He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2568 The legacy of the plasma team, accepted!

On the cliffs of the deserted island on the 17th waterway. [.\\nCOM Situ updated chapters are the most complete and comprehensive, and the error-free content is repaired in the most timely manner. Due to cache reasons, browsers are recommended to visit .\\nCOM official website]

"Quiqisi, your actions have seriously damaged the natural balance of the entire Hezhong region. Countless humans and Pokémon have suffered casualties because of you. Now, our international patrols will formally arrest you!"

Afterwards, Heici showed Quecchis his international patrol ID in a very formal manner, intending to arrest him.

Mr. Hansen also came here and assisted in the arrest. It is estimated that he sneaked into the plasma team early.

The bad frog next to him was on guard, and if Quecchis made any changes, he would be the first to greet him with a poisonous attack.


Xiaozhi and Mingyi Douzi watched quietly from the side.

Is it because the international patrol is also a policeman, so Heici, like Miss Junsha, only appears when things are over?

At this moment, Xiaozhi was wearing the white researcher's coat that Akromar took off, and the hem of the coat was almost dragged on the ground, although it was protected by Hiram's hair, it would not be cold.

But wearing only a bunch of shorts in the ice and snow is still too hot for the eyes.

Quecchi, on the other hand, had a gloomy face. His Gene Wedge and Pokémon were all taken away.

Now he really can't do anything in front of these two international patrolmen.

"Damn, these two international patrol mice"

Kuiqisi cursed in his heart, he knew that he would do a general cleaning inside the plasma team first.

It's just that he is far from reaching a dead end now!

Hezhong District is a place where legal ethics is emphasized. As long as he can find judicial loopholes in front of the court, he can come out without even having to sit in the bureau!

Seeing that Heici had already pulled out a pair of silver handcuffs and approached, Queches stopped immediately and said:

"Wait a minute, the planner and implementer of this whole thing have nothing to do with me. According to the law of the United States, I am only a passive collaborator, and you international patrol officers are not qualified to lock me up!"

Kuroji showed an idiot-like expression.

Are you trying to talk about Akromar's self-detonation incident?

This time the Kyurem incident was such a big deal, and he was still watching the crowd at the scene, an unclear video was of little use.

"No, it's a contract! It's written in black and white!"

At this time, Quecchis suddenly took out a few pages of paperwork and contracts from his arms, and argued with reason.


Not far away, seeing the familiar border of the document, Akromar suddenly frowned.

Queches grinned and began to explain in an orderly manner:

"This is the document signed by Akromar and our plasma team. It expresses that he will be responsible for all the actions of the plasma team this year, and all the actions of this year are also under his control and command. In progress!"

As he said that, Quecchis looked at Akromar with malicious intent:

"He is the king of the plasma team behind the scenes!"

This is his last hole card!

With the help of Hezhong's legal means, all the crimes were thrown to others, so he always carried this contract with him.

"There is Akromar's signature and fingerprints on it, it is accurate!"

Quecchi's voice was loud and powerful, and Akromar had to take the blame this time.

"Mr Akromar?"

Next to him, Xiaozhi was a little anxious, and subconsciously looked at the latter.

Don't really give this old fox a break.

Why don't we burn this document first, taking advantage of the people around us?

Akromar pushed his glasses and frowned.

If he remembers correctly, this document should be the document he signed when he joined the Plasma team, and the above regulations are just simple joining exchange regulations.

He made special equipment for the plasma team, and the plasma team provided him with funds and scientific research resources, gone.

Quecchi, did you secretly change the content of the contract?


Heici was hesitating whether to accept the inspection.

As long as he wasn't looking, Quecchis was still the culprit according to the law.

But if you really read it, and it is true what Queches said

However, at this time, Akromar suddenly shrugged and said indifferently:

"Mr. International Patrol, please open it~"

These words made Kui Qisi raise his eyebrows. Is this a bluff?

He was playing against Akromar the first time he came into contact with him. In this matter, Akroma has other countermeasures?

Heici glanced at Akromar, then at Xiaozhi, and after seeing the latter nodding, he took the file and opened it with a serious face.

It's just that after watching it for a while, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch, and he couldn't help laughing.

"Um, is this the evidence you said?"

Queches looked stunned, what went wrong?

He keeps this document next to him all the time, it cannot be replaced or faked!

Snatching the document back with his backhand, Kuiqisi hurriedly buried his head in examining it, his expression gradually froze.

"Party A (Akromar) assisted the Plasma team in the form of joining, but did not agree with the three-view ethics of the Plasma team, and cut off all actions of the Plasma team."

"Once the behavior of the plasma team involves endangering public safety, Party A can unconditionally leave, and the plasma team also needs to unconditionally donate all scientific research resources during the period (including but not limited to scientific research teams, special materials, technical blueprints, etc.) Party A."

"Signature: Acromar."

Queches: "???"

Why don't you grab it, why don't you just give the whole plasma team to you!

The veins on his forehead were bulging, and he finally couldn't help throwing the document on the ground.

Immediately, he looked at Akromar viciously. When did he become passive?

"Naturally when we first met~"

Akromar approached and smiled with the corners of his mouth curled up.

"When I signed the contract, I smelled the smell of Tutu dog. In your entire document, you used the paint of Tutu dog, right?"

As a Pokémon with changeable abilities, the Tutu dog is sometimes used as a special material by those who are interested in the ink on the tip of its tail, which can have the effect of tampering with the text.

You actually set yourself up from the very beginning

Naturally, Akromar was not polite, and punched the opponent with a backhand.

At that time, the ink in the pen he signed was made of ink cannon pigment from the octopus barrel, which could completely overwhelm the effect of Tutu Dog, and even have the effect of changing the rest of the text.

"So according to the contract, all scientific research resources of your plasma team will be used as compensation and become my personal property."

"When you get into the game, I'll take over~!"

Akromar smiled cheerfully, this was his greatest purpose.

The legacy of Team Plasma, the rest is his alone!

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