He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 239 Die! Wall Grass Kachu joins the friendly camp!


A burst of red light covered the frozen bird, and then the poke ball completely absorbed it.


But it was only an instant, and before it even had time to shake, the red and white ball burst completely, and the elegant posture of Frozen Bird reappeared in front of everyone.


Frozen Bird complained to Xiaozhi angrily, and at this moment, a red envelope was smashed out of its forehead and it swelled up, which was extremely indecent.

Didn't everyone say that it's just a neutral npc, so it can't be captured, what about throwing a hammer? !

"My Pikachu is also a neutral npc now, and I don't mind."

Xiaozhi took it for granted that although he didn't win, he had completed the trial anyway, so why didn't he be subdued?

Xiaozhi held the token of Frozen Bird in his hand, and the ice-blue feather felt soft and cold to the touch, as if he was carrying an air conditioner with him, very comfortable.

He carefully put the feather into his arms, and then looked at the frozen bird.

"Why don't you join my team, I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, the future Pokémon master, you're definitely worth it." He said sincerely.

It's too hard, he planned to take the route of subduing by mouth.

Frozen Bird: "..."

The legendary Pokémon's intelligence is very high, not much lower than that of humans, mouth escape is useless to it, and it even wants to laugh.

But it didn't laugh.

Don't look at Frozen Bird's top-notch appearance. In fact, its physical strength is already running out, and its stomach is growling even more hungry. I'm really going to suffer here today.

But it is impossible to be subdued by human beings. As proud as it is, it has not been defeated. How can it be subdued?


While thinking, Frozen Bird shattered a Poké Ball with a tricky angle.

Damn it, this human actually sneaked up on it while it was thinking?

Tsk, the strength is strange, the wings hurt a little...

"Unfortunately, it's almost there."

It was a pity for Xiaozhi. Seeing Frozen Bird's pensive look, he wanted to try again. He didn't expect the latter to respond so quickly when he was prepared.


Frozen Bird chirped loudly, expressing its understanding.

Perhaps because of the other party's feathers, Xiaozhi could vaguely understand the birdsong.

"Unless you defeat me, you cannot subdue me."

Seeing that Xiaozhi had already pulled out four or five elf balls from his waist, the Frozen Bird immediately honked again to stop its movement.

"You only have one chance, you can't send out new Pokémon."

Frozen Bird stretched out its wings and pointed to the unconscious Bi Diao who was still unable to fight, indicating that only the Pokémon still on the field can try to conquer it in battle.

In fact, it made a fool of itself and almost said clearly that it didn't want to be subdued, but it was placed on the moral high ground, so Xiaozhi couldn't refute it.

Frozen Bird can tell at a glance that the trainer in front of him is a kind-hearted type. As long as he strikes at the moral level, the other party will not mess around.

"Oh? Can you subdue me by defeating you on the field?"

However, Xiaozhi's eyes became brighter. He licked his lips and rolled up his sleeves, looking eager to fight, and looked at Frozen Bird like a sow waiting to be slaughtered.


Frozen Bird couldn't help shivering, and the God of Ice and Snow felt a bit of chill again.

Could it be that this human being intends to do it himself?

Although the throwing of the poke ball was a bit brute force, but to challenge the gods with a human body is simply ridiculous!


To be on the safe side, Frozen Bird rose a little half a meter in mid-air and approached the only hole. It was about to run away.

"By the way, don't you think this place has become a lot brighter since we came in?"

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly raised a question.

Frozen Bird, who was about to escape, frowned. This is a deep cave without a light source. Even with a little reflection from the ice-blue icy water, the visibility is actually very poor.

But since this group of people came in, the cave seemed to be much brighter.

Wait, humans probably don't have the ability to bring their own lighting bugs at the opening.

"Listen, your future teammates have already said, as long as you defeat it, you can subdue it."

Xiaozhi spoke again, his eyes were piercing, as if he was afraid that the other party's enthusiasm would not be high, so he added another sentence.

"You also want to have a cooling air conditioner next to you at any time, think about it, on a hot day, you sleep under your lightning quilt, and there is an air conditioner blowing on you next to you..."


Frozen Bird was puzzled for a while, who was this human boy talking to?

After a long while, there was a clear and low shout suddenly from somewhere in the cave, as if responding to Xiaozhi's words.


In the summer, the cover is blown by the air conditioner, and it moves.

beep beep. Your Wall Grass Kachu has joined the friendly camp from a neutral npc!


Frozen Bird turned his head to look at everything around him again, but he still couldn't see any figure. Where is the kid talking?

Suddenly, Xiaozhi roared loudly:

"Pikachu, use Thunder directly above you!!"

Frozen Bird finally understood, subconsciously lowered his head, and looked under himself.

What caught the eye was a petite yellow-skinned mouse. Its first reaction was to dismiss it. Like this electric mouse, it can kill a nest by spitting ice phlegm.

At the second glance, it couldn't help but gasp.

At this moment, the terrifying electrical energy was condensing on the red cheek of this electric mouse, and the whole cave was filled with a coercive and dignified aura, but just as he wanted to move, he was choked up by the short-term shock in his heart.

Frozen Bird was terrified and unable to move.

As the electric mouse showed a harmless smile, terrifying lightning energy shot out of it instantly, hitting the frozen bird!

"Zizi Boom!!"

The burst of golden current pulses seemed to be a natural thunderbolt filled with unstoppable prestige, enough to kill everything.


The power of thunder has climbed to the extreme. Frozen Bird, who had been hungry for half a month and had just fought a battle, finally couldn't bear the huge pressure and lightning energy, and let out a tragic whine in mid-air, and the thunder and lightning energy also aroused in mid-air There was a strong explosion! !

The effect is outstanding! !

"It's now, go, my advanced ball!!"

Xiaozhi's eyes became brighter than ever before, staring at the target and throwing a black bronzing elf ball suddenly, his hand strength increased three layers, and the advanced ball even made sonic booms when it shot in the air.

This time he replaced it with a high-grade ball, and the catch rate increased by π times.


The high-level ball once again hit Frozen Bird's forehead, and a red light that was π times thicker than before instantly absorbed Frozen Bird, who had been electrified.


It wobbled the first round, not much of a problem.


It wobbled for the second round, Xiaozhi swallowed, stared at the master ball, his throat raised his mind.

"Da da da..."

In the third round, the advanced ball began to tremble violently, as if it was about to burst due to the pressure.

"Give it to me!!"

Xiaozhi rushed forward, holding the high-grade ball tightly with his unicorn arms, his whole body was shaking crazily due to excessive force, and the high-grade ball was also trembling violently.

This trick Xiaozhi copied was the physical capture that old brother Chi used when subduing the giant lighthouse beast. At that time, he was overwhelmed by this almost plug-in method of subduing, and he was shocked.

But I'm sorry, this trick is now my Xiaozhi's!


Half a second later, the high-level ball stopped shaking in his hand, emitting a special effect of the light of a small star.

Frozen Bird, subdued successfully!

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