He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2417 What kind of girl do you prefer...?

"Xiaozhi player, you have successfully advanced to the top 8 of the Sailing World Championships. Although you are still very young, you are already on par with other strong players who have been famous for many years... I can ask, so this time you Where is the expected goal to go?"

Pansy didn't hold any microphone in her hand, but there was still a bit of sternness in her calm tone.


The umbrella lizard also stopped playing, but got into the pansy's pocket and took out a small video camera, with its small paws grabbing the front of its head, and took pictures of Xiaozhi all around, very clever.

Just like Douzi and her little gray monster, they are powerful supporting partners in life and work.

However, according to the current development momentum, maybe in a few years, not to mention human photographers, even Pokémon photographers will be laid off, and all intelligent Rotom will assist in shooting.

Hearing Pansy's inquiry, Xiaozhi immediately clenched his fists, and said with fiery eyes:

"Of course I went all the way to the top and won the World Championships!"

Although in fact the gold content of the World Championships is not as high as the official bragging, the winner is really "the world's number one trainer"...

But it is still a rare and grand event to fight against many alliance kings and even champions in a row.

"Hmm, then if you face the opponent with the highest call to win the World Championships, that is, Mr. Adek, the champion of the United League, are you confident in defeating the latter?"

Pansy continued the interview.

Although Adek now feels that his strength has declined, and he is constantly digging out newcomers to try to take his place...but no one outside knows these secrets.

In the eyes of most people, Adek is still the invincible league champion, and he is undoubtedly the absolute favorite to win the World Championships this time.

Even the few fights shown so far have been extremely dominant.

"Mr. Adek... Indeed, Mr. Adek is very strong."

Xiaozhi's eyes were fixed, and he didn't hesitate for a long time before replying in a deep voice:

"If the final opponent is Mr. Adek, I will try my best to defeat him!"

Pansy was obviously very satisfied with Xiaozhi's answer, young people should be more arrogant.

You can even be a little more crazy, talking trash before the game, wearing three adeks and so on... Obviously it is more popular with the public.

However, their Miare Publishing House is not a gossip magazine, and they cannot maliciously guide the interviewees to speak.

"At present, Mr. Adek's trump card is the very famous Vulcan Moth in the Hezhong area. It is said that its status and strength are not inferior to the legendary Pokémon... If you bump into it, which Pokémon will you probably use? What about confrontation? Is it the newly tamed Eudemons Keldeo?"

Pansy cast her eyes away and landed on Keldeo in the aisle next to her.

The water attribute Keldeo can restrain Vulcan Moth very well.

There are two phantom beasts in front of him, which makes people short of breath.

The Umbrella Electric Lizard also understood, and immediately aimed its miniature camera lens at the two.



Seeing this, Pikachu in Xiaozhi's arms wanted to jump down to take pictures together, but the electric lizard shook his head, and signaled Pikachu to wait beside him with embarrassment.

Uh, what I'm shooting now is a rare Eudemons.

Ordinary electric mouse...

Umbrella Electric Lizard signaled Pikachu not to block the camera with a tactful look.

Pikachu: "..."

After thinking for a while, Xiaozhi replied:

"Volcano moth... that should be the iron poisonous moth that sent me, right?"

Well, the vulcan moth is orthodox in the iron poisonous moth!

Pansy nodded and quickly recorded it.

She has the impression of the iron moth that Xiaozhi mentioned. She used it in the early stage of the competition. Its demeanor and strength are indeed not inferior to the normal Vulcan moth.

Although she really wanted to ask Xiaozhi how he obtained this weird metal mechanical transformation Pokémon, that mighty Genesect is also...

But this kind of question is too sensitive, and it's not easy to ask if you are not an acquaintance, so Pansy can only hold back.

"Just talking about your Pokémon..."

Pikachu, who was deflated by the umbrella electric lizard, heard the sound, flicked his ears, and fell back on Xiaozhi's lap again.


With a smug face, she looked at Pansy with flickering eyes, wondering if she was going to interview herself now?

"So cute Pikachu~"

Pansy smiled and rubbed Pikachu's head, then looked away from Pikachu, her face returned to normal, she looked at Xiaozhi and asked:

"Then Xiaozhi, you have tamed many rare and powerful Pokémon, even Eudemons...can you tell me the secret of how you tame them...? This may be what many novice trainers want most. Got the news."

Well, Pikachu or something doesn't really care.

Throwing a stone into the grass on the roadside in the Carlos area has a chance of knocking out a wild Pikachu.

Even in the remote Kalos area, Pikachu is like a wild dog on the rotten street...

Pikachu: "..."

Seeing that it had nothing to do with him, this made Pikachu somewhat annoyed, sitting on Xiaozhi's lap and turning his head, sulking.

"Do you want to subdue the Eudemons...?"

Xiao Zhi rubbed the back of his head, these things are really not his secrets, even he doesn't know why.

Just a normal trip, the rare phantom beasts will come together...

Like Victini, he passed through the Hezhong Sea once, and the former followed.

There is also Keldeo, who is normally on vacation in Ripple Town, and the former also suddenly jumped out to fight himself.

You can't say that you are a magnet, and you can attract all the rare phantom beasts in the world, right?

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi still replied:

"In short, we must strengthen our beliefs and keep walking towards our dreams! Those who can always tame their own Pokémon, even the rarest Eudemons, have the same principle!"

Although it was just an empty talk, Pansy was not annoyed, and carefully recorded it.

After all, Eudemons are uniquely endowed with existence, and it is difficult to reproduce them. How can there be any secret shortcuts...

The main reason is that the interview can catch the popularity of Eudemons, that's enough.


Seeing that the next game was about to start, Pansy stopped asking other questions, but relaxed her tone and asked with a smile:

"Then in the end, let's take it easy and let me just ask a few questions about Xiaozhi himself?"

"As a young and powerful trainer, I would like to ask player Xiaozhi, what kind of girl do you like more in daily life...?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's expression was a little astonished, why did the painting style suddenly come here.

But this question cheered up Mingyi and Xiaoxia who had been eavesdropping, looked at each other, took a deep breath and continued to eavesdrop.

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