He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2467 vs Kona! He is no longer the Xiaozhi he used to be!

"White sea lion, use water jet!"

At the beginning of the battle, the whole body of the white sea lion was covered with water, and turned into a water arrow Changhong, which suddenly shot out.

Hugh boom!

The jet of water hit King Yanwu's chest with a powerful force


Kona frowned, such strength should be able to push King Yanwu over.

However, this jet of water only pushed King Yanwu one meter horizontally.

At some point, a faint red light appeared on the latter's body, and his muscles bulged accordingly.

"Have you used bodybuilding moves in advance?"

On the other side, Xiaozhi always had a confident expression on his face, commanding:


King Yanwu let out a low cry, straightened his chest, and forcibly shook the white sea lion away. At the same time, he raised both palms and attached a magnificent white light!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Afterwards, the continuous violent palm pushes all hit the white sea lion's body.

Even if it was the latter who had a thick body of fat, he still groaned and backed away from the pain again and again.

The effect is outstanding!

"Iron Tail!"

Kona shouted quickly, the white sea lion's slender tail was covered with a metallic cold light, it spun around, and slapped King Yanwu blatantly.

While repelling the latter with strong force, the white sea lion also took advantage of the situation to pull away.

"And then the Freezing Rays!


The next moment, ice-cold energy condensed around the mouth of the white sea lion, aiming at the air.

The ice-blue electric snake pulsed into the sky, then exploded in mid-air, sweeping the entire field.


In a short while, the entire surface of the arena was frozen with a thin layer of ice, and white ice fog floated up.

Such an icy venue is the most suitable place for white sea lions to fight.

"It's not that simple! King Yanwu, use the oath of fire!"

However, on the other side, King Yanwu punched the ground directly, causing countless stone chips to explode.



In an instant, pillars of lava fire rose around the entire arena, and the fiery flames melted the ice again, turning the ground into a messy arena that was half broken ice and half running water.

At the beginning of the battle, it was a high-intensity offensive and defensive battle, which made it difficult for many viewers to breathe and their faces were tense.

But the hasty fight also blew out Xiaozhi's self-confidence.

At this moment, my own King Yanwu is not inferior to Kona's Pokémon at all!

When I was in the Orange Islands, it was difficult to defeat the opponent with all my strength

Now, just by cultivating a partner for four months, they can become evenly matched with each other!

"Well, it really is that I have become stronger!"

For a moment, Xiaozhi's chest was full of blood, full of pride.

King Yanwu's aptitude is not much higher than the previous Pokémon.

In addition to the Pokémon virus with a billion-point increase effect, isn't it because of yourself as a trainer?

"White sea lion, water ring!


On the other side, the white sea lion croaked loudly, and a ring of water flowed around its body, and green light fell from time to time to restore its physical strength.

It looks like it's going to be a protracted war?

"I won't give you a chance! King Yanwu, Crazy Volt!


Xiaozhi suddenly shouted.

At the time when King Yanwu was in the move recording room in Shanlu Town, he specially learned the Thunder Fist, and combined with the Flame Charge that he had mastered.

The attributes of Thunder Fist, coupled with the way of using Flame Charge, allowed it to quickly master the new move of Crazy Volt.


The next moment, King Yanwu rushed out, but this time his whole body was not covered with bursting fiery flames, but an extremely violent arc flash!


Crazy Volt hit the white sea lion right in the middle, pushing it almost out of the field with its powerful force, and the paralyzing electric arc crazily covered it, irritating the latter's skin, burning black marks one after another.

The effect is outstanding!

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was somewhat surprised that the other party would not dodge?

However, Kona seemed to have been prepared, and suddenly counterattacked:

"White sea lion, salt water!"

Almost at zero distance, the white sea lion that flew out opened its mouth, and the ready-to-go water flow swept out immediately, all rushing towards King Yanwu's chest.

Attacking later, the salt water move directly rushed King Yanwu out.

The effect is outstanding!

The two Pokémon fell out at the same time, and both were severely injured.

"It's now, the wave of water!"

Kona's attack was not over yet, and the white sea lion in front of him quickly condensed a water bullet.

But it didn't shoot at King Yanwu, but raised it above his head and shot vertically into the air.


And the moment the wave of water blurted out, the white sea lion had already closed its eyes, lay down, and fell asleep on the spot.

A green light appeared, and the stamina value was also filling up quickly

Seeing this, Xiaozhi came back to his senses in an instant, and immediately shouted:

"Don't give it a chance! King Yanwu, use jet flames to detonate the wave of water!"

Although King Yanwu didn't know what happened, he still spewed out a beam of fire quickly, rushed out, and accurately hit the wave of water that was about to fall.


The moves collided and exploded in mid-air, causing a burst of smoke and dust.

"Tsk, is this tactic useless?"

Kona pushed his glasses and raised his eyebrows.

Her white sea lion characteristic is a wet body, which can instantly release the abnormal state when it rains.

So you only need to launch the wave of water vertically first, and then use the sleep move to restore your stamina.

Then the wave of water will hit you, almost without any damage, at the same time, the bursting water flow can also simulate the effect of rainy days, making the white sea lion wake up on the spot

Unlike some people, Xiaozhi still remembered the battle in the Orange Islands.

"Hmph, this trick is useless to me! King Yanwu, go all out, crazy volts!"

The next moment, the current roared, and King Yanwu rushed out again, slamming into the white sea lion with all his strength.

The latter's stamina, which had just been replenished, dropped rapidly again

The effect is outstanding!

"Then arm punches!


This is a good opportunity to attack, and Xiaozhi yelled all powerful moves.

White light was attached to King Yanwu's arm, and he swung it up suddenly.


With a powerful blow, the white sea lion was sent flying again.

The effect is outstanding!

After taking two blows in a row, the White Sea Lion's stamina once again reached the point of dying in the wind.


Fortunately, the white sea lion finally woke up leisurely, but its extremely tired and painful body made it a little confused.

Why do I feel more tired after sleeping?

"White sea lion, don't be distracted, use the climbing waterfall!


Kona reminded quickly, with a little more anxiety in his tone.

The well-trained white sea lion came back to his senses in an instant, and his whole body was covered with thick water bubbles, which was far more powerful than the previous water jet.

And ahead, King Yanwu has already rushed forward, his whole body is still covered with violent electric arcs, kicking up countless dust along the way

Crazy Volt!

(The power went out again in the early morning.


The added chapter will be added tomorrow)

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