He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2357 vs Bagir, Ibrahimovic team!

"Reib, use electromagnetic waves!!"

At the beginning of the battle, the high-speed Leib took the lead in attacking, throwing out a paralyzing grid with spiked fur all over his body.

However, today's "King Yanwu" moves extremely fast. He is obviously a fat body, but he can move at high speed and easily avoid electromagnetic waves.

Bagir seemed to have thought of some tactics, raised the corner of his mouth, and suddenly said:

"Reib, replace Volt!"

Leibu kicked forward, turned into a stream of lightning, and hit King Yanwu's chest head-on.

In an instant, his body turned red, and he retreated into Bagir's elf ball.

boom! crude bamboo mat

The other Poké Ball opened, and it was a blue Pokémon with fin-shaped ears and a slender fish tail - Mizueb.

But at the same moment, the figure of "King Yanwu" on the opposite side also began to tremble strangely.

The fire pigs mingled together violently, turning into a blue will-o'-the-wisp, swaying and fluttering in mid-air, and finally all gathered back to the body, turning into the fluff of a little white fox.

It's Zoroya's hallucination feature!


Recovering his body, Zoroya Xicui opened his amber eyes and let out a low cry. The field of tens of thousands of people made him a little nervous and timid, and shrank his head.

When pretending to be hallucinatory, with the protection of the leather case, you can pretend to be excited and lively as you like. crude bamboo mat

Bagir: "..."

Um, I knew it would not be a show operation.

This made him, who was going to switch to Shui Ibrahimovic handsomely to fight against King Yanwu, suddenly look a little embarrassed...

But why does this Zoroya look weird?

As a member of the outdoor rescue team active in the Hezhong area, Bagir has rescued the rare Soroya, but he has never seen Soroya with a snow-white body and blue fluff.

Obviously not a different color Pokémon.

On the other side, Xiaozhi has already launched an attack on his own initiative:

"Zoroya, use the shadow to sneak attack!!"

Zoroya nodded, his figure instantly hid in his shadow, and quietly appeared behind Shui Ibrahimovic.

"Shui Yibo, move at high speed and avoid it!!"

Although it has the characteristics of a fish, Shui Eevee still has beast-shaped limbs, and immediately runs and sprints, and his own speed has been increased.

It's just that no matter how fast the speed is, he can't get rid of his own shadow. High-speed movement has no effect on the sneak attack of the shadow. Zoroya is always stuck behind Shui Ibrahimovic.

Whoop! !

Jumping out from the shadow suddenly, his little claws grabbed Shui Yibu's back, chopping him forward and rolling several times. crude bamboo mat

Don't look at Zoroya's small stature now, like a cub without much combat power.

However, after four months of training, and the increase of Pokémon virus.

Coupled with Master Ajin's consecration...

The low-power shadow sneak attack, Zoroya also dealt good damage.

Bagir naturally also saw that the little fox was not the "free" opponent it seemed on the surface, and immediately shouted:

"Mizuev, use the baton!"

The next moment, Shui Eevee jumped up on the spot, turned into a special object in the shape of a baton, and returned to the elf ball. crude bamboo mat


At the same moment, Reib took over and made his debut again.

The active replacement of the baton can allow the new Pokémon to inherit the boost effect of the previous one.


Reappearing, Leib's body was the first to light up a burst of red light, which means that the high-speed movement effect of Shuibo has been inherited.

"Reib, use the missile needle!!"

The fur on Leib's back leaned forward, and countless sharp thorns flew out in an instant, attacking Zoroya in unison. crude bamboo mat

Relying on the ghostly body skills, Soroya once again hid in the shadows.

Repeating the old trick, he will perform a shadow sneak attack again, hitting Leib on the back.


Leib became alert, and the fur all over his body stood up, like a hedgehog with steel needles, making Sorolla completely unable to make a move, and froze in place.

"Now, Leib, use the shadow ball!!"

Leib leaped and rebounded, a shadow ball condensed in his mouth, and threw it towards Zoroya with his forelegs.

However, when the shadow ball landed on Zoroya, it went straight through and completely missed...

"This Zoroya, is it a normal attribute?!"

Bajir's face froze, and he realized instantly that this was an immune effect only available with normal attributes.

There is also the shadow sneak attack that the opponent has used many times before...

Outrageous, is there even a Pokémon with a combination of normal + ghost attributes?

"Hey, it's our turn, Zoroya, use the shadow ball!!"

Zoroya raised his head, also condensed a shadow ball, and threw it out fiercely.

Boom! ! crude bamboo mat

Caught off guard, this time the shadow ball hit Leib solidly, causing a burst of purple mist to explode on the latter's body!


In mid-air, Leib's head was blown into a dizzy state, and his stamina dropped sharply.

However, Bagir's team of Ibrahimovic evolved, and he worked outdoors with him all the year round, and his stamina surpassed that of ordinary Pokémon.

"Reib, use Pray for Rain!!"

At the same time as he landed, Leib adjusted his body shape, raised his head to the sky and chanted.

Xi da da!!

After a while, dark clouds covered the venue and it began to rain heavily.

The increase in high-speed movement can even allow Leib to perform the next move at an extremely fast speed.

"It's now, Thunder!!"

Accompanied by Bagir's low shout, a thunderbolt exploded over the arena in an instant, dyeing the entire sky bright blue.

In rainy weather, the hit rate of thunder is extremely amazing.

Boom! !

The thick Thunder Pillar roared down, hitting Zoroya's small body! crude bamboo mat

The astonishing voltage annihilated a small layer of sand and soil on the ground out of thin air, and Zoroya, who was in the center of the lightning, was under unspeakable pressure.


As if being pressed on the ground by a giant hand, Zoroya's limbs spread out, and the blue fluff was pressed to the ground, making it difficult to move a little bit, and the terrifying electric current continued to flow and explode on its back.

The pain that hit his forehead almost made Soroya faint on the spot.

It's just that this feeling didn't last long, and Sorolla suddenly felt a warm current surge in his body. As a support, the current pressure suddenly eased a lot.


Barely turning his gaze away, Zoroya noticed that Xiaozhi behind him had closed his eyes at some point, and slowly raised a hand, facing him from the air. crude bamboo mat

Xiaozhi's facial features are still beating slightly, as if he is also enduring a strong thunderstorm...

But Leib's thunder is obviously much weaker than Pikachu's electric shock, so it's not a big problem.

The power of bondage!

Xiaozhi is using the power of fetters to communicate and connect Soraya's five senses, helping the latter relieve part of the pressure.

In the previous match against Alice, it has been proved that even if the trainer uses his own unique power assistance, it is not considered a foul.



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