He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2561 The real highlight, Reshiram!

"Genesect, stop water skiing, hi-tech light cannon!


Xiaozhi suddenly raised his head to look at the sky, and his strange-colored steel worm god was surrounded by the lost coffin and the Mama eel king, having a great time playing.

Hearing this, Genesect immediately hovered over his body, became a little serious, and set up a cannon behind his back.


The ejected high-tech light cannon affected the two Pokémon at the same time, causing a huge explosion in the sky, and the latter's figure suddenly fell one after the other...

In an instant, Quecchis' two proud Pokémon were dealt with.

"Mr. Quiches, your Pokémon don't seem to be very good~?"

Xiaozhi didn't even forget to raise his voice and taunted into the air.

"Hmph... you brat who has no manners or shame."

Kui Qisi quickly looked away, his face flushed a little, and he couldn't stand Xiao Zhi's gliding appearance for a second.

But Xiaozhi glanced around, and the danger on the cliff was basically dealt with.

As for the air, Mr. Akromar is about to lose... It seems that the quick bond still won't work.

But if you vent, you should vent almost enough, right?

In the end, the head of Quecchis should be handed over to Akromar.

"Then Mr. N will leave it to you, Zoroark!"

After gesturing to the mother Zoroark with his eyes, Xiaozhi also looked at Quecchis and the mighty Dark Kyurem again.

"Next, let me completely end Team Plasma's ambition!"

On one side of Xiaozhi's hand, there was already an extra gray-white stone ball - Bright Stone!

Since we are fighting against the Dark Kyurem, then use the white dragon with the opposite power to Hiram to fight!

Feeling Xiaozhi's passionate call, a pillar of gas and fire suddenly shot out from the surface of the Bright Stone, soaring into the sky.

A snow-white, extremely holy white dragon flew out from it, and finally spread its wings and landed on the highest point of the cliff...In an instant, the surrounding ice and snow environment became much warmer.

Come to Hiram, come on stage again!


Hiram first nodded softly to Xiaozhi, polite and polite.

This is the second contact between one person and one dragon, and there is still a certain embarrassing buffer period between the two.

Seeing the ice and snow around him, Xiaozhi was basically shirtless.


Hiram flapped his wings intimately, and shook off a white feather, which landed on Xiaozhi's chest.

Immediately, Xiaozhi only felt that his chest was full of warmth, and his whole body was no longer cold.

This effect is much stronger than the thermal underwear invented by Mr. Acromar!

After doing this thoughtful little move, Hiram turned into a cold and arrogant expression again, looking up at the sky.

That half-ice, half-black giant dragon has the aura of Zekrom...but not entirely, it also has the aura of another ancient god!

It's Kyurem! ?


Lai Hiram looked surprised, obviously he knew a little about Kyurem.

The three-headed dragons of Hezhong, Lahiram and Zekrom are opposed to each other. In ancient times, they assisted two humans with different purposes, so they often fought.

Kyurem, on the other hand, has been sleeping in the Giant's Cave since ancient times, and has not been involved in any matters in the Hezhong area.

Black and White Twin Dragons know about it...

It's just that they know that there is a third dragon, and they have been coveting the power of the two of them.

Today, it was the first time I saw it!

"That Kyurem, no, it's the Dark Kyurem now. He was originally the Pokémon of Brother Chi, but now he is controlled by Quecchis and forcibly devoured the black dragon Zekrom..."

Xiaozhi quickly summed up the situation.

Hiram blinked his dignified eyes, brother Chi...

Is it that illusory and weird human being who called me when I read the picture?

Moreover, Zekrom, whose power was equal to his own, was swallowed up...

The voice of consciousness that appeared in their minds in the dark turned out to be real! ?

"Please, help me completely defeat him!


Xiaozhi looked at the latter with firm eyes, and said in a deep voice.

After staring at Xiaozhi for a while, Lahiram suddenly opened his wings and let out a melodious dragon chant sound, while the white wings flapped and blew waves of heat.

The snow-white dragon's figure immediately flew high into the sky, heading towards the direction of Dark Kyurem!

Even so, he will not have the slightest fear!

"It's finally here, today's highlight!


Seeing this, Xiao Zhi put his hat on his forehead, carried Pikachu on one shoulder, and straddled Genesect's back, also levitating up.

Although the warmth is indeed warm now, but the gliding flight, the scene is very eye-catching.

"Damn it, how is it possible for this foreigner kid?!"

The sudden appearance of the white dragon came to Hiram, which was completely beyond Queches' expectations.

His eyeballs were bloodshot, and he looked at Xiaozhi with hatred like never before!

Although he did hear about the white dragon coming to Hiram in Ssangyong City, he didn't expect to be subdued by Xiao Zhi.

You must know that the Plasma team has been planning for a black dragon Zekrom for many years, and they have specially raised a monster as a container for more than 20 years...

As a result, tell me now, is it so easy for a kid from other places to achieve the same results as him?

Queches had a chain of contempt in his heart.

The one (self) who has the blood of the ancient United Kingdom, is at the apex and is supposed to rule over all.

Followed by ordinary people in Hezhong area.

The most humble and lowly people are outsiders outside the Hezhong area!

And what he can't accept the most is this outsider, who is shamelessly shirtless!

"Dark Kyurem, kill him for me! Use the wave of the dragon!


Holding the gene wedge in his hand, Queches completely ignored Akromar next to him, and he only wanted to completely kill Xiaozhi and Lahiram.

Dark Kyurem opened his mouth wide, and the dragon's wave, like a pillar of flame light, burst out of the air, penetrating all the way for a hundred meters, and created an exaggerated vacuum rainbow in the sky!

At the level of the ancient gods, every move has its own special effects.

For example, the dragon wave of Dark Kyurem is like jetting flames, and the dragon claws are as black and sharp as shadow claws.

"Don't lose to it, Dragon Wave!


Xiaozhi immediately shouted in a low voice, at the beginning of the fight, he had to face a wave first.

Although it was the second contact between him and Lai Hiram, he had fought with all his strength before, so he probably knew Lai Hiram's fighting style.

The special effect of Hiram's dragon wave is a dark purple flame beam, which is also very powerful, blasting out without showing any weakness!


In an instant, dragon flames filled the sky above the glacier, and an unprecedented energy collision exploded here!

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