He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2483 Sharp features! Fight again!

At this time, the Rotom in Xiaozhi's pocket suddenly flew out, and took a photo of Kaka, the great sword ghost who had completed the evolution.

"Beep beep! Great Sword Ghost, the appearance of the Xicui area, water and evil attributes, temperament and swordsmanship are all cruel and ruthless, and the raging continuous slashes released by the two-legged blades are particularly prominent. This is only in Xicui. The rare form of Loto that can only be evolved in regions~!"

I don't know if the database has been updated, but now Rotom can even broadcast information about Pokémon in the Xicui area.

Xiaozhi still remembered Rotom from before, and he knew only a little about Mingyao's ancient Pokémon.

"Xicui area?"

Listening to Rotom's explanation, Mashid raised his eyebrows.

He seems to have heard of this name before, it seems to be a name to describe the area of ​​ancient Sinnoh?

Speaking of which, it is indeed a great sword ghost from ancient times.

Today I gained knowledge.

"Hey Xiaozhi, why are you here?! And everyone"

Mingyi realized later, and finally came out of the joy of the Great Sword Demon's evolution, and turned to look at Xiaozhi who was smiling awkwardly at the side of the aisle.

Outside the iron fence at the gate, Akroma and Mingyi were also looking curiously, wishing they could also have Xiaozhi's skills, so they could just turn over the gate and come in.

"Haha~ I just wandered around casually, a pure passerby passed by~"

Xiaozhi scratched his head, said with a dry smile, and quickly brought the topic to the Great Sword Demon:

"That's great, Mingyi, you've finally evolved! Shuangrenwan, no, the current Great Sword Demon looks too domineering!"

Xiaozhi gave the big sword ghost a thumbs up.

This is the corner, why is it a little crooked.

The original version of the Great Sword Ghost has a single horn on its head that stands straight up, while the horn of the Xicui Great Sword Ghost seems to have been knocked crookedly.

"Oh hehe~ Player Xiaozhi, it's rare that you will come here~"

Soon, Ma Shide also noticed Xiaozhi, especially the latter was his opponent in the final, and greeted him with a smile.

At this time, it is somewhat sensitive to contact in private.

With this in mind, Mingyi came to visit alone this time, and did not invite Xiaozhi to come with him.

"Fucking child~ Go and open the door for Mingyi's little friends~"

However, Ma Shide didn't look displeased about this, he put his palm behind his back, and looked at his wife leisurely.


Mi Ye smiled, twisted her graceful and plump figure, and walked over to open the door.

Just this title made Xiao Zhi stunned for a moment.

The fuck?

Wait a minute, is this aunt in green dress Master Ma's wife?

She looks about the same size as her mother Hanako

As for Master Ma's age, it seems that he is much older than Dr. Oki, isn't he a generation behind?

He does not mean that.


At the door, Douzi's eyes lit up.

The former champion of the Galar region, the finalist of the Hezhong World Championships, turned out to be an old couple and a young wife! ?

If this news is written out, it will explode again!

So do you get married when you are old, or do you get married when you are young?

Are there any descendants?

What about inheritance rights?

Douzi's fire of gossip is blazing, and he can't wait to take out his small notebook and interview him right now.

The three of Xiaozhi were all called into the house, and they looked at the furnishings in this small one-story house with some curiosity.

Very homely, nothing special.

However, the furniture and eaves look a little old. It should be that no one has lived in it for a long time, and they have only recently moved in.

"It's these two people who bought the real estate in Fanba City a long time ago, right?"

Douzi is full of financial thoughts, and Fanba City is a good place to invest.

Coupled with the newly built World Championship venue next to it, the tide has risen, and even the housing prices in Fanba City have also soared.

Blood earned investment!

Compared with the three people who came later, the two people outside the courtyard did not return to the house.

Both Mingyi and the Great Sword Ghost were staring at the front, especially the Great Sword Ghost, whose blood-red eyes were a little more ferocious.

"Sword bark"

He even bared his teeth, clawed at the ground with his feet, and let out a threatening growl.

"How about little girl, do you want to continue fighting?"

Ma Shide stroked his long eyebrows and beard, and laughed.

It seems that there is no winner today, this big sword demon with a strong desire to win is not willing to let go.

Evolved, should I release my strength?

"In that case, let's come~"

Seeing Mingyi's firm nod, Ma Shide waved his hand, indicating that the former is ready to go at any time.

Hearing this, the three of Xiaozhi who had just entered showed looks of anticipation and surprise.

After all, they didn't see much foreplay, and they don't know how Mingyi made the Great Sword Ghost evolve

Xiao Zhi had seen the normal sword ghost from Hu Che.

Just in time, let's see how the big sword ghost with Xi Cui's appearance fights.

You can also take a look at the fighting style of the martial arts bear master to see if there are any flaws!

Xiaozhi thought to himself, and quickly looked forward.

And the battle in the open space of the courtyard started again.

"Great Sword Ghost, sneak attack!


Although the attribute is not restrained, but at this moment he has really acquired the evil attribute, Ming Yidang even shouted out the evil attribute move.

The Great Sword Demon understood, and pulled off the foot blade covering the instep with one foreleg.


Withdrawing the scabbard, a sharp black light instantly attached to the surface of the dark blue foot blade with blood-colored patterns.

With the bonus of this attribute, the power of the sneak attack on the vital points is far more than what was displayed in the previous Shuangrenwan period.


Not only that, the originally one-meter-long sharp blade seemed to have gained an additional boost, but the next second the energy radiance skyrocketed again, forming an exaggerated energy giant sword close to two meters!

"Beep, the characteristic of the Great Sword Demon, sharpness, can enhance the power of all cutting moves, Lotto~!"

Rotom automatically prompted.

The characteristic of sharpness is extremely rare. For example, only a very small number of individuals have this characteristic of slashing.

"That's great, if only my Lizard King could have this characteristic~!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi said with a little envy, this is the most suitable characteristic of the slashing style Pokémon.

"Sword drinking!"

As the black light giant sword was condensed, the Great Sword Ghost took the lead and rushed forward.

It's just that the four-legged animal, holding a sword in one hand at the moment, can only run on three legs, which looks a bit weird.

Now that the evolution has been completed, Ma Shide will naturally not choose to let the opponent fight in vain, and move a little bit for real.

"Martial arts bear master, use bodybuilder!"

Master Martial Dao Xiong nodded, and this time he let out a low shout, tensed up, and the muscles all over his body swelled visible to the naked eye.

In the glowing red light, the attack power and defense power of Martial Arts Bear Master have both increased!

Bang bang!

The next moment, this bunch of black energy giant swords slashed at the chest of Budao Xiongshi from the front!

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