He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2609 The fourth partner, Serena!

Chapter 2406 The fourth partner, Serena!

Listening to Dr. Brattano's description, Ser's first reaction was to refuse.

Is it going to go out to the field to handle errands, but now she also has important tasks to stay in Miare City!

Next to him, Dr. Brattano rubbed his head, still muttering to himself in distress:

"It's rare that Xiaozhi can come into contact with all kinds of mega-capable Pokémon now, and he can also fight with them. If he is close, he will definitely get great data."

Serena: "?!"

Her eyes could not help but light up, she looked closely at Dr. Brattano, and asked hurriedly:

"Doctor, who did you just say?!"

"Oh, I mean Xiaozhi, what happened to an excellent trainer from outsider Serena, do you know him?"

Subconsciously asked a question, and Dr. Brattano reacted.

The current Xiaozhi is quite popular in the Carlos area. It is not surprising that Serena reacted when she heard the name.

"The remarks on the Internet have nothing to do with Xiaozhi, and he doesn't know who deliberately smeared him. He is a very honest and kind kid!"

Dr. Bratano felt that he still had to explain to Xiaozhi, so that Serena would not treat him as a big villain.

"I know doctor! Why don't you tell me what you want to do?!"

Compared to the lack of interest at the beginning, Serena became beaming at this moment, urging her again and again.

"Well, I need to arrange for an assistant to travel with Xiaozhi temporarily for a period of time, and record his mega evolution battle data, but I can't find a suitable person right now."

Dr. Brattano replied, slightly puzzled by Serena's sudden excitement.

Except for his two rich second-generation assistants who often run outdoors, they even often go to other areas to have fun.

For the rest, the two female assistants in the institute shook their heads like rattles about long-distance travel.

Now Dr. Bratano is studying the body data and the data of the bond with the trainer after the evolution of his own biting land shark mega.

But after all, there is only one Pokémon, and there are not many samples.

Moreover, he himself is not good at using mega evolution to fight, and his data fluctuates too much.

It just happened to be heard that Xiao Zhi didn't intend to refuse the challenge, as long as everything came to him, so Dr. Brattano didn't intend to let go of this opportunity.

Without thinking, Serena raised her palm suddenly:

"Doctor, leave this task to me!"

Dr. Brattano pursed his lips, and did not immediately agree:

"Uh, it's not difficult to record by the side. Once I get started with the detection equipment, I can start recording. It's just that Serena, you have your own travel, so there's no need to come and help me."

Forcibly suppressing the excitement in her heart, Serena showed an expression of dedication to scientific research, and said sincerely:

"Doctor, the main reason is that I also want to see these strange phenomena!"

This look quickly impressed Dr. Brattano.

For a newcomer trainer, and a trainer who has no direction for the time being, it is definitely a good thing to be able to travel with Xiaozhi, a powerful trainer.

Maybe you can see many incredible phenomena and determine your future direction during the journey.

Dr. Bratano was not a hesitant person either. After nodding towards Serena, he took out his communication device with his backhand and started to contact her.


After a while of operation, a light blue holographic projection rose above the instrument, exactly what Xiaozhi looked like.

"Oh doctor, what can I do for you?"

Xiaozhi in the virtual image waved and smiled heartily.

You can still vaguely see Xitron's shoulders and the braids tied on top of Yurika's head. At the moment, the three of them are at the Pokémon Center in Gumu Town.

"Xiaozhi, it's the matter I mentioned to you earlier~ I plan to ask an assistant to accompany you. She will not disturb your normal travel, but will record the data during the mega evolution."

Bratano opened the mouth and added a sentence later:

"I will give you a copy of these data later."

"Oh yes~ we are all partners, let's travel together~!"

In the holographic image, Xiaozhi agreed with great carelessness. The doctor's assistants should all be of the gentle and kind type, and it is impossible for a Carlos Shinji to emerge.

It doesn't matter what the data is, anyway, he can't understand it.

Xitron and Yurika next to each other were also whispering to each other, and they were quite curious about this new companion.

For a four-person team, it is just a good number of travelers, and any more will appear a bit bloated.

"However, the person I arranged to go there was not actually my assistant, and Gina and those two people went to nowhere, so I can only temporarily ask a newcomer trainer, but don't worry, she is a gentle and kind girl. I can get along well with you!"

Dr. Bratano emphasized, and then turned the instrument in his hand slightly to one side, facing the direction of Serena.

"This girl's name is Serena, and she's a trainer from Chaoxiang Town~!"

Just turning his head, the doctor suddenly found that Serena had disappeared at some point.


There was only one cute firefox left on the spot, tilting its head curiously, staring at the holographic screen.

He even raised one of his little paws and greeted the "little blue man" on the holographic screen.

"Um, Serena doesn't know where she went."

Dr. Brattano scratched his head, not knowing what happened, why Serena disappeared in an instant.


On the other hand, Xiaozhi in the holographic image hesitated a little, where did he hear this name before?

"Anyway, doctor, we will go to Yaoxiang Town next, just let this Serena come directly to Yaoxiang Town to meet us~!"

Before hanging up the phone, Xiaozhi reminded with a smile.

Yaoxiang Town, like Lianyi Town in the Hezhong area, is a well-known beach resort town, and they can stay there for a while, waiting for the girl to come.


After finishing speaking, the holographic image phone hung up, and Dr. Bratano looked around, but he didn't find Serena.

He can only enter the inner room, and first prepare the equipment for the detection data that he will bring to the latter.

Now the instrument is detecting his female biting land shark, but the available data harvested every day is very little, so I just dismantle it by myself.

The lobby on the first floor of the institute soon became quiet again.

The fire fox lightly sniffed its nose, and walked slowly to a potted plant that was one person tall, where Serena was half squatting and hiding.


Firefox has a confused expression, why does it seem to be particularly afraid of seeing that "little blue man"?


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