He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2438 The curtain ends, Qianli vs. Mashide!

"Great Wang Yan has lost the ability to fight!"

The referee Don George said loudly immediately, and at the same time wiped the drops of rain or sweat on his forehead.

I originally thought that last time, the Martial Arts Bear Master of Combo Style was already outrageous.

Another outrageous one-shot look came today? !

With two martial arts bear masters in hand, it is estimated that it will be difficult for anyone to defeat the Garel man in front of him!

At the same time, the atmosphere in the champion's box of the Hezhong Heavenly King is quite stiff.

Adek and Tianwang Lianwu are both sullen, not saying a word

Facing two bear masters with completely different styles of martial arts, as the left and right goalkeeper, even Adek didn't know how to break through for a while.

It's hard

On the field, Qianli's expression was even more dignified.

He took back the defeated King Yan. At this moment, the rainy day on the field was finally over. Qianli wiped the rain from his face, trying to calm himself down.

Sure enough, the senior in front of me is really hard to beat

But no matter what, at least defeat the martial arts bear master in front of him today!


Qianli dispatched the last Pokémon, and as the red light fell, a huge Pokémon like a hill landed in front of him.

The leave king lying on the field is back on stage again!

Although the attributes are unfavorable, Qianli can only choose to trust his leave king right now.

"Oh hehe~ Then let me, the old man, take a look at your bonds~"

Ma Shide pulled his hands out of his pockets, and seemed to have become a lot more serious.

"Martial arts bear master, sharp rock attack!"

The match point round started, and the one-hit martial arts bear master raised his arms and threw out several sharp stone blades.

Boom boom boom!

The sharp stone attack was unimpeded, and all of them hit the leave king, stirring up a burst of gravel smoke.

But as the smoke and dust fell, the leave king still lazily lay on his back, and even yawned.

It seemed like a simple slacker's behavior, but there was a healing green light flashing on the King of Leave, and he even took out a mutilated fruit from under his armpit with his left hand and chewed it in his mouth.

"Lazy moves, and are you carrying leftover items?"

Ma Shide understood instantly.

Don't think that if you take two bites of any fruit and then throw it away, it can be turned into props and leftovers.

The real leftover props can be used continuously, and the blood will continue to return every round.

"In that case, use Piwa!"

Ma Shide took the initiative to attack, and the martial arts bear master in front of him also rushed out, condensed his hand knife, and slashed heavily at the neck of the king who asked for leave.

Bang bang!

The move hit without hindrance, leaving a clear crimson blood mark on the neck of the leave king in an instant.

The effect is outstanding!

"Leave the king, double the reward!"

However, at the next moment, the leave king suddenly stood up, his body burst into a burst of momentum, and the clenched fist was covered with a dazzling white light

The leave king threw out a punch without fancy, even if it was a martial arts bear master, he could only protect his arms in front of his body.


However, the strong force still smashed the martial arts bear master back and forth.

Even after the strength was barely removed, both arms felt numb and painful, which showed the strength of this leave king.

"It's a pity that you have a hand, Wang Tiansheng's weakness of asking for leave can never be eliminated~"

Ma Shide chuckled, and suddenly attacked:

"It's now, Dark Strike!


The next moment, Martial Dao Xiong Shi rushed forward, and put out a punching posture, and the black and red energy light cluster gathered around his fist again.

On the other side, the leave king has entered a state of laziness and stiffness. No matter how much he wants to act, he will end up lying on his back like a living target in a daze.


Master Wu Dao Xiong punched the leave king's belly with all his strength, not only the strength of the fist, but at the same time a black and red light cluster rushed out, completely covering the leave king's figure.

Hit the nail on the head!

However, at this time, Qianli suddenly shouted:

"Now, use pounce!


The leave king finally regained his strength, supporting the discomfort in his stomach, and slowly stood up with his hill-like body.

Immediately, he took advantage of the situation and rushed forward, covering the martial arts bear master in front of him!

Pounce and Taishan pressure, these two moves are not only different in attributes, but also in attack form.

The latter needs to leap up and form a height difference to press down.

As for pounce, it is a fighting move, throwing down the opponent in close quarters and delivering a powerful blow!


The leave king pressed Wu Dao Xiong Shi's entire body under him, and the ground trembled with his heavy weight.

The effect is outstanding!

Fighting + evil attribute one-shot style martial arts bear master, the fighting attribute also restrains himself.

Seeing that the move worked, Qianli felt a little relieved, and the next round of leave king will enter the stage of laziness and stiffness.

Just taking advantage of the advantage of weight, he firmly suppressed the opponent, making it difficult for the martial arts bear masters to follow along in this round.

"Hehe~ You may not know, old man, I also have good results in the fighting arena~"

At this time, Ma Shide suddenly chuckled, and then shouted:

"Use Batou!"

For ordinary Pokémon, such a size gap is suppressed, and it may be helpless.

But for himself, the former world martial arts champion martial arts bear master, there is not much difficulty.

"Bear drinking"

Although being crushed under him, Master Wu Dao Xiong quickly adjusted his body shape.

Then he suddenly exerted force, and by means of borrowing strength, pushed the leave king to turn over.


In the end, the leave king was hit hard on the ground, setting off countless smoke and dust

The effect is outstanding!

Qianli frowned, such a continuous attack, even the thick-skinned leave king, couldn't stop it for a few rounds!

Ma Shide still controlled the rhythm of the game, and said loudly:

"End the battle, use Dark Dark Strike!"

Qianli on the other side is also not to be outdone, and at this moment also comes the round where the leave king can act:

"Don't lose to it, then use double retaliation to fight back!


The next moment, the distance between the two Pokémon was less than two meters. Martial Daoxiong sank down and punched out a straight punch filled with black and red lights!

On the other side, the leave king also dragged his seriously injured body, stood up again, and also swung forward with a heavy punch without fancy!

Boom boom boom!

The two powerful punches collided head-on, and there was a blunt blunt explosion in the center of the arena, and the collision of strength blew a cloud of smoke and dust around.

But as the smoke cleared, the two Pokémon were still standing facing each other.

"bear drinking"

The one-shot martial arts bear master was panting, and the hand that swung the heavy punch was trembling in the air.

However, on the other side, Wang Wang, who was still barely supporting himself, suddenly rolled his eyes.


Nuo Da's figure suddenly fell down.

"Please leave the king, lose the ability to fight!"

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