He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2613 hand holding and electrical stimulation

After seeing off Doroba, who was in full swing, Xiaozhi and his party were finally able to enter the breeding house.

Of course, there is only one mouse who can't wait.

As the head of the breeding house on Route 7, the fairy Ibrahimovic is lying on the carpet next to the front desk, with its body and tail curled up together.

The silky ribbons on the top of the head and neckline also hang down, taking a light nap.

"Is this Fairy Eevee?"

Looking up and down the fairy Ibrahimovic, Xiaozhi couldn't help exclaiming.

The pink and white body is light and slender, with a pair of slender fan ears and a pair of big blue eyes on the face, which looks extremely cute and elegant.

I have to say that it is indeed different from other Ibrahimovic evolutions.

"Fairy Ibrahimovic, the attribute of elves, can only evolve when Ibrahimovic is very close to humans. The bow-like silk ribbon tentacles can release waves that eliminate hostility and quell disputes. times the evil dragon Pokémon, will also bravely step forward to fight."

Xiaozhi took out the illustration book and listened to the introduction.

It sounds like my own single-headed dragon seems to be a bit unaccustomed to the Kalos area

"Oh guys~ What kind of Pokémon do you want to foster~?"

There was a young peasant woman at the front desk. Seeing a few people entering, she said kindly and gently.

The Citron brothers and sisters naturally don't have any ideas. They really don't have many Pokémon on them now, and most of them are stored in the Miare Gym.

I don’t know if it’s because of the electric-type Pokémon, or because the trainer is Citron of Mulen

The few Pokémon left in the Gym, such as the photoelectric frill lizard and the three-in-one magnet monster, are also very awkward.

It seems that they are also robots that have received instructions, and they will even help the robot invented by Xitron to attack Xitron.

"I heard that you have some hand-holding services here, please give my Pikachu a try!"

Xiaozhi opened the door and put Pikachu on the front desk.

No matter where the breeding house is, it is better than the backyard in Zhenxin Town.

With a vast area, various terrains, and plenty of meals, Xiao Zhi naturally wouldn't keep any Pokémon in the breeding house in other places.

"Oh~ Did you come here on purpose after hearing about our fairy Eevee's specialty~"

The peasant woman at the front desk smiled, waved like a bustard, and shouted:

"Go to work, Fairy Eevee~ Hurry up and say hello to this Pikachu~!"

The fairy Ibrahimovic got up rather dissatisfied, and cast a glance at the chubby Pikachu on the stage, and there was a strange charm in the disgusted eyes.


It's just this appearance that suddenly made Pikachu's eyes burst into love stars, and his figure became shaken.

Next, the silken tentacles on Fairy Eevee's body floated up, gently rolled up Pikachu's tail, and tightened slightly in all directions.

For Pikachu, the tail is an extremely sensitive part, and suddenly his hairs stood on end, and he couldn't stand still.

Then, the ribbon began to move, neither slow nor slow

"Is this the fairy Eevee's hand?"

The three of Xiaozhi sat beside them, watching curiously.

Seeming to be extremely comfortable, Pikachu's originally slightly hunched figure was completely tense and straight, gritting his teeth, as if desperately enduring something.

up to the top.


Pikachu couldn't help but screamed happily, and even the electric current on his cheek roared out involuntarily.

Boom! !

The dazzling electric light bombarded Fairy Ibrahimovic, which made the latter twitch on the spot.

"Electric stimulation?"

The peasant woman at the front desk was a little worried, why does this electric mouse still have such tricks to fight back?

In the end, the battle was over, and Pikachu and Fairy Eevee sat upside down on both sides, looking exhausted.

Xiaozhi: ""

It just doesn't look like it's relaxing, why does it feel like Pikachu is more weak?

As for Pokémon eggs, of course there are none.

Leaving aside the simple hand holding and electrical stimulation, it is impossible to have more in-depth communication even in terms of gender.

Regardless of the soft and elegant appearance of this fairy Eevee, it is actually male.

Leaving the breeding house, Xiaozhi and his party moved forward again.


On the shoulder, Pikachu was lying there panting, and even waved his hand quite proudly.

Let the next battle be handed over to the newly subdued little frog. It Pikachu will not be suitable for fighting for a while.

"Ah! Pikachu, cheer up!"

As a Pikachu diehard fan, You Lijia couldn't help cheering loudly when she saw Pikachu being lazy:

"At that time, all the scenes will be taken by the foam frog, and it will be too late to regret!"

"Boom boom!!"

The Dongdongshu in the small cross bag is also supporting its big brother.

The glory of the electric mouse is in your hands!

Pikachu didn't care, and turned over on Xiaozhi's shoulder, so that the sun could shine on its belly.

According to the past rules, these rookies are allowed to play in the early and mid-term.

But the intensity in the later stage is not something newcomers in the new team can handle.

What kind of splashes can a small foam frog turn out?

In the end, it has to rely on Pikachu to carry the banner!

Pikachu is still very confident about this, it doesn't matter, the finale of this chapter must be himself!

Leaving the No. 7 road with a pleasant environment, the three of them came to a mountain road area.

In front of him was a low stretch of mountains, less than 100 meters high, and the mountain road was full of gray-brown exposed rocks.

At the end of the No. 7 central road, there is a dark cave, and the light is not very good.

But it seems that it can go straight to the other side of this mountain road.

"According to the map, this is called a series of caves. There are many bats in it. Walk along the main road of the cave and you will reach our destination, Yaoxiang Town."

Citron pushed his glasses and chanted according to the map.

"How many bats?"

This reminded Xiaozhi of his hometown, Yuejian Mountain, where the caves were full of troublesome supersonic bats.

But the "supersonic bat" in the Carlos area, he remembered, seemed to be a rare existence with dragon attributes?

Xiaozhi took out the illustration book with his backhand and checked it.

"Humming bats, flying and dragon attributes, are used to living in dark caves. The ultrasonic waves released from the ears can not only detect the target, but even cause a certain amount of impact damage to the target."

Looking at the purple-brown, fluffy little bat on the illustrated book, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he knew it was this one!

The humming bat with the dragon attribute seems to be quite worth conquering.

At that time, it will be quite domineering to form a dragon team with your own single-headed dragon!

The popular leprechaun attribute in the Carlos area?

Naturally, the dragon team must be used to conquer it!

Thinking of this, he took the lead and walked into the series of holes——

(Today’s update has been a little bit watery lately. I’m tired of Calvin. I don’t know how to continue writing for the time being. I can only use water.) ()

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