He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 214 Hot Sand Land! !

(Mine, read this chapter after 12:10, copy and paste later.)

"Pika pickup..."

As Xia Bo guessed, the tail of Pikachu spinning in mid-air soon became brighter, as if using a certain skill.


The sound of electric current sounded.

The color of the light on Pikachu's tail suddenly changed, turning into a dazzling golden yellow, filled with current fluctuations.

It actually condensed a golden energy light ball at the tail position, and before the figure landed, it flipped over and projected the golden energy light ball suddenly, and shot it towards the flame horse.


The golden light group shone on Xia Bo's sunglasses, making his eyes a little hot.

Even the shape of the golden light group changed halfway, and suddenly spread out, turning into a 3 or 4 meter wide electric current net, falling towards the whole bedding of the flame horse.

The latter was full of steel tails that were wary of getting close, but unexpectedly turned into a net of heaven and earth. He didn't react for a while, and was caught by the big golden net.


Before the flame horse could struggle, as soon as the golden net touched the latter's skin, the electric current burst and climbed away in an instant, blooming on the former's body again and again.


It was Xiaozhi's iron-armored chrysalis' unique skill of guarding the door. As the big brother in the team, he was also the darling of the electric attribute. After such a long time, Pikachu naturally copied it successfully.

Not only can it cause damage, but the large current net can also restrict the opponent's movements, which can be said to be a very versatile skill.

Xiaozhi suddenly showed a fierce expression on the corner of his mouth, and shouted:

"Pikachu, add another one hundred thousand volts!!"

The power grid cannot be bound indefinitely. Normally, normal people would just look at it stupidly, but Xiaozhi is different. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he naturally wants to beat the dog in the water.

"Pika, Chu!!"

With Pikachu's roar, a golden electric current burst from its cheeks, soaring into the sky, and turned into a lightning snake that shot away, with great power!

Pikachu is not a general attribute, nor is it a steel attribute.

Anti-lightning flash, anti-steel tail?

Xiaozhi was amused by Xia Bo.

Is it true that the lightning of the electric mouse is just for Tu Yile?


As soon as the 100,000 volts came into contact with the power grid, it exploded instantly, and the golden lightning energy became extremely violent, and was enveloped by the power grid and could not spread.

And when the energy couldn't support it, it finally sparked an explosion of immense momentum on the spot!


Smoke and dust billowed everywhere, and lightning rushed straight up from the crater, and the magma under the rock formation seemed to be churning even more intensely.

"Is there a winner?"

This is what everyone desperately wants to know.


Soon, the smoke and dust from the explosion dissipated, and the shackles of the power grid disappeared.

"Cha hum!!"

A high-pitched horse cry sounded, and a flaming steed was still standing upright on the ruins.

His body was covered with scars from electric shock explosions, which were serious. Even the sharp corners of his forehead were stained with dust, but his haughty eyes remained unchanged. His flaming mane was still dancing, and he looked at Pikachu with fiery eyes. .

Horse, other attributes may not be so good.

But resistance to Cao is a must.

Flame Horse has stamina and willpower far higher than other Pokémon.


The fiery fighting spirit on the opposite side made Pikachu drop a drop of sweat, and his expression was a little ugly.

If the Pokémon of the horse race has such and such advantages, then the Pokémon of the mouse race is the complete opposite, full of shortcomings.

When encountering trouble, it is easy to back down.

This is a natural characteristic of the electric mouse family, not what Pikachu himself wants to play.

"In this case, let's try the skill I learned recently from the Galar region."

Xia Bo's sunglasses suddenly lit up with a cold light. The trick he said was learned on the machine from a skill he brought from a friend.

It is very special, it is not a fire attribute, but it can exert an effect similar to a fire attribute.

This trick is a bit similar to the boiling water used by Xiaozhi's cammy turtle earlier.

And he had just learned his flame horse, which was why he said "coincidentally" before the game started.

Xia Bo threw out his fist and officially called out the name of this move.

"Flame Horse, use the Hot Sand Land!!"

"Cha hum!!"

The flaming horse roared loudly, and then raised its two foreleg hooves, which had even condensed a layer of incomparably hot and blunt strange energy.

It's like a combination of two attributes...

"Keng Keng!!"

As the front hooves of the flame horse stomped down heavily, the entire arena suddenly vibrated inexplicably.

It's just that this time the vibration was not at all like the previous earthquake caused by brute force, but something seemed to be erupting from the ground, with a "rustling" sound.

"Boom boom boom!!"

In the next second, the answer came out.

The source of the khaki quicksand is the ground beneath the feet of the flaming horse, gushing out like a khaki wave, but without the slightest moisture, it is a complete quicksand entity.


On the quicksand, there is even steaming white smoke and hot air, which is obviously extremely hot sand! !


The flaming horse rode the hot sand, roaring towards Pikachu like a giant wave!


Xiaozhi and Pikachu, who had never seen this kind of hot sand wave moves, were taken aback. They secretly wondered why this Galar region is here, and they always like to use these fancy new skills.

For example, his 002 favorite grass slider.

For example, the mist that his pink butterfly accidentally learned to explode.

But one thing is for sure, these skills are not simple.


Pikachu didn't dare to be careless, and quickly jumped up, letting the wave of hot sand roll over its feet.

"Huh huh huh..."

Soon, the hot sand completely covered the Red Lotus training ground, changing from a rocky ground to a sandy ground.

"Too bad your Pikachu can't fly..."

Xia Bo sneered, "No matter how high you jump, what's the use? You can't fly. You always have to land. At this moment, every inch of the arena is covered with hot sand."


With the end of Xia Bo's words, the entire volcano shook slightly, and the magma below was churning more violently, and the height seemed to have risen by half a meter.

"Mr. Xia Bo, you have violated a taboo, you can't say "can't fly" in the crater!"

Xiao Gang, who was the referee, quickly reminded that although this was just a taboo at the level of belief, just at this moment, he felt that the God of Volcano might really exist.

Unexpectedly, just after Xiaogang’s words were over, the volcano shook again, the magma rose half a meter again, and the temperature began to rise.

It's just that Pikachu can't fly, it can't jump



copy and paste.

"Flame Horse, use the Hot Sand Land!!"

"Cha hum!!"

The flaming horse roared loudly, and then raised its two foreleg hooves, which had even condensed a layer of incomparably hot and blunt strange energy.

It's like a combination of two attributes...

"Keng Keng!!"

As the front hooves of the flame horse stomped down heavily, the entire arena suddenly vibrated inexplicably.

It's just that this time the vibration was not at all like the previous earthquake caused by brute force, but something seemed to be erupting from the ground, with a "rustling" sound.

"Boom boom boom!!"

In the next second, the answer came out.

The source of the khaki quicksand is the ground under the feet of the flaming horse, gushing out like a khaki wave, but without the slightest moisture, it is a complete quicksand entity.


On the quicksand, there is even steaming white smoke and hot air, which is obviously extremely hot sand! !


The flame horse rode the huge wave of hot sand, roaring towards Pikachu!


Flame Horse: Accumulated Flame Strike, Trample, Flame Charge, Double Kick, Hot Sand Land, High Speed ​​Movement,

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