He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2617 Xiaozhi seems to have a brother in her mind

And the match point game of Yaoxiang Gymnasium has officially started.

"Baby Tyrannosaurus, Primal Power!!"

As soon as he came up, Chakro commanded the signature move of Fossil Pokémon.

The baby tyrannosaurus raised its head and let out a low growl, several huge rocks gathered all over its body, and with a flick of its head, they flew away in all directions!

"Fly up, Fairy Wind!"

On the other side, the petals of the petals were carried by the small hands of the flower leaf, and they were suspended at high speed, barely avoiding the original force rock.

Then hold the flower stem and flick it forward gently.


A burst of pink airflow with sparkling stars blows forward, the strength is not so strong, but it carries an intoxicating and bewitching magical power.

"Baby Tyrannosaurus, slam!!"

Bracing against the oncoming fairy wind, the baby Tyrannosaurus violently rushed out, trampling on the rocky ground with its powerful lower limbs.

When it was close to the position of the flower leaf stalk, it jumped up vertically and slammed upwards obliquely.

As a novice trainer, Serena's command is just right, as if she has an expert's advice:

"Use the fairy wind to fly!"

Huayedi understood, and waved the petals in her hand this time, changing the direction of the fairy wind.


The updraft covered itself, which made Huayedi rise up as if riding a vertical elevator, and dodged the onslaught lightly.

Chaklow frowned, this game was quite aggrieved.

Since the other party has the attributes of a fairy, the dragon tail move that this baby tyrannosaurus is best at, and the most powerful big move - meteor swarm, can't cause any damage to the target at all.

The goblin attribute restrains the dragon attribute and is completely immune, which is so unreasonable.

"In that case, Baby Tyrannosaurus, use Sandstorm!"

So Chakro changed his tactics and had to completely give up the dragon attribute moves.

The baby tyrannosaurus swept forward with its tail, and suddenly the entire arena was blown with yellow sand, dust flying everywhere, and the field of vision was almost reduced to the minimum.

It's just that Serena responded very quickly:

"Use the grass field!"

Huayedi understood, and the petals in her hand shone with a dazzling green light, and then threw this green light energy to the ground in front of her.

The next moment, grass seedlings and green leaves grew on the rocky ground that was originally bare.

Green and oily, with solid plant roots, the degree of soil erosion is also greatly reduced

In other words, the degree of the sandstorm has also decreased a lot, and the visibility in the sky has instantly changed from "Pikachu yellow" to "Firefox yellow".

But Chaklow's purpose was not the weather from the beginning, he suddenly attacked and said:

"Now, use the iron head!!"

Its baby tyrannosaurus also has a move that restrains the goblin attribute. With a delicate and crispy skin like Huayeti, as long as it can hit an iron head, it is enough to tell the winner!

However, Serena seemed to have noticed it a long time ago, without the slightest panic, she was already ready:

"Magic Leaf!"

The quality of this flower leaf pedicle is also much higher than that of ordinary wild Pokémon. It has a calm personality, and it flicks its petals at the iron-headed baby who bumps into it.


Between the petals, countless pieces of emerald green energy leaves flew out immediately.

And the magic leaf did not directly attack the baby tyrannosaurus's hard-as-steel skull, but attacked the latter's abdomen

The baby tyrannosaurus is in a leaping state, and the most vulnerable abdomen is completely exposed.


The dense magic leaves successfully hit the target, directly interrupting the baby tyrannosaurus' attack. While knocking it back, it also left many small leaf blade scars on the latter.

Serena's eyes narrowed, imitating Xiaozhi's previous volume, and shouted loudly:

"It's not over yet, it's Fairy Wind at the end!!"

The flower leaf in front of him also changed from a gentle temperament to an aggressive one. Holding the petals with two small hands, they pressed forward fiercely like a heavy axe.

Whoosh! !

This time, the wind of the fairy is quite powerful, and it blows loudly!

Even in mid-air, there were some magic leaf fragments that had not been shaken off completely, caught together with Fairy Wind, and flew towards the baby tyrannosaurus together.

It has evolved into a low-profile version of the fairy attribute Feiye Storm!


The storm of flying leaves blew past, completely engulfing the baby Tyrannosaurus, the little dinosaur

The effect is outstanding!

And this time, the baby tyrannosaurus couldn't hold on.

As the wind calmed down, his body was already covered with broken leaf scars, his eyes were rolling, and his figure was shaking funny in place.


Finally fell directly to the ground.

"The winner has been decided, and the baby tyrannosaurus has lost its ability to fight! So in this match, Serena from Chaoxiang Town will win!"

The rock climbing boy shouted immediately.

"Great, Huayetti!! We won!"


The flag was a victory, and Serena and the lovely Huayeti immediately clapped their palms together, congratulating and celebrating!

"I have a hand, Serena!"

Even Xiaozhi couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Although in the timing of the battle, you can still see the obvious immaturity of the novice

But the response to every move of the enemy is impeccable and extremely perfect.

Even if he is standing on the command seat, it is estimated that this is the coping strategy.

It doesn't look like a rookie trainer at all!

Not so much a rookie genius

On the contrary, Xiaozhi has a feeling that Serena has an experienced brother Dong in her mind, teaching coping strategies at the same time?

"Clang! This is the rock badge I just got!"

At the end of the battle, after receiving the badge from Mr. Chaklow, Serena showed it in front of Xiaozhi and the other three with a smile on her face.

This is a taupe badge with a stepped shape, which is quite characteristic of climbing rock walls.

"Nice job, Serena!"

Xiaozhi directly gave Serena a thumbs up. The game was completed very well.

"That's awesome, Serena!"

"Well, as a rookie trainer, he performed impeccably"

Beside, Yurika and Xitron also gave compliments.

"Hee hee it's not so good~"

Serena's cheeks were slightly flushed, and she could only turn her head shyly to look at her Huayedi, the surge in her heart hadn't completely calmed down.

Although Xiaozhi didn't recognize him right away, this reunion is pretty good!

Seeing the scene of Huayeti and Serena laughing at each other, Xiaozhi couldn't help but smile, and his eyes fell on the white petals in Huayeti's hands.

It seems that this flower should be very important to the flower leaf base, and can even enhance its power

I don't know what will happen if I change it?

Well, find a chance to pick a Gracietia flower from Xie Mi from the reverse world and give it to Serena. Let's see what kind of scene Hua Yedi will have when she encounters this magical flower. ()

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