He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2410 Aoki's third... Phantom Beast? !

"Nice job! Genesect!"

Winning with one blow, even defeating the opponent's most proud hole card method, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but praise him loudly.

"Jie Jie"

Genesect, on the other hand, was hunched over, making intermittent electronic sounds, with a flat head and grinning mouth, probably sneering triumphantly.

"Haha~ It is indeed my most outstanding work!"

In the stands, Akromar couldn't help laughing out loud.

Hmph~ The steel world destroyer he created cannot be stopped by anything too crystallized!

The smug laughter attracted the attention of many trainers around, secretly thinking that this satellite head is also a great inventor.


N's expression was quite serious, and it turned out that the World Exterminator was as powerful as imagined.

I just don't know how many Mr. Akromar resurrected, and how many Quecchis held in his hands?

According to the blueprint of the project, the Plasma team will resurrect a five-member team at the beginning

If Quecchis held a team of five Genesects to destroy the world, the danger level would be at its fullest.

"Let's ask after the meeting is over."

Seeing that Akromar was in high spirits, and there were many people around, N didn't ask directly, and turned his attention back to the arena for the time being.

Next, this middle-aged uncle whose strength is comparable to the king of the alliance has only one last Pokémon left

That peculiar crystallization mechanism should only be used once, right?

Having used up his hole cards ahead of time, he was a little curious about what kind of Pokémon the opponent's third club was.

"How about Genesect, do you want to continue fighting?"

"Jie Jie~!"

On the field, after Xiaozhi asked, the Iron Worm God immediately raised his sharp claws again to express his attitude.

Since it is impossible to kill now, today it is natural to smash the opponent through three times, so as to completely satisfy its desire to destroy!

"Then keep going!"

Xiao Zhigao yelled, but it didn't dissuade Steel Worm God from his enthusiasm.

Although the physical strength of Genesect, who was four times restrained by the opponent's blow, is still more than enough!

On the other side, Aoki has already taken the flamingo back.

He should have taken out the third elf ball, but this time Aoki put both the crystal beads and the elf ball back into the briefcase, and tightened the zipper

Standing there in a daze, as if clocking in to leave work.


The referee Don George was stunned, are you going to abstain?

But Aoki obviously didn't intend to end the battle just like that.

"Ahem, that player Aoki, please"

Just when Don George was about to remind Aoki to quickly dispatch the next Pokémon, a loud and excited shout suddenly came from another direction of the venue.

"Is this voice still familiar?"

All the audience, including Xiaozhi, cast their eyes subconsciously. The latter even felt that he had heard this voice before?

Taking a closer look, I saw a pale yellow foal standing on a high platform somewhere in the spectator seats of the venue.

It has resolute eyes and a dignified appearance. Its neck and tail are long sky blue hair, and the top of its head is covered with thick brown-red fluff.


The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched, why did this troublesome phantom suddenly appear here?

The gaze turned towards Aoki, who seemed not surprised at all, and didn't stop him, just watching quietly?

Under the suspicious eyes of everyone, Keldeo jumped up and down again and again, and finally landed lightly on the

In front of Aoki? !


Keldeo seemed to have become Aoki's Pokémon, so he fixed his eyes on Xiaozhi, shouted loudly and declared war.

Xiaozhi: "?"

This made him completely confused. When did Keldeo become Uncle Aoki's Pokémon?

Referee Don George was also a little confused.

But it seems to be ok according to the rules.

Who said that the trainer's Pokémon must be thrown from the ball?

For example, the electric mouse at Xiaozhi's feet has been raised free-range, so this Keldeo suddenly jumped up from the audience to participate in the battle, seems to be all right?

"Ahem, that's right, Keldeo is the third Pokémon I sent!"

Under the puzzled eyes of everyone, Aoki coughed and admitted.

Of course, he and Keldeo did not know each other before.

He had a good rest in the hotel room yesterday.

The little pony suddenly jumped onto his balcony and darted in.

At that time, Aoki thought it was an invasion of wild Pokémon, and he was shocked.

However, Keldeo, as a large phantom beast, has a very high IQ. Apart from being unable to speak, he can communicate normally with humans.

After some sign language and eye contact, Aoki finally understood the other party's intentions, and wanted to have a formal duel with his opponent tomorrow.

Keldeo requested to occupy Aoki's No. 3 position, and was surrounded by hundreds of spectators, and completely defeated Xiaozhi to avenge the broken horn that day.

At that time, Aoki was still in a daze for a while.

Let's not talk about this request

The match information was only announced that night, and he didn't even know who he would face in the afternoon. How did this Phantom Beast pony know that his opponent would be Xiaozhi?

"Haha~ It's time for a good show~!"

In another private room, as the instigator, Adek grinned and couldn't help laughing.

Obviously, he already knew about it.

On that day, the two phantom beasts made a lot of noise in the streets of the venue

It was he who sneakily told Keldeo the order of Xiaozhi's battle in advance, and suggested to fight on the grandest stage, which made the latter temporarily stop.

Seeing the cheers gradually aroused by the audience around the venue, Adek was overjoyed.

Although Genesect is also a phantom beast, but no one knows it, but Keldeo is different!

A mysterious local Eudemons appeared at the Fanba World Championships, and this is the only way to fill up the heat!

"Well, that's it anyway~"

Aoki rubbed the back of his head and explained.

It's hard for him to refuse such an earnest request from Kelideo. It just so happens that he can paddle beside the third Pokémon as a spectator without burning his brain.

Just like that, the second flamingo directly used Taijinghua.

To be able to reach the top 16, the mission given to him by Padia officials has already met the standard.

Then let's start~

Aoki took a step back a little later, he was not familiar with Keldeo, even though he was now Keldeo's trainer in name

But what follows is purely a personal grievance between Keldeo and Xiaozhi.


Keldeo also let out another burst of declaring war, his eyes staring brightly.

Knowing the reason, Xiaozhi no longer refused, and the flames of war were also ignited in his eyes.

The last time he broke Keldeo's horn with his bare hands, but the hands of the trainer can't be counted.

Now is indeed the best time to decide the outcome with this Eudemon! !

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