He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2566 Pikachu: Why call me genealogy?

"My Zekrom, will not always succumb to your control!


With N's loud shout, the traction of the dark stone in his hand was exerted to the extreme, and the surface shone with a strange luster like a black pearl.


The Dark Kyurem in the distance couldn't help but raise his head in pain, let out a roar, and his whole body continued to riot and writhe on the ground of that deserted island.

The astonishing cold spread out uncontrollably, freezing everything on the island into frost.

And this gray and black giant dragon looks like it is about to be torn apart from the middle.

"Damn it, it's that monster!


Kuiqisi finally noticed N's small movements in the distance, and was furious, wishing to rush over immediately and press his adopted son to death on the spot.

But now Kuiqisi has basically exhausted his cards, and he has no extra energy to take care of others.

"Hold me up, Dark Kyurem, you are the strongest ancient god!


He could only grit his teeth, hold the gene wedge firmly, and pray that the Dark Kyurem would not be affected by the outside world.

However, Xiaozhi was right about one thing.

The genetic wedge is only a unilateral manipulation of the Dark Kyurem.

However, N and the black dragon Zekrom are partners with the same heart and bond.

The power contained in the latter is far beyond Quecchis' imagination.



Dark Kyurem, who was struggling and rioting, suddenly heard Zekrom's low growl.

The next moment, Nuo Da's giant dragon body was actually torn apart from the middle, splitting into two!

A peerless black dragon finally regained its freedom, and immediately spread its wings and flew into the sky. Dazzling arcs of electricity flowed on the surface of its pitch-black body.


In the sky, there was a burst of thunder, and the ground shook, as if celebrating the return of the Lord of Thunder.

"Zekrom is finally out!"

On the cliff, seeing this scene, N finally showed a gratified smile.

However, his face looked very weak, his head was sweating profusely, and he used his super powers to communicate intensively, which consumed a lot of his physical strength.

He couldn't even maintain a standing position, and had to rely on Zoroark beside him for support.

However, the ending is good.


Recovering his sense of freedom, Zekrom also grinned at N, indicating that he did a good job.

But when he looked back at Xiao Zhi and Hiram, especially the holy and white dragon Zekrom had complicated expressions.

Even though he was a strong enemy, he spared no effort to help himself.

Without Hiram continuing to attack the Dark Kyurem outside, relying solely on him and N, it is really impossible to break free.

That horrible feeling of suffocation, like being in a black hole, never seeing the light of day

Even Zekrom, who is fearless and fearless, can't help but feel terrified when he thinks about it now.

slipped slipped slipped.

The next moment, Zekrom's body turned into a blue arc and flew towards N.


Like the light emitted by the elf ball, Zekromnano's big figure instantly escaped into the dark stone and disappeared invisible.

Obviously, it was also drained by Kyurem and needed a good rest.

The most important thing is that this time the fit always gave him a feeling as if he had been defiled and occupied by others

At the same time, only Kyurem was left on that deserted island.

It has changed back to the original appearance of the gray dragon, and fell in the huge pit of the ruins.

"Is this what Kyurem originally looked like?"

Xiaozhi controls Genesect and looks around carefully, and now he is 100% the shape of the red brother.

After the combined state was released, Kyurem's aura also became very sluggish.

The solid ice attached to the top of the head, the wings, and the breastplate were all shattered, making Kyurem's body look very thin at this moment.

And as the two dragons separated, the genetic wedge reappeared, suspended above Kyurem's head.

Then, under the traction of the residual horn, it flew in the direction of Quecchis and reunited into a whole.

The defeat is irreversible.

"Damn N! Damn outlanders! Damn Zekrom, come Hiram!


Kuiqisi's face was full of jealousy, his whole body trembled with anger, and he couldn't stop cursing.

He actually ruined everything he had worked hard for so many years!

"No, there is still a chance to come back!


Kuiqisi held the gene wedge in his hand, and suddenly his eyes were ruthless. This time, he aimed at the white dragon Lai Hiram, and immediately shouted frantically:

"Stand up for me, Kyurem! Swallow Hiram for me this time!

You are still the strongest Hezhong Shenlong, and then you will burn this disgusting world and all those who disobey me!


As he said that, Quecchis aimed the restored genetic wedge at Hiram.


But the next moment, a crisp sound came from his ears, a small yellow figure suddenly descended from the sky, spread its limbs like an electric flying mouse, and flew towards him quickly.

The voice, as well as the figure, startled Quecchis.

His complexion changed abruptly, and the genetic wedge almost dropped from his hands.

He even subconsciously hugged his head and squatted on the backs of the three evil dragons, his shoulders trembling uncontrollably.

Of course, the mouth is still chattering and cursing:

"Damn it's the Kanto electric mouse again! Damn yellow electric mouse, I want a torch to burn all Pichu, Pikachu, and Raichu all over the world, eh!


At the end of the scolding, Queches' voice trembled, appearing extremely terrified.

And Pikachu had already landed firmly on the backs of the three evil dragons. The latter's three heads immediately turned around their necks, and they were about to bite, but Pikachu easily dodged them.

It's just that Queches scolded really badly, and Pikachu gradually became annoyed when he heard it.

Why did you even scold your own family tree? !


The angry Pikachu immediately used the thief move, and easily took the gene wedge in Quecchis' hand.


In the end, he still didn't forget to step on Kuiqisi's head, and use his strength to kick back in Xiaozhi's direction.

"Ugh don't touch me, electric mouse!

! "

Unexpectedly, this touching action frightened Queches so much that he almost knelt down.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Driving Genesect and picking up Pikachu again, Xiaozhi was secretly puzzled.

It seems to be a bit too much hate, is it because I am too afraid of my Pikachu?

"Wait a minute, is it because of Brother Chi's Pikachu?"

Xiaozhi suddenly realized that on the Dragon Spiral Tower, Brother Chi pierced through the entire plasma team by himself, and the red skin should have been used at that time.

Seeing that Pikachu had already left, Queches looked like a middle-aged man still squatting there trembling

This is directly ptsd to the entire Pikachu family?!

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