He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2443 Abandoned Monkey, Fist of Wrath!

"It's up to you!


Finally, Xiaozhi threw out the third elf ball, with a cynical appearance and a white body, like a corpse that just ran out of the morgue, the Abandoned Monkey is on the scene!

However, due to Zoroark's hallucinatory characteristics, he had already appeared on the stage in the disguise of the Abandoned Monkey, and the applause at the venue was not as enthusiastic as the previous one.

"In this game, do you restrain each other?"

Champion Adek folded his arms and watched the game with a solemn expression.

Although Xiaozhi is a rare talent, in this competition, he still hopes that his own Cattleya can successfully advance.

The ghost-attributed Abandoned Monkey is very effective against Miss Goth, but in the face of the opponent's superpower moves, the Abandoned Monkey's fighting attribute is also at a disadvantage.

The battle begins!


It was still Cattleya's superpower silent communication tactics, the eyes of Miss Goth in front of her flashed, and a burst of colorful energy currents burst forward in an instant

Phantom Rays!

Zi bang!

However, the phantom light did not directly attack the target, but fell on the ground in front of him, causing a burst of smoke and dust.

Under the cover of the smoke, Miss Goth's eyes flickered frequently, this time it was replaced by hypnotic fluctuations, passing through the smoke and dust


As soon as it comes up, it's Miss Goth's signature illusion tactics!

However, the Abandoned Monkey's tactics against hypnotism were extremely simple and crude.

Snapped! Snapped!

I saw it raised its huge fist and made two bang bang bang bangs in the face of its own, making solid fleshy bumping sounds.

The strong touch of the boxing also made the Abandoned Monkey's spirit extremely excited, and his eyes were blood red and even glowing.

"Give up drinking!


No matter how powerful the hypnotism is, it can't make the Abandoned Monkey fall into hypnosis at this moment.

Cattleya was somewhat taken aback by such a scene, and her eyes froze.

And Xiaozhi just laughed loudly and said:

"That's it, use Shadow Fist!"

The Abandoned Monkey understood, and punched heavily on the ground in front of him.


The next moment, a bunch of translucent shadow fists suddenly pierced through the ground at the other end of the arena, shooting obliquely towards Miss Goth's face.


Miss Goth took a long breath, let out a low cry, and immediately used teleportation to dodge to another location.

However, this shadow fist seemed to have its own lock, and it turned around strangely, and quickly chased after Miss Goth in the direction where Miss Goth flashed.


The shadow fist hit Miss Goth's face, and immediately hammered this lady-like Pokémon back again and again.

"Hey, Shadow Fist has its own tracking effect~!"

Xiaozhi smiled proudly. Although he was not as good at tracking as Lucario's wave missile, he didn't use teleportation a few times, but he couldn't avoid the "must hit" shadow fist.


Cattleya was expressionless, and a new command had already been initiated in her mind.


Miss Goth quickly stood firm and uttered a long chant into the air.

The next moment, the entire arena seemed to be covered with a pink-purple filter, and even the air was filled with faint purple light

"Is this a spiritual venue?!"

Xiaozhi put away his laughing expression, because this Miss Goth had already launched an attack again, her eyes flashed, and the vast spiritual power surged again!

In an instant, the Abandoned Monkey was twisted into the air, and with the double support of the spiritual field and Cattleya's superpower, the Abandoned Monkey couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.

However, the Abandoned Monkey is not completely unable to fight back.

"Dark Shadow!"

After all, he was a Forsaken Monkey who had died once, and he also mastered many strange ghost-attribute moves.

When the eyes were fixed, two bolts of lightning-like black-purple electric light were released from the child's hole. The speed was extremely fast, and they shot at Miss Goth in an instant.


The night phantom exploded, and a puff of smoke and dust arose around Miss Goth's body.

Similarly, the Abandoned Monkey was also violently thrown away by the out-of-control mental force.

Both sides are outstanding!

"It's not over yet, use Shadow Fist!


Xiaozhi let out a low cry, and the Abandoned Monkey didn't pause at all after landing, and rushed straight towards Miss Goth.

The shadow fist that was originally swung from a long distance, this time all the shadow energy was concentrated on the two fists, and it was about to be thrown head-on.

"Wide area combat power!"

At this time, Cattleya suddenly shouted, this was the first time she spoke today.

Miss Goth in front of her immediately clasped her arms together, centered on her body, and suddenly burst out a burst of pink-purple force field shocks to the surroundings, releasing all her mighty and vast spiritual power!


Even the Abandoned Monkey who came rushing in was directly overturned by the explosion of this super power field!

The effect is outstanding!

The move of wide-area combat power is usually not as powerful as mental force

But once it is used in the spiritual field, the power is extremely terrifying!

"Is there still such a power hidden?"

Xiaozhi took a breath, obviously the opponent in front of him was not the kind of king who could be easily dealt with.

"Give up drinking!"

The Abandoned Monkey also got up from the ground again, the hair on the top of its head looked a little messy.

However, after doing high-intensity boxing physical training for a long time, the physical value of Abandoned Monkey is still very healthy.


But on the other side, Miss Goth was already panting slightly.

Obviously the latter is not a high-durability Pokémon, not to mention that the opponent at the moment is still such a fighting monkey monster that looks like a resurrected corpse

"Spirit shock!"

As if infected by the battle, Cattleya's command subconsciously spat out from her mouth at this moment.

With a flushed face, there were already a few drops of sweat on her forehead. This battle also made Cattleya have to deal with it with all her strength.

Miss Goth raised her hands, condensing countless thought powers to crush the stones, and with a thought, she shot out like small bullets!

"Don't worry about it, rush up!"

The Abandoned Monkey raised his hands to protect his head, lowered his upper body slightly, and sprinted forward, completely posing the movements of a boxing fighter.

Boom boom boom!

And the mental impact doubled by the field and the superpower exploded on the body of the Abandoned Monkey, arousing several explosions of thoughts, and the momentum penetrated people!

Under this series of attacks, Cattleya did not notice that the body of the Abandoned Monkey became darker and darker.

The raised hair made the whole body filled with resentment and black air

Until the Abandoned Monkey came to a position three or four meters in front of Miss Goth.

Xiaozhi's gaze was fixed, and he knew that the opportunity had come.

"The winner will be decided once and for all! Abandoned Monkey, use the Fist of Wrath!


The Abandoned Monkey immediately raised its fists, with blue veins protruding from its forehead, and the thick ghostly black energy all over its body was condensed on the fists.

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