He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2605 The tool bird debuts! Mega Tabitori! (superior)

After confirming the Pokémon to be transferred with the doctor, the machine started to work.


It's just that during the operation of this personal transmission device, it kept shaking and making continuous noises. The metal shell on the surface was even more undulating, and black smoke was faintly coming out.

It seems that it will explode at any time.


As the only person in the crowd who knew her brother well, You Lijia had already hid in the distance holding Dongdongshu.

Citron does have an extremely intelligent mind in science and engineering, and the scientific instruments he invented also have many incredible features.

However, the success rate is impressive.

It's about to explode at any moment, causing a burst of explosions and giving everyone around it a free head burn.

This is different from Mr. Akromar, who is a perfectionist and will only show it to outsiders when he confirms that his equipment has achieved a 100% success rate.

Fortunately, this time the teleportation device was successful.


Following a sharp sound, a beam of red light shot down from the round hole above, and the next moment, a poke ball appeared out of thin air in the groove at the bottom.

"As expected of Citron! Science is really amazing!!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help exclaiming again, and happily grabbed the elf ball and held it in his hand.

Feeling the touch, Xiaozhi was delighted that it was indeed that guy!

And the king next to him didn't urge anything, he folded his chest and closed his eyes, waiting beside him.

It was Princess Ali who was quite impatient, pacing back and forth, urging her a few times from time to time.

Seeing that Xiaozhi had already walked over holding a poke ball, Wang opened his eyes and regained his momentum.

Just like that, the two were separated by dozens of meters in the back garden of Balfam Incense Hall, and the battle started again!

This is a 1v1 battle, a battle about mega evolution.

Xiaozhi and Wang looked at each other, and the next moment, the two threw their elf balls at the same time.

Xitron and Yurika next to him were also quite excited. They all knew that the powerful Xiaozhi was not a rookie trainer, so they could just take a look at the latter's previous Pokémon!

When the red light fell, there was already a human figure in front of the Karate King.

The figure is unusually slender, and the plump lower body seems to be wearing thick pink bell-bottoms. The off-white slender body and head are covered with a mushroom-like fan turban.

Standing on tiptoe, raising both hands, posing an ancient yoga martial art pose

"It's a Pokémon from the Hoen area, Charem!"

Citron said, saying, can this kind of Pokémon also complete mega evolution?

This Charem wore a pink turban on his forehead, wearing a forehead protector in the style of Asan, on which was a small and round mega stone.

On the other side, Xiaozhi's Pokémon also appeared.

"Be proud~!"

Following a burst of high-pitched hawk cries, a huge raptor falcon flew into the air, with wide brown-gray wings spread out.

The slender feathers of yellow and orange on the top of the head stretched backwards, very elegant.

Its eyes are sharp and its aura is sturdy. When it comes out, it naturally has a domineering aura of a king. It overlooks everyone under it, as if it can hunt down and catch prey at any time.

"It's a big bird from the Kanto region!"

Citron couldn't help but blurted out in admiration, this was the first time I saw it.

In terms of size, it is much larger than Carlos's family bird, the darting finch, and it is a raptor bird that is both sturdy and elegant.

"Tool bird, fight side by side!"

Xiaozhi waved upwards and shouted happily.

The opponent is a karateist, and there is a high probability that he will use the fighting Pokémon Ash's first choice is the flying attribute.

It just so happened that recently Dabi Bird was living in the backyard for the elderly, instead of being the overlord listening to the government behind the curtain in the Evergreen Forest-after so many years, the leader of the Evergreen Forest group has naturally changed.

"Tool bird?"

This title made Xitron quite startled when he heard it, for fear that the angry Dabi would fly down and swallow Xiaozhi in one gulp.

Although bird Pokémon have no brains, their personalities and emotions are not too prominent.

It's not like Yusanjia, who often appear arrogant and cold, emotionally jealous, or have too much affection for the trainer

Most of the Pokémon with direct access to the anus, such as the house bird, are straight-tempered.

But even so, calling the "tool bird" by its name is a bit too contemptuous of the bird, right?

"Compared to pride!!"

However, after hearing Xiaozhi's familiar title, this big bird seemed to be pumped with chicken blood, flapping its wings and screaming excitedly in the air, obviously very satisfied with this title.

Citron hadn't read the first few hundred chapters, so he naturally didn't know that after being trained by the tool bird cheats, Dabi Bird would only be happy with this title from the bottom of his heart.

Although on its side, Xiaozhi is also called a "tool man"

The referee was the gentleman old servant, and said in an elegant and low tone:

"Then, let the battle begin!"

Everyone held their breath, even Princess Ali, who was always restless and domineering, couldn't help but stop shaking her fan, and stared closely at the situation on the field.

Seeing Dabiri make some moves, the Karate King took the lead in attacking.

"Charem, high-five surprise attack!"

Charem pursed his thick lips, and slapped him with only three fingers!


A crisp sound came out, with a strange magic power in the sound, which was about to freeze Dabi Bird's movements.

But Xiaozhi's action was more simple and rude, he directly raised his arm and shouted loudly:

"Tool bird, mega evolution!!"

On the wrist, the keystone bracelet instantly burst into dazzling light.

At the same time, the right leg of the big bird in the sky stretched out, and the iron ring on the ankle was inlaid with a mega stone, which immediately echoed the dazzling flashes of light!

The appearance of a phenomenon unique to mega evolution naturally counteracts the effect of the high-five surprise attack.

Since it's a battle about mega evolution, Xiao Zhi can directly enter the heyday state regardless of any foreplay.

"It's better than hanging!!!"

There was another high-pitched and fierce eagle cry, the sound was slightly different, the light film of mega evolution burst suddenly, and Dabibi showed a brand new appearance!

Its body size has become even larger, especially the extended wings are more than three meters long, and the feathers on its back have become darker in color.

Compared with the longer wings, the proportion of the megabivory's torso has "shrunk" a bit, and the color of the crown feathers on the top of the head has become more gorgeous.

In particular, there is a long pink feather sticking out, hanging down in front of the forehead, which is extremely coquettish.

It was the first time for Xitron Yulijia to see the mega Dabiri, and her face turned red and excited.

Even Wang, who was restrained and stable before, moved his steps a little, and his face became dignified.

"Then let's fight again! Mega Tool Bird, use Lightning Flash!"

With a big wave of Xiaozhi's hand, it was his turn to initiate an attack. ()

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