He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2451 Information about Bright Stone and Reshiram

After entering the Yew Research Institute, Xiaozhi found that the number of researchers here was much more than that of the Damu Research Institute, and several young researcher assistants were busy in a hurry.

And these people are also much more professional than half-baked guys like Xiaojian, wearing serious white coats.

However, in the laboratory, various documents, equipment, and instruments are placed in a mess. It seems that the owner here is not a rigorous and serious character.

In the lobby.

A gentle big sister's assistant poured Xiaozhi a cup of tea and signaled him to wait for a while.

"Xiaozhi~ I didn't expect you to come so soon~!"

But before taking a sip, Dr. Yew came out in a hurry, still as beautiful and fashionable as in the video call at that time.

Her curly brown long hair was coiled up, and she wore a short green skirt inside, and a gray-white coat on the outside.

She thought Xiaozhi would arrive in the Hezhong area in a few weeks, but she didn't expect to come now.

It hasn't been a week since the last call, right?

"Dr. Yew! Dr. Oki asked me to say hello to you!"

Xiaozhi got up quickly, said hello, and then took out a poke ball.

"This is the little Lada infected with the Pokémon virus. Dr. Oki said that the elongation effect of the poke ball may not be very good. I suggest you save it in the computer system immediately."

When he said this, Xiaozhi suddenly thought of quick-frozen dumplings.

The little Lada is the dumpling, the Poké Ball is equivalent to the refrigerator, and the computer system is the freezer?

"Oh, Dr. Oki already told me~"

As if he had found a treasure, Dr. Yew quickly turned around after receiving the poke ball, and quickly started to operate a computer next to him.

"By the way, Dr. Oki also said that the Pokémon virus has unknown risks to the ecology"

"I know, Xiaozhi~Dr. Oki has mentioned it to me before~!"

Dr. Yew didn't turn his head, he waved his hand and interrupted.

Her acting style is also different from the general rigorous doctors, she looks quite casual, more like a sunny big sister from a neighbor's house.

Although the Pokémon virus is now completely positive, no one knows what impact it will have on the existing ecosystem once it enters the natural world.

Before getting a definite inference, Dr. Yew doesn't plan to open it to the outside world, it will only be an internal research of the institute.

"Get it~!"

After a while, she turned around and clapped her hands in satisfaction.

It's not in a hurry to study.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, you came from the port of Luzi Town just now, didn't you find anything special?"

Dr. Yew came across from Xiao Zhi, suddenly thought of something, and asked curiously.

The strange magnetic storm phenomenon caused by Zekrom was naturally detected by the nearest research institute, which is not like ordinary natural weather.

At this moment, the electronic screen at the rear also retains the weird data report from 20 minutes ago.

"I was just about to ask you."

Xiaozhi's gaze was fixed, but he didn't hide much, and immediately told the other party about his previous encounter with Zekrom.

This statement, especially when it came to Pikachu fighting Zekrom head-on, even slapped the latter with a big mouth.

This stunned Dr. Yew and the three assistants behind him.

What the hell, is this electric mouse so strong? !

Zekrom is the ancient god of their Hezhong region, surpassing the league champions and being the highest existence

Then he was blocked by the ugly electric mouse in front of him.

If Taxus hadn't learned a lot about Xiao Zhi before, maybe he would directly regard the latter as a lunatic.


Pikachu snorted and puffed out his chest confidently.

Then under Xiaozhi's gaze, it shriveled up quickly

After the initial shock, the big-hearted Dr. Yew gradually calmed down.

If this weird magnetic storm phenomenon was caused by the legendary dragon god Zekrom, it would not be so unexpected.

When facing Xiaozhi's question "Is there another white dragon?", Yew nodded and replied:

"You guessed it right, the counterpart to the black dragon Zekrom is the white dragon, Reshiram!"

If the former ability is lightning strike

Reshiram's ability is a flame that can consume the world!

"The two ancient gods correspond to each other. Legend has it that they had close contact with human beings in ancient times, but they fought because one side pursued ideals, and the other was determined to be true. They had completely different ideas."

"Afterwards, the two dragons lost their traces and no longer had any contact with humans. Didn't expect Zekrom to appear in the human world again?"

Dr. Yew looked surprised, this is a big event!

The assistants behind him are also quickly recording something, these are all precious information.

"The white dragon, Reshiram, uses the power of fire"

But Xiaozhi's focus is on this.

He has encountered quite a few ancient gods, and his awe has dropped a lot.

The point now is where is this legendary Reshiram, and how can I meet it?

Xiaozhi did not give up his small goal of conquering.

Listen to Dr. Yew's description of fire and dragon attributes?

It has the same attributes as my charizard, after mega evolution.

But looking at Xiaozhi's fiery face, as if to subdue Reshiram must be done, Yew was surprised again.

From the looks of it, it seems that an incredible monster trainer has come to their Hezhong area.

"Since Zekrom has already appeared, it is estimated that Reshiram will also appear during this time?"

However, Dr. Yew calmly helped to analyze.

In the legend, these two divine dragons are each assisting two human princes.

If the black dragon Zekrom already had his own partner at this moment, then the white dragon Reshiram would naturally show up and choose his own partner.

It doesn't seem like a fantasy if you subdue it?

"But I don't know much about this. After all, it's not my field of expertise."

Dr. Yew scratched his head and gave a dry laugh, but quickly added another suggestion:

"However, in our Hezhong region, if anyone knows the two dragons best, then only the owner of the Shuanglong gymnasium, Mr. Xia Ka!"

Shaka is not only the mayor of Ssangyong City, but also a mysterious dragon town nearby, where he is the manager

It can be said that this powerful man is undoubtedly the one who knows Hezhong Ssangyong best.

"Double Dragon Gym, Mr. Xia Ka? I've written it down."

Xiaozhi kept it in his heart, he would go to Shuanglong City if he had the chance.

It sounds a bit similar to Yanmo City in the Johto area, or Meteor Falls in the Hoen area. There is also a hidden and mysterious Dragon's Village.

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