He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2620 waveguide in my heart mega Lucario

"Boss Kedora, use electromagnetic waves!!"

T'Challa's tactic was not a frontal attack either, and he obviously realized that this Lucario was not simple and was not an opponent that could be defeated directly.

Ga Boshi Kedo lowered his head, and the top corners of his head trembled at high frequency, releasing a fan-shaped paralyzing current.

"Lucario, we use metallic sounds!"

Xiaozhi also dealt with it calmly. Lucario in front of him had his palms forward, the spikes on the back of his hands collided with each other, and the high-frequency vibration also released harsh metal sounds.

The impact of the silver-white sound wave immediately dissipated all the incoming current, and then dissipated together in midair.

Xiaozhi's expression became more focused, and he stopped procrastinating. He raised his arm high, and the keystone bracelet on his wrist began to shine brightly.

Since it's a battle about ga evolution, don't think about using normality to fight until the end, and then use this power at the end.

"The power of waveguide, the black and blue warrior in my heart, once again show your fearless waveguide power in front of the world."

Xiaozhi sang a lot of words in a drawn out voice without blushing.

The last time ga Dabiri didn't sing, the momentum was unavoidably a bit weaker

This is the sense of ritual in the Carlos area, so let him do as the Romans do!

"Ga evolution! Lucario!"

Finally, Xiao Zhicai's voice was firm, and he shouted loudly.


In front of him, Lucario also puffed out his chest, clasped his hands tightly, and his whole body suddenly burst into dazzling and gorgeous light.


With the sound of a burst of air, the light split, and Lucario officially entered the ga evolution posture.

The overall shape has not changed much, the black and blue patterns on the body have become more dense, and even some dark red lines have appeared, and the spikes on the back of the hands and soles have become more ferocious.

There are two more pairs of black earlobes, which are automatic when there is no wind, and the sharp eyes make Lucario more handsome and elegant.


Ga Lucario roared excitedly, and a violent air current was blown all over his body, his momentum was outstanding and powerful!

"Come on, ga Lucario, you are really handsome!"

Citron's eyes brightened, and the detection radar in his hand was aimed closely at Lucario.

On the screen of the instrument, two thin lines bent up and down appeared respectively, and the real-time data came from Xiaozhi and Lucario respectively, just like an electrocardiogram.

The twists and turns of the two thin lines are also constantly approaching during the battle, as if they will overlap soon.

Citron became curious, and while watching the game, he carefully checked the test data.

But on the field, both ga evolved, and this match really reached its climax.

"Wave Missile!!"

Xiaozhi's face was hot and rosy, and he took the lead in launching a new round of attack.

He could see that the physical defense of this Boss Kedora was extremely good, so use long-range special moves to win the game!

Coincidentally, his Lucario is a dual-knife, whether it is wave missiles or melee combat, he is very good at it!

Lucario nodded, folded his palms around his waist, and a dark blue waveguide energy bomb rapidly expanded and formed.


With a push of the palm, the wave missile is precisely guided and thrown away!

T'Challa didn't dare to be careless, and responded immediately:

"Boss Cordora, use metal claws!!"

Dr. Ga Ke Duo let out a low cry, dragged his heavy body, and clenching his sharp claws on one arm, he slashed out brazenly!

Boom! !

The wave missile exploded directly in his palm, forming a burst of light blue explosion smoke.

T'Challa was secretly proud, indeed, his ga Boss Kedora was not good at special defense.

But the power is extremely powerful, and it is completely possible to use brute force to destroy a long-range offensive!

Xiaozhi's expression remained unchanged, and he was extremely focused on what was in front of him.

"Bone Stick Luan Dao!"

His command gradually became crisp and neat. Lucario in front of him swiped his palms to both sides, and each palm condensed a dark blue, crystal clear energy bone stick.

One person and one dog both possess the power of waveguide, coupled with the fetters connected

It can be said that their tacit understanding at this moment will not even lose to Pikachu.

Lucario didn't need extra command at all, and suddenly threw the bone stick in his hand!

Bang bang!

Boss Kedora turned his body this time, and with a strong iron tail, he swept the bone stick out again.

That is, the energy bone stick made by Lucario with the power of waveguide, which is hard enough to be replaced by a bone stick thrown by a Muggle Pokémon like Gala Gala, has been crushed by the middle at this moment.


Just after completing a blow, Boss Kedora suddenly heard the sound of the long stick rotating at high speed piercing the air behind him.

When he turned his head, he realized that Lucario had already thrown another bone stick, drawing an almost 180-degree arc in the air in the shape of a boomerang, and came precisely behind it.

boom! !

This time, the bone stick successfully hit Boss Kedora's back, and even after the hit, the bone stick turned into a waveguide energy blue light that exploded like a "wave missile" in the shape of a bone stick.

"Careful ahead!"

T'Challa reminded anxiously, and Boscodora turned his head quickly.

But he saw that Lucario had already rushed forward on his own initiative, and even held the bone club that was knocked back by it before, and held it in the palm of his hand again.

During the running, the power of waveguide was refilled, making the blue light on this bone stick more intense

Bang bang! !

It was too late to use the iron wall move to defend, and the stick hit Boshi Kedora's chest and abdomen hard.

Despite the latter's tank-like weight, his figure still retreated several meters, leaving traces of ravines on the ground like tracks.

The effect is outstanding!

Both front and rear were hit hard, and Boss Kedora couldn't help kneeling on the ground with one foot, and the steel armor knee smashed a hole in the ground.

"Hey, after my Lucario ga evolved, it has the characteristic of adaptability!"

Xiao Zhi smiled triumphantly and touched his nose.

And he has already mastered the fighting method of infusing the power of waveguide into the bone stick, making this move similar to flying and pressing, and has both ground and fighting attributes at the same time!

And adaptability is the ability to enhance the power of moves of this attribute

"Coupled with the bonus of the adaptability characteristic, your ga Boss Kedora is not incapable of playing outstanding effects now!"

Xiaozhi returned the other party's proud words to the other party again, which made T'Challa's face change for a while, and he was extremely dignified.

As soon as the latter gritted his teeth, he really wanted to use the moves they were good at to decide the outcome

Thinking of this, T'Challa no longer hesitated, and quickly shouted:

"Since this is the case, Boss Kedora, use the rock climbing trick!!"

Xiaozhi: "?"

He is very familiar with this move, but how do you see the opponent's appearance, he regards rock climbing as a big move? ()

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