He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2330 Female fans all over the world!

"Fan Postcards?" Bureau

Hearing that Xiaozhi really became interested, he subconsciously accepted the letter.

Roughly doubled, the number is really quite a lot, like a dozen or so.

"There are still many studios in Raven City, I don't have all of them with me~!"

Douzi immediately pushed all the letters in front of Xiaozhi, indicating that the latter can read it with peace of mind, just to change the topic.

Xiaozhi opened the top postcard, which was sent by a girl named "Emma".

This is a rookie trainer from the Galar region. He said that he has watched the live broadcast of his game at the Sinnoh Conference, and he is a big fan of himself.

Hope to get her contact information, and hope to be her future travel partner in the Galar region. Bureau

The praise from the fans made Xiaozhi feel happy immediately.

It's just that he glanced at Douzi quickly and suspiciously. Could it be that she wrote it secretly?

"Hey, I'm a professional~! Those unreliable gossips are just an introduction!"

Douzi immediately put his hips on his hips and said triumphantly.

First rely on the attractiveness of the swimsuit photos, and then put on Xiaozhi's luxurious historical record

During this period of time, she really helped Xiaozhi attract a lot of real fans!

Of course, her performing arts company, which is on the verge of bankruptcy, has also gained a lot of resources from it, and is getting back on track. Bureau

"How about it? I've seen the backstage for you. Most of your fans are cute girls~! Do you want to reply~!"

Douzi even bent his eyes, staring at Xiaozhi with a teasing look, and pressed the fire beside him to urge him.

"cough cough"

Being hugged by Douzi like this, Xiaozhi blushed and coughed.

I roughly read the dozen or so postcards in my hand, signed on the cover.

Clara, Camille, Serena, Hetty

The names are obviously not like the common names of the Kanto region or the Sinnoh region, more like the Hezhong region or foreign names from other regions. Bureau

Well, I don't know each other.

A letter, he still has time to read and reply

But when he thought that there were more than a dozen letters, or even more, Xiaozhi immediately pushed these letters back to Douzi.

"Douzi, please reply to my letter, I don't have much time to deal with these things now."

They should all be strangers, simply attracted by Douzi.

If it's your own friend, you basically have your own contact information, you can get in touch with just a phone call, and naturally you won't bother to write a postcard.

"Oh~! Already starting to look like a big star~!"

Douzi took the letter and smiled teasingly at Xiaozhi.

Such an interruption made it difficult for Xiaozhi to say anything, so he could only look away with a dry smile.

Forget it, he doesn't care about these things anyway, and Douzi can deal with them as he likes.

"OK~! I will carefully read and reply to every letter~! Don't worry, I'm a professional manager!"

Douzi straightened his face, and immediately patted his chest to reassure him.

Her tactics of rubbing heat and attracting traffic can be regarded as barely passing Xiaozhi's level, and then she can continue to expand her influence.

The advertising effect in the Hezhong area is average, and then we will focus on advertising in other places, give it a try! Bureau

Especially the upcoming World Championships will be a good time for Xiaozhi to show off in front of the whole world, and she plans to follow the whole process.

Before leaving, Douzi suddenly took out a familiar letter and shook it at Xiaozhi.

"By the way, I will also participate in this sailing world championship~!"

Xiaozhi was taken aback, the letter in Douzi's hand was very familiar, it was the qualification letter for the World Championships.

Is it possible that another gymnasium owner was replaced in the competition?

Xiaozhi couldn't help but think of the supermodel beauty in Leiwen City before—Miss Xiaoju'er. She has a good relationship with Douzi, so did she participate in the competition instead of Leiwen Gym?

"It was given to me by Mr. Adek himself~!"

Douzi waved his hand and said with a slightly smug smile.

"Mr. Adek?"

Xiaozhi thought for a while, this Mr. Adek is the current champion of the United League, right?

He had heard the name several times, but had never had the chance to meet him in person.

"That's right~! Hehe, Mr. Adek thinks my trainer level is good, so he invited me to compete~"

Xiaozhi didn't have any objection to Douzi's statement.

Douzi's combat level, he had experienced it before when he was fighting against the subway. Bureau

He is a very mature and experienced trainer. Since he didn't use his full strength, he didn't know what the upper limit of Douzi was.

But he shouldn't lose to an alliance king, right?

Douzi retracted the qualification letter for the World Championships, and the scene of meeting Mr. Adek appeared in his mind.

The latter is compared to continuing to be the league champion

The focus now is more on finding a rookie trainer who can take his place.

So Adek personally issued invitation letters to many of the elite trainers he valued in the Hezhong area.

It seems that he intends to select a successor to the United League champion through this World Championship? Bureau

"Then we will be opponents next, Douzi!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he looked at Douzi very excitedly.

But Douzi quickly turned his head into a rattle.

Her goal is simple, as long as she doesn't get eliminated in the first round, it's too embarrassing!

Although with her strength and youthful and beautiful appearance, even if she invests in herself to become a big star, it is not difficult

But Douzi wants to stay behind the scenes and create a big star himself, rather than let himself stand on the stage where the stars are all over the place. Bureau

"Um, are they all so messed up?"

After listening to Douzi's explanation, the corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched.

Whether it's Mingyi, Xiaoxia, or Douzi, the goal is to not be eliminated in the first round.

They are all here to be bastards! ?

I don't know how many people there are in this World Championships, and how many groups will be divided into the first round.

But this is the trainers from all over the world, the king of Hezhong gymnasium, and various invitation letters sent by Mr. Adek himself

I feel that the number of participants in this World Championship should not be low. Bureau

"Then we'll see you the day after tomorrow~ Say hello to Xiao Mingyi for me~!"

After explaining the matter, Douzi was ready to run away with the little gray monster.

She has already made an appointment with Xiaozhi to watch the Youth Cup final together the day after tomorrow. Maybe she can discover another big star?

"Oh, right! There's also this little Mama fish, let's take care of it with Xiaozhi for the time being~!"

Before leaving, Douzi also stuffed Mama Xiaoyu's elf ball into Xiaozhi's hand.


Only then did he use teleportation, and the little gray monster disappeared in place. Bureau


And without the bucket to cover him, Xiaozhi suddenly became silent when he saw what Rotom was doing to the little fish not far away.

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