He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2575 The first town... Emperor Xiu? !

"Oh, isn't this the number one trainer in Hezhong? What an honor~!"

At this time, a middle-aged aunt with permed and curly hair walked out of the museum. She had dark skin, red lips and heavy makeup, and her figure was much stronger than the average person.

It is none other than the leader of Qibao Gym, Aloe Vera.

In comparison, the husband next to Aloe Vera, the director of the Qibao Museum, is much thinner.

He is polite, has a crew cut, and wears glasses, so he won't stand out in the crowd.

"Hello, I'm Mu Li."

Unlike Aloe, who has a cheerful and bold personality, Muli is polite and gentle, greeting the two of them very formally.

Xiaozhi and Mingyi naturally returned the greetings quickly.

"Now that our eyes have met... let's have a battle, right?"

Aloe even directly invited him to fight. Qibao Gym had actually been closed for a while, and Aloe was worried about finding any opponents to keep his muscles strong.

Of course, the target is not Xiaozhi, but Mingyi.

She was not arrogant enough to challenge Xiaozhi. The latter was so powerful that even Adek was eliminated before he could even compete with him.

The number one trainer in Unova... Although his limelight was stolen by the Team Plasma incident, among the general public, Ash's fame is not as popular as expected.

But for the players participating in the World Championships, Xiaozhi's name is well-known.

"Eh? Fight?"

Mingyi was stunned by the sudden friendly competition at the gym, but quickly agreed.

In the large square at the entrance of the museum, the two women directly released their Pokémon without any further ado.

The one Mingyi sent was her Hayok, which was also the only Pokémon in the team that had not yet fully evolved.

Just take advantage of this opportunity to see if you can complete the evolution.

The one on Aloe Pie is a sentry rat, a famous house rat in the Unova region, whose status is roughly equivalent to that of Lada in the Kanto region.

"The battle between the house dog and the house rat..."

"What a common combination..."

Xiaozhi and the gym leader Mu Li stood nearby to watch the battle, and they didn't forget to complain.

“Hayok, Flame Fang!


“Sentinel rat, angry incisors!




"End the front teeth!"

Halfway through the battle, just as Mingyi expected, Hayok's whole body glowed with dazzling light.

His body suddenly grew several times larger, and then his whole body was covered with thick long hair, and his temperament suddenly became much older...

Shaggy dog!

The originally evenly matched situation was instantly imbalanced due to the evolution of the long-haired dog.

"End the battle, the ultimate impact!


As the long-haired dog performs its ultimate move with normal attributes, a pink-purple energy vortex is attached to its running body...

Boom boom!

The powerful impact directly knocked the thin sentry rat away, and it fell hard in front of Aloe Vera, the winner was determined!

"Sure enough, I'd better retire, the world is already dominated by young people~"

After the battle, Aloe felt very happy and didn't care about the outcome.

The Qibao Gym has officially closed down. Now the only gym in the Hezhong area that specializes in general attributes is the Hinohan Gym where Black Company is located in Hinohan City.

"Thanks for the advice, Miss Aloe!"

However, Mingyi still performed the junior salute, making Aloe nod with satisfaction.

"Finally everything has evolved!"

Mingyi was secretly happy in her heart, now her team of mounts was fully formed!

At the next stop, Xiaozhi and Mingyi came to the neighboring Sanyao City.

This is the first stop for many trainers to challenge, and it is the easiest place to conquer in the Hezhong Gym.

Sanyao City also has the largest trainer school in Hezhong, which sends a large number of talents to the Hezhong Alliance every year...

But these have nothing to do with Xiaozhi and Mingyi.

As soon as they arrived in the city, the two of them headed straight towards Sanyao Restaurant.

Also known as the Sanyao Gym, this is a gym that combines Pokémon battles with gourmet food.

It just so happens that the three brothers Tiantong and Kou En are here today.

It was a rare occasion for distinguished guests to come to their door, so the three Sanyao brothers immediately cooked a sumptuous meal for Mingyi and Xiaozhi.

During the period, you can even see the acrobatic performances of the three low-level Yu Sanjia, namely the Coconut Ape, the Spicy Ape, and the Cold Water Ape, which caused bursts of cheers from time to time in the restaurant.

As for the last stop of their journey...

They came to the initial town, Luzi Town.

This was also the first town that Xiaozhi arrived in after arriving in the Hezhong area.


We successfully landed on the north side of Luzi Town. In front of us were intricate slopes of rural farmland, somewhat similar to the layout of Zhenxin Town.

Xiaozhi still remembered that he was suddenly attacked by Mr. N's Zekrom on the road behind him.


Pikachu was also impressed, and the old god shook his head.

It was here that it slapped Zekrom hard.

However, because Luzi Town is located in the southeast corner of Hezhong, it is actually very close to Waterway No. 17.

Therefore, this is the place most severely affected by Kyurem's frozen world. You can still see frost that has not yet melted in many places on the ground.

"Hey Mingyi, haven't you been here? By the way, how did you get the Great Sword Demon in the first place?"

Seeing that it was Mingyi's first time here, Xiaozhi held the back of his head and asked while walking backwards.

Luzi Town is also home to the research institute of Dr. Yew, and Dr. Yew is the doctor who sends initial Pokémon to most new trainers in the southern Unova region.

"Hey~ It was mailed here originally, along with the illustrated book."

Mingyi recalled with narrowed eyes.

Her hometown, Hinofan City, is located in the southwest corner of Hezhong. It is separated from Luzi Town by the entire Hezhong Sea. Naturally, she cannot use surfing to swim there at the beginning.

Just as they arrived at Luzi Town, the two set off for the Yew Research Institute to say hello to the young and beautiful doctor.

However, when the two came to the entrance of the institute, they found a person bending down and working hard in the farmland next to them.

He wore a simple peasant uniform and held a trident.


It plunged into the farmland frost, and then stepped on the back of the iron fork, directly shoveling a large amount of snow.

Hearing movement behind him, the farmer turned his head.

But I saw that the latter was young, with short gray-green hair, but his face was covered with dust, and he looked quite vicissitudes of life, as if he had experienced a lot...

"Emperor Xiu?! Why are you here?"

"Is this Xiu Emperor? Wasn't the previous Xiu Emperor high-spirited...Why is he now lonely and holding a trident?"

Xiaozhi and Emperor Xiu looked at each other in confusion and couldn't help but complain. Especially since Emperor Xiu was holding an iron fork in his hand, the scene was even more unbearable to look at.



(Updated today, chapter xy is coming soon, I have to think about how to start...)

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