He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2326 The power of fetters, conquer the single-headed dragon!

"It's up to you!"

Seeing that it seemed difficult for him to convince the latter, Xiao Zhi immediately threw a poke ball.

While lifting the opponent's black hair just now, Xiaozhi was also trying to use his waveguide power, and it was useless to communicate with him.


The red light fell, and the Ivy Snake appeared in front of Xiaozhi.

"Ivy snake, use the vine whip!


Facing the rushing single-headed dragon, the green vine snake rolled its eyes coldly, and two vines immediately extended from its neck.


The vine whip attacked from below, hitting the single-headed dragon's lower limbs, tripping it directly.

Immediately, the blue light of Dragon God's dive also dissipated. It seems that the latter has not fully mastered this move yet.



But this irritable single-headed dragon immediately charged again.

Opening the dragon's mouth this time, a giant energy fang that keeps opening and closing gathers in front of him

This is the crunching move!

He has mastered quite a few high-powered moves.

"Ivy Snake, use Tornado!"

However, the Ivy Snake just spun around on the spot, and flicked its tail forward.

Hugh, huh, huh!

In an instant, a tornado swirled upwards from the ground, completely covering the single-headed dragon in the center of the eye.

Although the power is not high, the tornado has a strong restraint ability, making it difficult for the single-headed dragon to move and charge as if it is stuck in a quagmire.

"Single-headed dragon, calm down, everyone is helping you!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi stepped forward again, trying to persuade the latter.

Although it is easier for him to directly stun and lose the ball

But this communication step will have to be carried out sooner or later.


The one-headed dragon obviously couldn't listen to these, and kept struggling in the muddy tornado, trying to break free.

However, the tornado is a continuous move, and the Ivy Snake just stood quietly outside, with a blue light in its eyes, controlling the tornado to continue spinning.

Seeing that the normal fan love argument had no effect, Xiao Zhi immediately changed his strategy.

"You started hating humans because you were abused by the plasma team?"

"Being so easily trapped in a tornado, even an ivy snake can't touch the side, so you should be very eager to become stronger now, right?"

Before the single-headed dragon could react, the Ivy Snake in front of Xiaozhi glared at Xiaozhi unhappily.

What is "connecting" an ivy snake?

"Oh, sorry, let me put it another way."

Xiaozhi quickly laughed dryly, signaling the Ivy Snake not to get excited, and then looked at the single-headed dragon again.

"With your current strength, you can't even defeat an ivy snake that repeatedly destroys and attacks humans like this. The only one who gets hurt every day is yourself."

Ivy Snake: ""

Is there any difference between these two descriptions?

Well, she forgot about her trainer, the level of education is indeed not very high

The Ivy Snake, who was already in the rebellious stage, saw that Xiaozhi was still outputting words, but this single-headed dragon seemed to not listen at all, and finally got bored.

Snapped! Snapped!

Immediately, two vine whips were stretched out, and they slapped the single-headed dragon severely.

Grass has no harm to dragons

But the pain was very clear, and Shan Shoulong was stunned in place immediately.

"Vine! Fuji!


The Ivy Snake even yelled a few words.

It probably means that only by training with a powerful trainer can one become a big evil dragon that can freely destroy and destroy human towns.


Sure enough, these words immediately made Shan Shoulong stand in place, as if he really listened.

Although I couldn't understand what the Ivy Snake was saying, and the content seemed a little bit bad, it worked anyway.

"Sure enough, we still have to let Pokémon communicate by themselves!"

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi immediately threw several more elf balls.


For example, the gangster crocodile, which is also of the evil attribute, obviously made the single-headed dragon closer.

"Give up drinking!"

There was also the Abandoned Monkey, who put his hips on his hips as soon as he came out, and let out a majestic low shout towards the single-headed dragon.

Do you need a teacher?

Only by following Mr. Monkey can he become the strongest dragon!

Just in time, that guy who fried fried pig is about to start his career

It's time to change to another Pokémon persecution!


After a while, it was suddenly surrounded by a large group of Pokémon, which also made the single-headed dragon a little bit astonished.

Such a scene is the first time.

And the mental state of each Pokémon seems to be very good

Except for the fat pig, the expression looks a bit world-weary.

Seeing that the situation calmed down temporarily, Xiaozhi raised his hand to signal Mingyi and the others not to approach.

He walked forward slowly.

"How about it, single-headed dragon, come with us?"

As he spoke, he slowly released his bondage, trying to connect and communicate with the single-headed dragon.

At this time, the power of his bondage is obviously more useful than the power of waveguide.

And in the eyes of Mingyi and the others beside him, they could vaguely see that there seemed to be a thin line between Xiaozhi and Shanshoulong, connecting them together?

"Is this Xiaozhi's waveguide power? How is it completely different?"

Mingyi murmured in her heart, but didn't say much, just watched quietly from the side.

"Although Team Plasma has done many cruel things to you, not all humans are evil, not to mention that there are completely innocent Pokémon among the targets you attack."

With Ruoyouwu's fettering power, Xiaozhi's voice can even directly enter the depths of the single-headed dragon's heart.

"Come with me and become stronger together. If you encounter those cruel plasma teams in the future, release your dragon god to dive and completely defeat these villains!"

Although I don't know in the future, whether I will really collide with that group of plasma team members.

In short, let's throw a big pie in the past.

Or let Mr. Akromar throw a few evil members of the plasma team to vent to the single-headed dragon in the future.

As for the Pokémon who were illegally abused and tortured by evil organizations, Xiaozhi also knows the process of psychological resolution, so he can't rush

After a while, the connection of the power of fetters dissipated.


This single-headed dragon also lost its original hostility, and its eyes looked straight at Xiaozhi's direction through the black hair.

After thinking for a long time, I finally walked over slowly.

Open the dragon's mouth, and bite towards Xiaozhi's arm.


Mingyi next to him panicked, but Xiaozhi raised a hand to signal the former not to approach.

This time, Shan Shoulong's bite strength was not too high, it was more like holding his own arm?

This reminds Xiaozhi of the previous round land shark, or the little saw crocodile, they all like to bite themselves like this

"Let's go together, single-headed dragon!"

Facing the elf ball raised by Xiaozhi, the single-headed dragon was silent for a moment, then suddenly used its head hammer to hit the elf ball.


The red light immediately sucked it into it, and the poke ball stopped shaking after a while.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi let out a long breath and stood up.

"Successfully subdued the single-headed dragon!"

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