He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2596 Let's go to Shixiang Town!


After about a few minutes, Serena couldn't help but said in surprise.

The wild tortoise in front of him at this moment didn't even need the fire fox to do it, the two tentacles had already started fighting by themselves.

Since Guijiaojiao has water + rock attributes, it can be said that it can completely restrain her fire fox, and it is really difficult to win in normal battles.

"It's very simple to deal with the turtle feet. You only need to separate the two tentacles, and you can easily win."

According to the system, Serena continued to direct the fire fox to fight in a roundabout way, using sparks to specifically attack one of the turtle's feet and tentacles.

And for the moves attacked by two tentacles at the same time, only the one that was hit was eaten, and the moves of the other tentacle were all avoided.

I resist the damage, and I also fight the output

One of the turtle-footed tentacles, which was already grumpy, quickly broke its defenses and scolded the tentacles next to it.

The other tentacle didn't have a good temper either, and immediately wrestled with each other, rooted together on a rock and inseparable, sharp claws crazily outputting on each other.

This is somewhat similar to Dudu or a double-headed Tyrannosaurus rex. Both brains have their own independent thoughts, and sometimes they even fight with each other.

"I didn't expect it to be possible!"

Serena looked pleasantly surprised, it seems that the system in her mind really has two brushes.

Although it is her first command battle, after all, the system is synchronously commanding

It's like a novice driving. Whether there is an old driver sitting next to him to guide him, his mentality, etc. are completely different things.

Seeing that the two tortoise feet were fighting each other and panting, Serena finally waved her hand and shouted:

"Firefox, use Grab!"

There is no way, the fire fox at the beginning is too poor, and the spark move has no effect, so he can only use a catch move.

It took a long time for the fire fox, and finally he was able to let out a breath of anger, and immediately jumped up, with sharp white claws extending from the palm of one side, and slammed up!


Although the effect was mediocre, it still flew the turtle's foot and hit a nearby rock, leaving three claw marks on its face.

The last bit of stamina was finally exhausted.

"It's now!"

Serena's face was overjoyed, her cheeks were a little red, and she quickly threw an elf ball and put the turtle's feet into it.

Following three waves of shaking, the poke ball stopped moving, and the elf ball was subdued successfully!

"Successful! The first Pokémon I tamed!"

Serena immediately ran up happily and held it in the palm of her hand, her heart was surging.

Although it is said that she is not good-looking, but once she subdues it, she always feels that the turtle feet seem to become more beautiful?

In my mind, the system continues to popularize the habit of turtle feet.

"It's difficult to correct this personality that is easy to be alienated by the enemy, but after it evolves into the turtle-footed giant armor in the future, all the actions of the tentacles will be unified and directed by the central brain tentacles, so this weakness will naturally be eliminated."

The evolution is too far, Serena didn't think so much.

Now that she has a fire-type Pokémon and a rock-type Pokémon at the same time, it should be very beneficial to conquer the insect-type White Sand Gym, right?

Not to mention, Serena really had an urgent thought of challenging the gym.

As for Xiaozhi, I hope to get the latest news from the other party soon!

There is no problem in growing up and becoming stronger, but if you can grow up with Xiaozhi, it seems that there is no problem? !

It was getting dark, and creepy roars could be heard faintly from the depths of the surrounding bushes.

Serena quickly picked up Firefox, with a sullen face, and walked quickly towards Baitan City over there. She didn't want to camp in the wild on the first day!

The next day, Xiaozhi at the other end didn't know that there was such a crazy girl nearby.

Early in the morning, he woke up full of energy, opened the door, took a deep breath of the free air in the Carlos area, and stretched his body.

The Xitron brothers and sisters are also at the gate of the Pokémon Center, and they have already packed their luggage.

You Lijia is only carrying a small pink satchel, which is basically equivalent to traveling light.

On the other hand, Xitron was carrying a slightly larger gray backpack, which was bulging, and probably contained a lot of weird instruments.

The three of them who were formally partnered already planned to leave Miare City today.

Since Xiaozhi didn't intend to challenge the gymnasium or the alliance meeting this time, he didn't go to the No. 4 road to the south to challenge the White Sandalwood Gym over there.

White sandalwood gymnasium, as a gymnasium with low difficulty, will basically be the first target of trainers in the Kalos area.

After all, Xiaozhi had already seen Violet, Miss Pansy's younger sister, at the World Championships.

The strength is quite satisfactory, but there is no need to go to Baitan City.

Xiaozhi walked in the front, his eyes were bright, and he pointed to the southwest direction of Miare City.

"Okay! Then the target is Route 5!"

"Oh~! Route 5!"

You Lijia was also beside her, with dimples on her cheeks, imitating Xiaozhi's movements and saying loudly.

The three of them had discussed last night and planned to go to a place called Shixiang Town, which is located in the western area of ​​the Carlos area.

It is said that the town has some kind of connection with the ancient gods in Kalos area

Naturally, Xiaozhi has not forgotten his other main task - to collect tokens of the local gods.

And Xiao Zhi, the ancient god in the Kalos area, is also very interested in meeting him!

To go to Shixiang Town, the shortest way is to go along the No. 5 road, and the first stop along the way is a place called Gumu Town.

I heard that it was transformed from a manor villa of a fallen nobleman into a tourist town, which is of great ornamental value.

After a while, the three of them left the city gate and walked on the No. 5 road.

This is a twisted and wide road, surrounded by dense forests and shrubs, it is difficult to cross.

The entire No. 5 road is not flat, it is a slope with ups and downs, but it has become a paradise for pulley lovers.

On both sides of the road, there are basically special pulley railings.

Walking on the road, the three of Xiaozhi have already seen many pulley riders stepping on the railing iron jumps, doing various sliding stunts, taking advantage of the height difference to row all the way to the end of No. 5 road.


The pulley at the bottom rubbed against the railing at high speed, and while faint sparks burst out, there was also a blunt friction sound.

Unlike biking, which is popular in other regions, in the Carlos area, pulleys are more popular.

Along the way, Xiaozhi looked at the cool pulley runners galloping past on both sides, showing envy, and even planned to try it.

As for Xitron and Yurika, they looked at the Pokémon released in front of Xiaozhi, with expressions of surprise on their faces. ()

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