaoxia's explanation, Xiaozhi nodded, but don't worry about representing the Sinnoh region somehow.

"After all, it's only the first World Championship, and other places don't seem to think much of it. It's almost enough to get a head."

Sitting by the side, Akromar was also listening, commenting casually.

But Xiaozhi suddenly frowned again...

Speaking of this tournament, is it too internal?

Only qualified people can participate, so those powerful trainers who are pure passers-by are all rejected?

"This is what I just wanted to say. In addition to these official qualification letters... There is also a part of the qualifications that need to go through a qualifier first. This is a way that is completely open to passer-by trainers."

Xiaoxia glared at Xiaozhi, signaling to keep interrupting her introduction.

Before the main game of the tournament, there will be a small "Youth Cup" tournament.

This conference used to be a stage purely for young trainers to compete against each other, with an age limit...

But now with the World Championships, the Youth Cup has directly become a subordinate competition.

There is no age limit anymore, 0 threshold, anyone can participate.

And the top eight of this Youth Cup will be able to qualify for the World Championships, and together with other letter-qualified players, enter the main competition system.

Of course, it's not just the Junior Cup...

Some small competitions have been held in the Hezhong area before, and a lot of places have been released.

"So even if you don't have an official channel, you can still enter this world championship as a passer-by trainer."

Xiaoxia finally concluded.

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