He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2556 Four Musketeers Gather!

The thunder cloud raised its arms, and once again stirred up a fierce storm and whirlwind in front of him, which was accompanied by countless roaring and exploding electric arcs.


The wind and thunder erupted at the same time, and a huge thunder and lightning explosion rose from the position of the Three Holy Swords.

After receiving heavy blows one after another, the Three Holy Swords were also lying on the ice with scars all over their bodies, and their bodies were covered with running electric arcs—thunderstorms, which also had the effect of paralysis.

Although Infinity was at a disadvantage and his whole body was in pain, the Three Holy Swords still held their heads high, unruly and firm, with an angry look on their faces.

"Ki drink!


Especially Terakion, who had the most irritable personality among them, stood up abruptly, let out an excited low growl, and his aura climbed to the extreme.

This scene also startled Gero, thinking that Terakion would also use some new moves.

It's just that Terrakion has been brewing for a long time, but there is still no change in his body.

The three cloud gods around, and even the other two holy swordsmen who were brothers, all looked at Terakion with embarrassing expressions.


Terrakion's old face blushed, and he only wanted to scold his mother in his heart.

Why, everyone is the second-level god of Hezhong, why does Sanyun God have a change in form and a new exclusive move?

Shouldn't the plot be that it roars in desperation, bursts out of power, and can transform? !

"Hey, Three Holy Swords? It's just three clowns, let's all become my subordinates~!"

Jie Luo sneered again and again, raised his hand and pointed, ready to call out the storm move again, and get rid of the three holy swords at once.

Thunder clouds, tornado clouds, and land clouds all raised their arms and sang loudly. The airflow began to wind and condense in their centers, and dangerous electric arcs, hot sand, and dead leaves were also mixed with them.

In front of their version 0 Sanyun God, the 0 version of the Three Holy Swords can withdraw from the stage of history!

Hugh boom!

At this time, a dark blue energy bomb suddenly pierced through the sky, hit the land cloud headed by it, and caused a burst of water mist to explode in the air.

After hitting a wave of water, the figure of a blue pony flew down immediately, entering the encirclement of Sanyunshen.


He turned his body around, opened his limbs completely, and sprayed out a forceful jet of water from the holes at the bottom of his feet, pushing the three cloud gods to the ground.

The storm moves of the three of them were also completely interrupted.



After finishing this set of combos, Keldeo landed steadily on the sea glacier, just in front of the Three Holy Swords.

"Who dares to spoil my good deeds!"

Jie Luo frowned wildly, and couldn't help cursing angrily.

The sudden appearance of Keldeo also surprised the Three Musketeers lying on the ground.

The three of them, as Keldeo's master, once formed a group of four, teaching the latter to control his own power, while wandering in every inch of the Hezhong area, acting chivalrously and rescuing weak Pokémon.

But long ago, they separated.

Unable to be recognized for a long time, Keldeo, who became the fourth holy swordsman, left this small group one day and hid in the underwater ruins to sleep late.

After that, he was accidentally awakened by Xiaozhi and his party who came to Lianyi Town.

"Good job, Keldeo!"

In the air, Xiao Zhi stepped on Genesect's back and slowly descended like an elevator.

Seeing Keldeo wagging his tail triumphantly and responding to Xiaozhi, San Shengjian was secretly surprised.

Because of their three masters, Keldeo also despises contact with humans.

Is this directly partnering with humans?

"The No. 1 trainer in the group, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, and Master Akromar are really amazing people."

Jie Luo also noticed Xiao Zhi and Akromar who was still hovering in the air, and said slowly.

"So, are you the reinforcements of Master N?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's face tightened, and sure enough, Mr. N has come here

It should be in the most icy and bone-chilling area in front, right?

However, standing on the shoulders of the clay puppet giant, Jie Luo just laughed, not feeling any threat, but shouted:

"Even if the two of you join forces, you can't resist the current power of Lord Quecchis! The entire Hezhong region, and even the world, will submit to our great plasma team!


Obviously, the Seven Sages are much more loyal than Wei Ao.


In the air, Akromar frowned. Now he wanted to kill Quecchis directly, rather than play house with an ignorant Seven Sages.

It's a pity that the original Acroma Machine 0 version didn't leave any hidden hands, otherwise he would have directly seized the control of Sanyun God.

"Tsk, is the name Sanling Beast? It's such a strange shape change."

Xiaozhi also hesitated, thinking about going to rescue N, but also curious about the grand battle between the three spirit beasts and the three holy swords.



At this time, Keldeo suddenly yelled loudly at Xiaozhi. Although the voice was a bit milky, the momentum contained in it was not weak at all.

Here, leave it to it!

The three masters, let it protect you!

It once couldn't understand why the three masters refused to admit that he was the fourth swordsman, but now that he has completed the awakening state, he has already understood the good intentions of Gopalu Weng and the others.

Especially seeing the three masters being defeated by the three grotesquely-shaped elders now, it made Keldeo full of anger and aroused his competitive spirit.



As it raised its head and shouted, the next moment, Keldeo's body burst into dazzling colorful light.

Under the light, his body became much stronger immediately. Among the thick red hair on the top of his head, three feathers of different colors rose up, indicating that he was a disciple of the Three Holy Swords.

Especially the large dark blue jagged horns protruding forward on the forehead, which is imposing!

The form changes, and Keldeo becomes enlightened!


Keldeo's sudden change of shape made the Three Holy Swords stunned again, and then they all showed gratified expressions.

Before the separation, he was still a brat who could only use brute force, but now he has come to the front of them?

Yes, even if they don't have any new forms, new exclusive moves

But their disciples have!

"Hook and drink!"

As the eldest brother, Gopalu Weng stood up first, rekindling his fiery will.

Beside him, two figures, one green and one brown, followed one after another, their eyes full of tenacity and determination.

ever! ever! ever!

The next moment, the heads of the three holy swords were all erected with an energy long sword!

Copalion is bright blue, grass-type Pilizion is emerald green like a leaf blade, and Terrakion is a deep brown.

holy sword!

To some extent, the Holy Sword is also the exclusive move of the Three Musketeers.

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