He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2381 Knock Pikachu out with a punch?

"Oh hello, I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, and it's my partner Pikachu~!"

Seeing the eyes of several people, Xiaozhi immediately raised his palm and greeted him skillfully.

After seeing Xiaozhi's face clearly, Doroba was the first to be shocked. He froze in place with his eyes wide open, with an expression of disbelief.

"Wait a minute, you are that Xiao Zhi, why did you appear here!?"

He is a die-hard fan of Miare Weekly, he reads every issue, so he naturally knows about Xiao Zhi who won the championship in the Hezhong World Championships

The latter's formidable strength shocked Doroba into a heavenly man!

"Xiaozhi? Is it someone famous?"

"I haven't heard of it."

Next to them, Tieruno and Shana looked blank, and they shocked Doroba so much, so could it be that they were some big shots?

"Xiaozhi from the Kanto region defeated the former league champion Master Ma in the World Championship held in Hezhong Fanba City not long ago, and won the final championship~"

At this time, Bratano walked over cheerfully, interrupted and introduced to several people:

"It can be said that Xiaozhi is the most powerful young man in the world. Even in the whole age group, he is also the top group of existence~"

Dr. Brattano was not stingy with words of praise, and praised him full of praise.

Obviously, he is also a fan of "Miare Weekly" and knows Xiaozhi quite well.

Unexpectedly, such a person suddenly came to his research institute today, and Dr. Bratano was even a little flattered.

Hearing this, Tieruno and Shana also had expressions of shock on their faces, obviously, Xiaozhi looks about the same age as them!

Beating the league champions with this electric mouse on his shoulder?

It looks very weak, such a weak Pokémon, I feel that even the most common Digger in the Kalos area can directly knock Pikachu out with a single punch.

"Haha, it's not that powerful~"

Xiaozhi, on the other hand, blushed and waved his hands with a smile:

"Anyway, leave me alone, you guys hurry up and choose your own initial Pokémon~!"

Although I didn't see the Gosanjia in the Carlos area, it is very meaningful to see the scene where the trainer and the Pokémon meet for the first time.

Hearing this, the three of them turned their heads and looked at the three Guandong imperial families lined up in front of them with excitement.

"It's decided, Squirtle!!"

Tieruno naturally had a choice, he laughed and hugged the naive Squirrel, lifted it above his head, and circled in circles.

If they cooperate with this squirrel, they will definitely become the best dance partner!


Xiao Zhi couldn't help raising his eyebrows, but Squirtle and Cammy were fine.

If it evolves into the ultimate Blastoise and dances with such a cumbersome figure, this picture is somewhat eye-catching.

Next to her, the energetic and lovely Shana also made a decision, knelt down and hugged the head of Miao Frog Seed.

"I decided to choose it~ It smells good!"

"Seed seeds~!"

This mild-tempered frog seed also showed a smile, and a rattan whip snaked out from the seed on its back, shaking hands with Shana in a palm-like gesture.

As for the last little Charmander, he looked at Doroba in blank dismay, and the atmosphere seemed a bit awkward.

This little charmander also seems to be a little socially introverted, with a slender tail bent in front of its body, and its two little paws hugging the tail like a plush toy.

"Please give me your advice, Charmander."

Doroba bowed formally and politely, making the little Charmander even more like an enemy, with a flustered expression and tighter hugs.

"Hey, hey! Doroba, since we all got Pokémon, how about a battle right now!?"

Tierno looked excited and kept patting Doroba's shoulder.

Since I was a child, I saw other people fighting Pokémon, and I finally became a trainer today, so I wanted to try it immediately.

"Jenny Jenny~!"

The squirrel sitting on its shoulder was also quite aggressive and called out in response.

"Don't worry, there's something else."

Dr. Bratano interrupted with a smile, and a big blue-haired assistant next to her immediately brought a square table, on which there were Pokémon illustrated books, and several Poké Balls, a total of three copies.

"Here is the Pokémon Pokédex and ten Poké Balls. With them, you can officially become a trainer~!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but move his head and look at the illustrated book—a square tablet as a whole, with four corners as the fuselage, slightly staggered, revealing a screen that is almost only the width of the gap in the middle.

When you need to view Pokémon, the four corners of the illustration book will expand accordingly, increasing the size of the middle screen, which is very high-tech.

The three of Tieruno received the illustration book and poke ball with excited faces, holding them in their palms as if they were treasures.

"Let's go, Doroba, hurry up!"

The collection process was officially over, and Tierno once again invited him to the battle.

"Um, battle or something"

Doroba looked a little hesitant, and subconsciously glanced at Xiaozhi.

"Let me come to a game with you! I used to watch adult battles on TV, and I have long wanted to try what it feels like to fight Pokémon!"

Shana next to her suddenly took a step forward and said cheerfully.

According to attribute restraint, her Frog Seed should be able to restrain the opponent's Jenny Turtle!

"Okok! Doroba, come and be our referee~!"

Tieruno laughed and agreed, patted Doroba's shoulder with his backhand, and urged him.

Obviously, the relationship between the three is excellent.

They are all in Chaoxiang Town, a small town in the south of the Carlos area. They grew up together, and they have a relationship similar to that of Xiaozhi and Xiaomao.

However, due to their different dreams, the three of them will not compete tit-for-tat like Xiaozhi and Xiaomao since they were young, but get along very well.

Soon, Tierno and Shanna ran out.

Since they didn't know much about the world of trainers, the two of them didn't know much about Xiaozhi's strength, so they didn't pay much attention to it.

"Uh yes."

Doroba was very entangled, after all, today he met Xiaozhi's real person, and he wanted to talk more with him and get to know him better.

He just heard that his two childhood sweethearts were already calling at the door, and Doroba didn't want to miss the scene of the two fighting for the first time.

In the end, Doroba could only bow to Xiaozhi, and quickly said:

"Well, Mr. Xiaozhi, anyway, it's a pleasure meeting you and I hope to meet you next time!"

After speaking, he hurriedly picked up the little charmander and caught up with the two little friends.

"Well, just call me Xiaozhi~"

Xiaozhi waved his hands casually, and watched Doroba and the three leave the gate of the institute laughing and playing.

In my mind, I can't help but think of the scene where I just started to receive the initial Pokémon, and Xiaomao competed and mocked each other.

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