He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2460 Semifinals, Adek vs Masted! (superior)

The Venue of the Sailing World Championships.

Soon, both Adek and Mustard had dispatched their first Pokémon.

Since the semi-final stage, the competition system has changed to six selections and four selections. At this moment, on the electronic screen above the arena, there are four Poké Balls in turn on both sides.

Mashid's first battle Pokémon is Master Itachi, who has appeared before. His flexible body, vigorous speed, and powerful kicks are not to be underestimated.

Adek's Pokémon is also the knight snail shown before.

Covered with steel armor, both sides held high spears, imposing aura.

"The first semi-final of the Sailing World Championships, the game begins!"

As the referee Don George's voice fell, there were actions on both sides of the field.

"Knight snail, cut continuously!


"Master Itachi, surprise attack with high fives!"


At the beginning of the game, a burst of crisp applause sounded first, and the knight snail's figure couldn't help but froze in place amid the sound, making it difficult to perform moves.

"And then a flying knee kick!


The next moment, Master Itachi rushed forward, bent his knees, and sent out a powerful flying knee kick.

But don't look at the knight snail's whole body covered under heavy armor, but the body is a soft snail after all.


He bent his waist back and easily dodged the flying knee kick, and Master Itachi's figure flew through the air immediately.

"I see"

In the stands, Xiaozhi crossed his arms and muttered words.

Flying knee kick is a dangerous move, and the hit rate is not high. Once you fail to hit the opponent, you will be severely injured

However, Master Itachi's attack trajectory is deliberately upward. Even if the flying knee kick misses the target and kicks into the void, naturally there will be no retaliation.

"The Knight Snail"

Beside Douzi has a serious face, and her agile bug was defeated by the latter before.

Especially the combo tactics of point-to-point + deadly spikes, if you stack up the murder book, even Ma Shide can't ask for anything, okay? !

But both sides are obviously experienced senior trainers, and ordinary tactics can be easily cracked.

"Sword Dance!"

"Master Itachi, kick from the bottom!


The knight snail just wanted to use the sword dance move to increase its own strength.

While the sword dance is spinning, hold the long spear horizontally, forming a 360-degree sharp edge barrier that makes it difficult to approach.


However, with a sliding shovel from Master Itachi, he easily penetrated from the bottom where the defense was weakest, knocking down the bottom of the knight snail, destroying the move.

"Use force to fall!"

With a flick of the wide sleeves, while covering the sight of the knight snail, he grasped the armor of the knight snail with both hands, as if he was about to throw his back out.

"Knight snail, use the straight drill!"

However, the knight snail rotated at a high speed in mid-air, the two bundles of long spears merged into one, and the whole body became a big drill bit, easily breaking free from the falling action.

He even reversed his trajectory and headed straight for Master Itachi's head!

"Flying knee kick!


As a last resort, Master Itachi could only jump up suddenly, with an orange light glowing on his knees, and he struck out forcefully!

Bang bang!

A powerful explosion sounded, and a burst of electric sparks burst out in the center of the arena. The strong force caused the two Pokémon to bounce back and fly away at the same time.

Evenly matched.

"Why? 50-50?"

"Hey, hey! Why does Mr. Adek seem to be unable to take down the other party?!"

"Don't yell, don't yell, the game has just begun!"

The fierce battle, not long after it started, caused fierce discussions in the entire alliance venue.

It's just that the two people at both ends of the field have calm faces, and they are all on each other physically and mentally, without being disturbed by the outside world at all.

"Senior, let me take off your mask today!"

"Hmph, just give it a try~!"

The sound of declaring war on each other fell, and a fierce attack was launched again:

"Knight snail, cross scissors!"

"Master Itachi, let's fight in close quarters~!"

In an instant, the two Pokémon rushing to the center of the arena showed their full strength!

The double guns held high by the knight snail drew a gray-green cross energy slash in the air, and went away through the air!

On the other side, Master Itachi flew forward, waving his wide-sleeved and long-haired arms continuously, punching, and kicking out his powerful lower limbs repeatedly, dancing the fighting moves airtightly.

Even between the intensive close combat, Master Itachi would suddenly add a knee blow.

Bang bang!

There was a clear and powerful sound, and even the knight snails covered in armor were kicked out violently by this blow, and the armor on their bodies was crooked and dented visible to the naked eye.

"Don't give it a chance, flying knee kick!


Next is the classic scene of Master Itachi, flying under the knight snail and lowering his figure.

Immediately, the body jumped up like a spring, and the strength at the knees was accumulated to the limit, and it rose into the air, hitting the chin of the knight snail.

Bang bang!

There was another burst of explosions, like armor breaking, even mixed with the sound of metal armor cracking.

As the knight snail fell to the ground, the snail inside the armor had already lost consciousness, and its eyes were spinning

"Knight snail, lost the ability to fight!"

The referee, Don George, hurriedly shouted, unexpectedly, Adek's side fell first.

Such a scene also made the auditorium of Hezhong's home stadium lively again.

Many people even felt a sudden thump in their hearts. Today, could it be that their own league champion lost? !

"Ah! Grandpa, did you kill one?! What's going on!"

"Mr Adek"

Fan Shilang and Tianwang Lianwu, who came late from the entrance of the World Championships, happened to bump into this scene, and they both stood at the back of the venue, showing astonished expressions.

Especially Fan Shilang, he didn't know anything about this World Championships, let alone who Ma Shide was

The two quickly found a seat and sat down, their faces tensed, not daring to be careless.

"Sure enough, isn't it so easy to defeat?"

On the field, Adek took back the defeated knight snail and took a deep breath, but the breath was not disturbed.

the game has just begun

"Then please!



Soon, his second Pokémon appeared, this time it was a handsome raptor falcon, flapping its wings and hovering into the air, making a sharp roar.

The huge hard yellow beak, the resolute eagle eyes, the white crest on the top of the head, and the crimson wings only give people the feeling of a fearless brave.

"Is it the Warrior Eagle this time?!"

In the stands, Douzi blinked.

It's quite a coincidence that Adek's knight snail corresponds to his agility bug.

The warrior eagle this time also corresponds to his vulture Na

But in this battle, the attributes of the Warrior Eagle have the upper hand!

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