He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2386 Love strategy system?

"How about Serena, do you have any dreams and plans for the future? Which path do you want to take, I can give you advice~"

Bratano patted his chest and said proactively.

After dealing with the lonely foam frog, Bratano's mood today is particularly smooth.

Well, it would be even more perfect if another person came to take away that bluffing Harley Chestnut!

"Whether it's a dream or not, it's still undecided."

Hearing this, Serena couldn't help frowning her beautiful brows, and her complexion became tangled.

Become a trainer of the mainstream challenge gym alliance?

She's not interested in fighting or anything.

Pokémon showman? This is still very popular in the Carlos area, and Serena is somewhat interested in it.

Or debut as an idol like the champion Miss Caluni?

Or challenge the gorgeous competition that is quite popular in other regions?

Serena shook her head, she was not in a rush to make decisions on these matters, the real purpose of her trip this time was actually thought of from the very beginning.

"I'm going to the Hezhong area!"

Her words were astonishing, and Dr. Bratano was stunned for a long time. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't understand how the other party popped up the idea of ​​"going to the Hezhong area".

"Oh I'm going to find a friend"

But when it comes to this, Serena's tone is obviously much weaker, and her cheeks are slightly red.

He was still muttering, "I wrote so many letters and didn't reply", "Sure enough, I still have to face to face to understand", these words.

"Looking for friends? It's not impossible."

Dr. Brattano thought about it and suggested:

"However, I still recommend that you practice in the Carlos area first, so that you and your Firefox will become stronger, and it will not be too late to go to the Hezhong area."

Most trainers start traveling in this area

After all, it is the most familiar place.

It is rare to fly directly to other regions to start adventures as soon as you receive the initial Yusanjia.

Dr. Bratano is someone who has been there. Seeing Serena's expression and tone, does this mean that she is going to find a young lover?

Recently, the teenagers and girls in the Carlos area have indeed matured precociously~

Bratano is still very optimistic about this. After all, after receiving the Yusanjia and becoming a trainer to travel, it means that he is already an adult who needs to be responsible for his actions.

What's wrong with being in love?

"Well I see"

Serena nodded, her complexion gradually becoming serious.

Indeed, it is indeed too hasty to go directly to the Hezhong area without replying to the letter.

And doesn't this seem too rash?

Thinking of this, Serena released Firefox again and held it in her arms, feeling furry.

"I'd better exercise in the surrounding area first!"

"Then Doctor, I'm leaving first!"

Saying that, Serena waved her hand, bid farewell and turned to leave.

Today's schedule and tasks are all over, and Dr. Bratano is relieved.

Stretching, he followed Serena along the way, preparing to send her out of the gate in a very gentlemanly manner.

But Serena didn't seem to notice his farewell, but lowered her head to herself, muttering in a low voice, as if she was talking to someone?

"I've said it ten thousand times, I'm not interested in being the woman who is the strongest trainer."

"It's too troublesome for big stars in the entertainment industry to be noticed when they come and go in the future."

"Anyway, I don't need your help, you can change someone, the system"

"Hey! I don't even want to bind a love strategy system!!"

In the end, Serena even rubbed her head violently.

Dr. Brattano: "?"

He scratched his head, and watched Serena, who was talking to herself, go away with a dazed expression.

The other party doesn’t have wireless earphones on their ears, so who are they talking to?

On the other side, Xiaozhi and Pansy have arrived at the central square of Miare City.

Here is an open square with a majestic and towering prism tower in the middle.

At the bottom of the quadrangular tower, one side is the logo of the Alliance gymnasium, and the entrance of the gymnasium, the gate is closed.

The other three sides are hollow-shaped entrances at the foot of the tower, and tourists can enter at will.

"Oh, I saw the gym.!!"

After seeing the familiar Pokémon League logo, Xiao Zhi looked excited, and immediately quickened his pace, ready to enter the gate.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"


But when there were tens of meters away from the Prism Tower, two elongated screams suddenly came from the direction of the sky.

Xiaozhi quickly looked up, but saw a man and a woman falling down from the sky above the Prism Tower.

Both have blond hair, the male is estimated to be two years older than Xiao Zhi, and the female is a little girl of six or seven years old.

"Dangerous! Pikachu, you can't use the power grid."

Xiaozhi's expression tightened, and he subconsciously commanded Pikachu to use the power grid to make an elastic bed to save the two of them.

It's just that the surrounding area is open, and there are no corners or tree trunks that can support the grid.

"That's right! It's up to you!"

But Xiaozhi quickly thought of the foam frog he had just conquered today, and immediately threw the elf ball.

"Please foam frog, use your proud foam to make a big foam bed!!"

When the red light fell, the foam frog that had just appeared was very alert. It didn't feel flustered at all by the surrounding environment. It noticed the two people falling rapidly in the air at first sight.

His eyes suddenly narrowed seriously, and almost immediately, his palm touched the thick foam behind him.

Whoosh! !

The next moment, the foam frog's palm danced with afterimages, and it kept throwing its own foam forward.

Even vaguely, there is already a sense of déjà vu that the ninja keeps throwing dense shurikens.

After being thrown, the layers of foam formed in the blink of an eye formed a foam bed with strong elasticity and flexibility, which was just below the two fallen people.

However, the two people in the air are not completely sitting still.

I saw the slightly older man with glasses slamming the backpack he was carrying downward.

The gray-white backpack, which was originally plain, began to swell rapidly, and it swelled to a size of nearly two meters, turning into a gray-white elastic air mattress?



The timing was just right, and the man and woman fell headfirst into the air mattress.

And there is a foam bed of foam frogs underneath as a cushion.

The double buffer directly reduces the falling force to a minimum!


And this backpack air mattress is also obviously disposable, and it will soon be like a leaking balloon, constantly deflated and shriveled outward.

Xiaozhi, Pansy, and Bubble Frog quickly approached to check. The two of them were completely sunk in, and their exact figure could not be seen clearly.

"Hahaha that's too exciting bro!!"

"Ah, I feel like I've walked through the door of hell."

However, two voices with diametrically opposite tones came from inside, which relieved Xiaozhi, and it seemed that the problem was not serious.

Thanks to Yunyyi, Goukong, Yekong for their cappuccino rewards! grateful!

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