He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2611 The Nurturing House on Route 7!

Carlos like to keep dogs.

The rich people in the city like to raise Dorimia, the artist likes to raise Tutu dogs, and Miss Junsha likes to raise Thunderbolts for the same reason.

"I don't know if Carlos has a dog fighting competition, so that my Emperor Yan can fight again."

While looking at the abstract painting drawn by a Tutu dog next to him with tail paint, Xiaozhi thought to himself.

The three of them quietly passed by without disturbing the creations of several literary and artistic painters around them.

There were also sounds from the flower beds of different colors next to it, accompanied by some crisp and melodious laughter.

"This is"

Xiaozhi found that there were many small white Pokémon, either flying on the petals, or flying among the flowers.

It is a few inches in size, with a milky white body, a cute and innocent face like a forest elf, and a pair of small white wings beside its ears.

These Pokémon then choose petals of different colors, their bodies fall in the center of the flower disc, and their two small hands hug the protruding stamens, as if they are integrated with the small flowers below them.

"Hua Beibei, the nature of a fairy, will look for suitable petals as soon as she is born. Without the power of flowers, it will be very dangerous. They can guide the power hidden in flowers, manipulate them freely, and finally float on the wind as they want."

The picture book suggested.

This is obviously the habitat of this group of wild flowers, Beibei, and there are a lot of them.

In the flower beds scattered everywhere, they are either looking for their own petals, or have already found the right petals, swaying and frolicking with the wind.

"so cute!"

You Lijia had red dimples on her cheeks, and squatted in front of the flowerbed with her chin propped up, watching with bright eyes.

But to say that the most famous facility on Route 7 is not the flower garden but that one!

The three of them looked at a wooden house located in the middle of the road, next to the creek, and a small courtyard was opened at the back, surrounded by the stream on three sides.

In the courtyard, you can vaguely see different types of Pokémon

It is a breeding house that can breed and breed!

The straight and narrow road No. 7 is a convenient way for breeders to wear roller shoes, move back and forth smoothly, and hatch eggs quickly.

However, it seems that Carlos is not particularly popular with physical pursuits such as breeding and hatching eggs, but more in the field of spiritual pursuits such as pruning, pulleys, and painting

So on this road, I didn't see any pulley riders galloping past, and it was quite quiet.

"Er Xiaozhi, do you want to take your Pikachu in for a rest?"

Xitron couldn't help pointing to the cultivation house.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Seeing Xiaozhi's puzzled expression, Citron pointed to Pikachu on his shoulder.

"I see that your Pikachu is obviously of such a high level, but its appearance looks so weak. It must be caused by the previous overbreeding, right?"

Citron rationally analyzed that, after all, the starting race was just a Pikachu, but it was able to reach such a powerful level, it was destined to be a Pikachu with excellent genes.

It is reasonable to use it for breeding frequently to create better offspring Pikachu.

"Our Carlos's cultivation is very good, and there is also a special fairy Ibrahimovic hand holding service~!"

Xitron was so familiar with his family, he introduced it eloquently.

Because it is adjacent to Miare City, he has come here to breed several times before, especially the shopkeeper here also has a rare fairy Eevee.

Not only is the appearance charming and cute, but the soft silk belt on the body can also be like a soft palm, providing all-round and all-inclusive ultimate enjoyment for the Pokémon who come to the door!

Back then, his photophotic frizzled lizard was almost squeezed out here.

So before it was ruined, Citron took an egg back and stopped it in time.

"Fairy Ibrahimovic, the new evolution of Ibrahimovic"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up. He had heard of this new evolutionary type before, and wanted to meet him for a long time.

But the fairy Ibrahimovic's hand-holding service, what does it mean that the Ibrahimovic family is all animal-shaped, with only forelimbs and hind limbs, do they still have hands?

Holding such doubts, Xiaozhi subconsciously walked towards the cultivation house.

Also, just in time for Pikachu to enjoy that handshake service.


On the shoulder, Pikachu rolled his eyes, showing a look of anticipation.

It really felt something beautiful from the direction of the nurturing house!

However, when several people were approaching the cultivation house, there was a sudden serious and slightly nervous greeting from outside the house, from the direction of the flower garden to the south.

"Mr. Xiaozhi! Good afternoon!!"

The three of them stopped moving and looked curiously.

Pikachu, on the other hand, showed a displeased expression. It was as if its body was in a state of burns, and it urgently needed to be extinguished.

But in front of the orange flowerbed, a boy with short reddish-brown hair was standing there.

With thick pot-covered hair and a delicate face, it is even difficult to judge the gender at first glance.

He is thin and short, wearing a gray-green shirt and black trousers. The illustration book presented by the doctor is tied with a belt, which is directly hung around the neck, and can be lifted at any time for shooting.

It was Dobaro who had met once before.

"Are you the trainer who received Charmander?"

Xiaozhi was surprised and said that the names of the Carlos were a bit awkward, and he couldn't remember clearly, but he still remembered that the other party received a timid little fire.

Little fire dragons with this personality are still very rare.

"It's Doroba! Mr. Xiaozhi!"

Doroba said sternly, with a reserved expression and a trembling tone, as if he was talking to some big star idol.

"Just call me Xiaozhi, I shouldn't be older than you~"

Xiaozhi waved his hand casually, signaling Doroba not to be so serious.

Then the polite Doroba greeted the Xitron brothers and sisters again, and then looked at Xiaozhi again.

It's just this respectful appearance that made Xitron and You Lijia quite puzzled, but also quite familiar.

The runner-up of the Alliance Conference called "Shota" before this expression seems to be the same, right?

Another admirer of Xiaozhi? !

"Mr. Xiaozhi, um, Xiaozhi, I have been looking for you since I came out of the doctoral institute, but I forgot to ask for your contact information at the time."

There is also an orange petaled flower Beibei floating on Doroba's shoulder, which seems to be the Pokémon captured by the former, and the color of the petals on it is similar to Doroba's hair color.

"Then I remembered the state of your Pikachu. It's so weak and tired. There is a high probability that the breeder is too tired from work."

"You have just arrived in the Carlos area, and you will probably take Pikachu to find a local breeding house, so I have been waiting for you here two days in advance!"

Doroba thought delicately and logically analyzed and reasoned.

It's just wrong at the root, Pikachu was inexplicably slashed and became weak and out of breath, and it wasn't some hard work in the nurturing house! ! ()

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