He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2334 128 contestants, eliminated to advance!

Next to him, the King of Fighters, Lian Wu, frowned when he heard Yueju's voice. candle stub

This guy, his gambling problem is still the same.

But soon, Lian Wu clenched his fists, the muscles in his arms were trembling slightly, and he said to himself:

"Hmph, this ending is not surprising, because I will definitely defeat Mr. Adek this time!"

Hearing this, Yueju covered her mouth lightly, turned her head to look at Lian Wu, and almost laughed out loud.

"Your words...I bet you can't make it to the quarterfinals~"

Lian Wu: "..."

Seeing Yueju's mocking and laughing expression, Lian Wu raised his thick yellow eyebrows, and almost punched the latter directly. candle stub

Although the participants of the World Championships are strong players from all over the world...

But after all, it is only the first conference, the reputation is not big enough, and there are not many strong people who come. If he wants to enter the quarterfinals, it should not be difficult.

"Damn it, I was brought in by this guy... My goal is the first place, what quarterfinals!"

In the end Lian Wu glared at Yueju, this time he closed his eyes and embraced his chest, took a long breath and ignored the movement around him.

"What a boring guy~"

Seeing this, Lingju didn't say anything more.

It's just that he also wants to make a bet for himself, can he enter the quarterfinals? candle stub

"Ahem, let me tell you about this World Championship. There are a total of 120 contestants. Including the last 8 contestants born in the Youth Cup just now...the main contestants are exactly 128!"

Adek in front was still introducing the rules, pointing his arm upwards, and the names of 128 players appeared on the electronic screen above at the same time.

Due to the large number of people, none of them showed their head photos, and there was only one name on the electronic screen.

"Well, I see me..."

In the spectator seats, Xiaozhi squinted his eyes and managed to find himself among the many strange names.

Of course, Mingyi, Douzi and others are all on it.

They have already submitted the qualification letter before, which can be regarded as a formal registration. candle stub

Xiaozhi also saw many acquaintances on it, such as Xiaoxia and Miss Kona from the Kanto region.

And the people from the Chengdu area next door seemed to be A Yin whom I had seen before, and Miss Xiaochun, the owner of the Dragon Attribute Hall from Yanmo Gymnasium.

Xiaozhi is not sure if he missed it, but the names of the 128 contestants are all crowded together, and the arrangement is disordered, and there is no indication of which region they are from, so it is very confusing...


"Listen to me, starting tomorrow, these 128 players will be randomly matched with their opponents for an elimination promotion match."

Mr. Adek suddenly raised a finger and added:

"Each player can use... 1 Pokémon!" 灺

These words immediately caused an uproar in the venue.

Although the initial game process of the league conference, 1v1 is not uncommon...

But now it is the World Championships, and every player who has qualified for the competition has a brush.

In the end, it was a life-and-death battle at the very beginning. Would a Pokémon be completely out of the game if it lost? !

"In the beginning, there was no going back...It was cruel enough."

This kind of competition system also made Xiaozhi calm down a little.

The single-headed dragon will definitely not be able to play, and no chance will be given to any hot players. candle stub

In other words, if the two heavenly kings face each other at the beginning, only one Pokémon can be used...I always feel that it is very unscientific.


Seeing the movement in the audience, Adek just laughed and didn't interrupt.

Naturally it cannot be completely random.

Otherwise, if the strong players collide with each other at the beginning and are unlucky to be eliminated, what is there to see in this world championship?

Most of the 128 contestants participated through qualification letters, and naturally they basically have background information.

Behind the scenes, they have roughly divided the 128 people into three grades. candle stub

Those at the T1 level are all heavenly kings from all over the world, or powerful trainers who have been famous for many years, and they are also the absolute hot spots in the second half of this world championship.

For example, Adek himself, or Xiaozhi, the king of passers-by, are also classified into this category.

The T2 level is for mature and experienced gym owners from all over the world, or elite trainers with good records.

For example, Xiaoxia, the owner of the Hualan gymnasium, and Douzi, who sent the invitation card by Adek himself, are all in this category.

The rest of the players are in T3 gear, like the Youth Cup players Xiu Di and Kenny Yang, all of them are in it...

Of course, the classification of grades does not mean the real strength of the players, it is just a basic reference.

In other words, the division of T2 and T3 players is actually not very meaningful. candle stub

The only thing that the World Championships officials do behind the scenes is to prevent the T1 players from meeting each other in the first few rounds...

The pairing battles of the rest of the players are completely random and will not interfere.

"Huh... Fortunately, I have prepared a few more candidates..."

Adek wiped his sweat and heaved a sigh of relief.

Not all the trainers who gave qualification letters before were present.

He also deliberately found a few alliance staff with good combat effectiveness, and just got together this beautiful "128" number.

In this case, there is no need for an additional competition system, and each round of promotion and elimination will naturally determine the world's number one trainer! candle stub

Of course, this "world number one" is currently only recognized by their United Alliance...

"128 into 64, it will be a 1-on-1 battle. Similarly, 64 into 32, players can only choose one Pokémon to play!"

Adek continued to introduce the rules.

Unlike the lengthy competition system in other regions, their Hezhong region's main focus is simple and rude.

"Then the top 32 advances to the top 16, and the top 16 advances to the top 8. The number of Pokémon players can use has increased to 2!"

"There is no superior-subordinate relationship between each round... The new round of promotion and elimination will randomly re-match opponents!"

"If you lose, you are out. This is true for any player, without exception!" 灺

The rather novel rules of the competition system made Xiaozhi in the audience think carefully.

So there are really very few Pokémon that can be dispatched...

"Is it to speed up the schedule?"

Beside him, Douzi was holding Rotom, staring at the screen.

What is playing on the screen at this moment is the world championship scene in the Galar region.

Two conferences of the same nature are holding their opening ceremonies at the same time!

"Hey, it's the uncle who introduced the rules on both sides~"

Mingyi leaned his head across Xiaozhi in the middle, and when he looked at the screen, he couldn't help complaining.

The keynote speaker of the Galar World Championships was no longer the league champion, but a middle-aged man in an off-white suit, with short black hair parting in front of his forehead, and his demeanor and tone were quite greasy.

"Well, it seems that both parties want to let their side, the first "world number one" be born earlier..."

Douzi watched the situation on both sides at the same time, and analyzed.



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