He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2456 Climbing the ground wings, evolved a precious thing?

This "challenger" was right behind Mingyi, and Xiaozhi quickly turned his head to look.

But he saw a young man with orange-red spiked long hair, which stood up like a flame.

His face was fiery and excited, and he was wearing simple and slightly worn clothes, like a young woodcutter in the mountains, even carrying a firewood box on his back.

"Wait a minute, isn't this Fanshiro...?"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, it was Fan Shilang who had met once in Suanmu Town, and the grandson of the champion Adek.

He remembered that he had made an appointment with Fan Shilang at that time, and wanted to win or lose in the World Championships.

But later, in order to complete the special evolution of its burning worm, the latter has been practicing in seclusion, but he didn't come to the competition...

Why did you appear here today?

"Haha~ because my burning worm has completed evolution~!"

Fan Shilang approached quickly, raised his head and laughed, and said in a proud tone.

After completing the evolution, he naturally rushed to Fanba City non-stop, first to show his grandfather, and second, to complete the battle agreement with Xiaozhi.

Even behind Ming Yifan Shilang, Adek came out at some point, and greeted several people with a smile.


The movement in the practice field in the backyard attracted Akromar, who had just finished dinner and was just coming out for a walk, to watch curiously.

"Wait a minute, what do you mean... your burning worm, no, Vulcan moth is now in a special form?!"

Xiaozhi suddenly realized the blind spot and said in surprise.

"Hey~ It's natural."

Hearing this, Fan Shilang puffed up his chest immediately, nodding his head triumphantly.

"Hurry up, look at your Vulcan Moth!"

"What special appearance?!"

Immediately, several people couldn't help but urge Fan Shilang to release the "Vulcan Moth" quickly, and even the champion Adek showed a little emotion on his face.

He hasn't seen it yet, and his grandson has to wait for others to collect it before showing it together.

But he gave Fan Shilang the information. According to ancient legends, it should be a primitive "Vulcan Moth"?

"Hey, since everyone is looking forward to it so much, keep your eyes open, it's coming!"

Fan Shilang took out a poke ball and even shook it in his hand deliberately, obviously very satisfied with the expressions of the people around him.


As the poke ball was opened, red light fell, and a huge reptile Pokémon appeared in front of everyone.

It is close to two meters in size, crawling on the ground in the shape of an insect, and its body is covered with thick white fluff.

The head is very similar to Vulcan Moth, with a black and blue head, orange cross eyes, and a pair of curved red antennae on both sides of the head.

Under the snow-white fluff are limbs and tentacles, which fall to the ground, and on the back grow striped orange wings that resemble Vulcan moths.

But like a flower bag that has not yet bloomed, it is not three pairs of complete wings, but curled up on the back of different sizes.

There is even a blue thorny tail that looks like a crocodile at the end...

"Eh... is this Vulcan Moth?"

"Can't fly?!"

"How does it feel...not as good as..."

As soon as Fan Shilang's "Vulcan Moth" appeared, the faces of the surrounding people froze, which was somewhat indescribable.

Whether it's Vulcan Moth or Ash's mechanical Vulcan Moth, the Iron Poison Moth, it can be said that they are full of shape and momentum, and even give people a majestic and noble temperament of the legendary Pokémon.

But this "Vulcan Moth" is more like when the burning worm breaks out of the cocoon, something goes wrong, and the state is stuck in the middle.

Now crawling on the ground, the wings on the back seem to be only for decoration, and the temperament is between reptiles and beasts...


Adek, who had the highest expectation, couldn't help but turn dark.

The Vulcan moth of the ancestors, does it look like this...?!

Seeing that the surrounding atmosphere instantly became silent, Fan Shilang raised his eyebrows.

Isn't that handsome? !

"Ahahaha~ I think it's very handsome anyway~!"

Adek immediately raised his head and laughed loudly, breaking the deadlock, and patted his grandson on the shoulder.

Although it looks like a precious item that failed to evolve...

But I have to say, at least in terms of momentum, it is not much inferior to Vulcan Moth.

Moreover, this Vulcan moth in the form of a reptile seems to have greatly improved its physical strength, and it is estimated that it can perform powerful melee moves.

"Uh, let's talk about this Vulcan worm..."

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched, and he accidentally mispronounced the name.

"No, no, I gave it a new name, Climbing Ground Wing! How about it, isn't it handsome?!"

Fan Shilang folded his hands on his chest, and he still feels very good personally.

"So this ground crawler...how did you evolve...?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking.

Although ugly is a bit ugly, but the strength seems to be okay?

He even has a wild and primitive aura on his body, as if compared with his iron poisonous moth, it is exactly the extreme in two directions?

"Haha Xiaozhi, I was just about to say it~!"

Fan Shilang patted his ground-climbing wings proudly, and when he saw it from a distance in the dark night, it actually looked more like a giant burning insect.

As for evolution...

Shouldn't it be evolution, more like a special mutation phenomenon?

"Didn't I always retreat in the Forest of the Oath in Suanmu Town... It's just that the burning bug hasn't evolved for a long time. When I think of Xiaozhi and you all fighting heartily in the World Championships, I can't help it. The closed forest came out."

Fan Shilang said slowly, after all, his burning worm can actually evolve.

Just to transform into a special appearance like an ancient book, I forcibly held back...

This also made Fan Shilang and his Burning Worm very irritable, unable to exercise quietly in the Forest of Oath.

"Then I was wandering around Suanmu Town, and came to the adjacent No. 20 road, and suddenly found a hole in the middle of a very remote lake?!"

"Are you talking about...the hollow of the heart?"

Beside him, Adek's expression darkened, and he said in doubt.

He is a native of Suanmu Town himself, and Adek has searched almost every inch of land around Suanmu Town when he was young...

And this so-called Hollow of Heart is located at the bottom of a lake in the center of Route 20, and it can be entered by surfing.

Inside, it's a small, sunken cave, wet...but nothing.

Although I heard from the elders in the past that there was a legendary Pokémon in the Sinnoh area, the Sanshenggu, on Route 20, maybe this hole in the heart is the residence of the Sanshenggu?

"Three holy orphans?"

Xiaozhi frowned, which he was very familiar with.

The Three Holy Soldiers in the Sinnoh area live in different space caves at the bottom of the three major lakes...

In the Hezhong area, living in this so-called Heart Hollow is not a big problem.

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