He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2345 Vulcan Moth, the future and the original form!

After a while, Adek and Xiaozhi came to the small courtyard outside the elf center together.

But Dou Zimingyi and the others could only see their figures eagerly through the glass.

Unable to hear the specific content of the exchange between the two, this made Douzi, who has always loved to collect information (gossip), quite anxious, so much so that his ears were directly attached to the glass window.

"Leave it to me~!"

At this time, Ming Yi took out a machine in the shape of an ear from his bag.

The direction of the outer auricle, with its own suction cup function, can be firmly attached to the glass.

Immediately, Mingyi threw a bluetooth headset to Douzi Xiaoxia and each of them, and the two took it in a daze, and put it on their ears.


A slight current passed by, and amidst a burst of noise, I could really hear the exchange between Xiaozhi and Adek outside!

Seeing the surprised faces of the two, Ming Yi smiled triumphantly and explained:

"Hey~ This is Mr. Akroma's invention, it's called Akroma Hearing Aid~!"

The backpack carried by Akromar is not a four-dimensional pocket after all, and the storage space is limited

There are also some interesting small props, and Mingyi will help install some at ordinary times.

Well, now it comes in handy!

Listening to the conversation coming from the earphones, Douzi's eyes suddenly became hot.

Acromar hearing aids?

It's obviously a bug!

Under the eavesdropping of the three, the content of the conversation between Xiaozhi and Adek gradually became clear.

At the beginning, it was natural to congratulate and praise Xiaozhi's performance during the day.

"Haha, Xiaozhi from New Town, I've heard of your name a long time ago. Today, I saw that you are not just a simple trainer~ You are really awesome~!"

Champion Adek seemed to like to throw his head up and laugh every now and then, without any pretensions of a league champion.

"Hehe, it's okay, Mr. Adek will only appear on the stage tomorrow, and I look forward to your game screen tomorrow!"

Xiaozhi is also suitable for a wave of business bragging.

It is said that Mr. Adek's trump card Pokémon is Vulcan Moth. I don't know who is stronger in battle, or his Iron Poison Moth?

"By the way, let's talk about your vulcan moth, no, it's called the iron poisonous moth, right? Where did you catch it?"

Adek's tone became a little more cautious, after all, not everyone likes to reveal information about his conquest.

Faced with Adek's inquiry, Xiaozhi didn't hide too much, and immediately explained:

"It's a vulcan moth that has lived for thousands of years. Because its lifespan was exhausted, it was mechanically transformed by people, replacing all its body organs, and it now looks like an iron poisonous moth."

But Xiaozhi didn't mention Acromar's name.

Regarding the matter of the plasma team, Mr. Akromar hasn't dealt with it yet, let's not talk about him now.

Adek has heard the legend of the ancient castle, and he once went to that desert to explore it.

"Mechanical Transformation"

But this word seems to make people have to pay more attention.

Artificial transformation of Pokémon

Although there is no explicit legal prohibition, at least in terms of public ethics, it is indeed resisted. At least this kind of thing cannot be brought to the surface.

Mechanical transformation obviously requires highly skilled scientists to operate, or even a team

Adek stroked his chin and looked at Xiaozhi thoughtfully.

It seems that he not only has a very strong combat power, but also has many powerful support partners behind him?

But these are not the key points, if this technology can be popularized.

"Perhaps my Vulcan Moth could also be reborn?"

Adek's expression relaxed, and he inexplicably recalled his former partner, who was also his absolute trump card.

That was also a Vulcan Moth.

Even now, I have bred a new Vulcan moth again, but in terms of strength, I can't reproduce the original peak

Adek coughed, and temporarily put away his sad expression.

"Xiaozhi, thank you for telling me this. Since this is the case, let me tell you something interesting."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi immediately became interested and looked forward to the next article.

Adek pouted his mouth and thought for a while, frowning:

"Where do I start, by the way, you should know my grandson, right?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment, then nodded after a while.

"You mean Fan Shilang, right? I have the impression."

When he was in Suanmu Town, he had a chance encounter with Fan Shilang, and they almost got into a fight.

After solving the misunderstanding, the two became friends. Fan Shilang even took himself and Mingyi to a very hidden forest in the northwest of Suanmu Town - the Forest of Oath.

As a result, his Pikachu also mastered the "beast slash" move, and Mingyi's double-edged pill mastered the "sacred sword" trick.

Speaking of which, Fan Shilang seems to have said that he will also come to participate in this championship, and the two will officially compete with each other at that time

With red hair similar to Adek's, coupled with his violent personality, he should be very conspicuous in the crowd.

But in the past few days, Xiaozhi didn't seem to see Fan Shilang.

"This matter has something to do with Vulcan Moth"

Adek nodded, his face darkened and he said:

"Everything has two sides. If there is yin, there is yang. If Vulcan moth has a whole body mechanical like iron poisonous moth, it seems to come from the form of future technology. Perhaps, there is also a reverse, simple and primitive form."

"The simple and primitive form?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback, why did the topic suddenly change from grandson to here?

"This is the secret I know from an ancient book"

Adek went on to say:

"It is said that in the distant ancient times, the Vulcan Moth's wings were not fully developed and could not fly. It could only climb on the ground like a reptile. This may be called the ancient primitive appearance of the Vulcan Moth."

Different from Vulcan Moth's powerful long-range moves, Vulcan Moth in ancient form is better at melee combat and has absolute physical strength!

"Fan Shilang, that kid, didn't know where he knew this secret, so he didn't plan to evolve into a serious Vulcan moth, he just planned to reproduce history, trying to make his burning worm move towards that original appearance. "

Adek shrugged helplessly:

"So~ I don't plan to come to the tournament anymore, and I started to practice in seclusion again~ He asked me before, if he sees you at the venue, say sorry and he will miss the appointment."

After listening to it completely, Xiaozhi's expression was astonished. He didn't expect Vulcan Moth to have such a secret.

"Ancient, Future"

Speaking of which, at the press conference held by Mr. Shui Jing, he discovered an "ancient" Suicune.

And I have a "future-oriented" iron poisonous moth

Could it be that this is a specific ethnic group?

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