He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2328 Evolution, King of Disgust!


As soon as he appeared on the stage, this irascible single-headed dragon was about to explode on the spot, ready to charge around with his proud head hammer.

But before it started sprinting, a big hand covered it, firmly holding down its small head.


No matter how powerful the single-headed dragon exerted itself, the force exerted on its own head was not at the same level at all, and it did not move at all.

Through the thick black hair in front of his eyes, the single-headed dragon can vaguely see that the one holding him down in front of him is a muscular monkey with a vicious appearance and long hair.

"Give up drinking!


The Abandoned Monkey shouted immediately, ready to take Shan Shoulong back as his new disciple, and replace him with another person to persecute him.

Get someone else to teach!

Although the single-headed dragon has no limbs and cannot perform boxing, it is a Pokémon with evil attributes, and I can barely teach it.

As for Shan Shoulong's elder brother - fried pork

"Give up drinking!"

The Abandoned Monkey let out another low drink, signaling Chao Chao Zhu to come over.


Chaochaozhu's expression was somewhat cynical, and under pressure, he could only walk over slowly.

For this, Xiaozhi just ate melons silently by the side.

Teacher Abandoned Monkey's teaching level seems to be higher than his own?

Perhaps a truly mature trainer must first cultivate a mature trainer-type Pokémon?

Chaochaozhu thought that the Abandoned Monkey was going to practice himself again. After approaching, he already lay down on the spot and was going to do 100 push-ups first.

"Give up drinking!"

At this moment, the Abandoned World Monkey patted it on the shoulder suddenly.

You are a teacher!

The next road is up to you to walk, as a teacher can't teach you more things!


Hearing the words Chaochaozhu was taken aback for a moment, suspecting that he had heard wrongly.

After being stunned for a while, he stood up again and looked at the Abandoned Monkey in astonishment.

Then, holding his head in his hands, he sat down on the ground and wailed loudly.

Inexplicably, there are also some who are reluctant to bear the harsh training of the Abandoned Monkey in the past

The state of mind, like a roller coaster, suddenly went up and down, and the fried pig got a huge psychological stimulation all at once!


The next moment, Chaochao Pig's whole body suddenly burst into dazzling white light, and his figure also grew rapidly under the light.

"This can also evolve?!"

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched while watching the play behind him, and he couldn't help complaining.

Speaking of which, when Chaochaozhu evolved for the first time, I completely missed it.

In the end, did the second evolution still have nothing to do with me? !


When the light completely dissipated, Chaochaozhu shook his arms, let out a low cry, and showed everyone a brand new look.

It is about 1.8 meters tall, a head taller than Xiao Zhi, and with its fat and huge body, the stir-fried pig at this moment is like a mountain of meat!

No, the current name is King Yanwu!

Xiaozhi had seen this Pokémon King Yanwu before with Douzi.

Human-shaped fire pig, orange-red body, arms, and lower limbs are covered with black mane, with flowing cloud patterns.

Two wild boar tusks protruded from the corners of the mouth, and a circle of real flames ignited upwards on the neck, which looked very domineering!


It's just that Xiaozhi's face is a little weird, and he always feels that there is something weird about his Yanwu King.

Why does it feel somewhat similar to Abandoned Monkey's temperament, and the body also leans forward slightly, with a hunched back?

The head, which should be smooth, also bristled upwards like the Abandoned Monkey

Of course, unlike the exaggerated Abandoned Monkey, Shamat's long hair can completely cover him.

Especially the cry of King Yanwu, Xiaozhi had heard it from Douzi.

It should be an uplifting and domineering "Yan Wu~!

"That's right.

But the voice of King Yanwu

It happened that King Yanwu yelled again, and Xiaozhi immediately listened carefully.


Xiaozhi: "?"

It seems that something is not quite right.

But it's not a big problem. Although King Yanwu looked a little world-weary after completing the evolution, the heat wave coming towards his face showed that his strength had improved a lot.

"The second perfect body, is it finally out?!"

Xiaozhi smiled, and all the Pokémon around him showed envy.

In his Hezhong team, the Great Progenitor Bird was the first to evolve to a full body, and King Yanwu was the second.

"Give up drinking!"

Seeing this, Abandoning the World Monkey also nodded in satisfaction, as expected of his eldest disciple.

Although the height is suddenly a head taller than myself, it makes it a little uncomfortable

It's not a big problem, if hair counts as height, it's still half a head taller than King Yanwu.

"Give up drinking, give up drinking!"

Immediately, the Abandoned Monkey pointed at the single-headed dragon and pointed at King Yanwu, indicating that this is your elder brother.

Now you are the second junior brother.

Practice with yourself, and you will become so strong in the future!

It's just that the single-headed dragon has eye problems, so he can't see the specific appearance of King Yanwu at all.


It kept shaking its head, but it could only see a large mass of orange-red mixed with black mosaic unknown objects

Next, they were divided into groups, and all the Pokémon began to exercise individually.

Especially after seeing the evolved King Yanwu, the rest of the Pokémon were bloodied even more.


Among them, Ivy Snake was quite upset, obviously he was the one who carried the banner, but now he was shorter than King Yanwu

Clap clap!

Immediately, several vine whips were whipped towards the wall next to it. The plant vines that were originally materialized gradually transformed into pure energy-like bright green whips during the whipping

"Have you mastered the powerful whip?"

Xiaozhi was delighted. Recently, Ivy Snake has been practicing "Flying Leaf Storm" and "Meteor Swarm". These two big moves that can trigger the characteristic of singing the opposite tune, I didn't expect to be able to comprehend the big move of Strong Whiplash! ?

What a surprise!

He was having fun when suddenly there was a burst of laughter behind him.

"Wow, Xiaozhi, you also have a Yanwu King~!"

Xiaozhi was taken aback, Mingyi is still at the rescue station, helping her mother with some work, right?

And Akromar said that he had something to deal with, so he went out early in the morning and disappeared

At this time, how come there are outsiders in this private training ground?

Turning her head to look, she saw a hearty and outgoing girl in shorts and boots, with long brown hair tied into a capable high ponytail, and a pretty face with a maturity far beyond her peers.

"Oh, isn't this Douzi? Long time no see!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was overjoyed, and greeted him.

He caught a glimpse of an alien-like Pokémon floating on the latter's shoulder.

The big head is in sharp contrast to the small body, and the eyes are twinkling, which is very weird.

Obviously a Pokémon with super powers.

"Is it teleportation?"

Xiaozhi immediately understood that only by using the teleportation move, could he appear quietly behind him.

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