This poacher looked ferocious. He wasn't short in stature, but he was extremely strong. In contrast, he looked almost like a dwarf in comparison.

A big face with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a big red garlic nose like Wario, full of cunning and greed.

And after seeing the naughty panda behind the truck, Xiaozhi also reacted instantly.

No wonder the bully panda from before suddenly jumped out in a frenzy and attacked them. It looked like it was his own child, was it poached and stolen?

"Xiaozhi, what should we do?!"

Serena's expression was a little panicked, this was the first time he had come into contact with such a thing.

"Don't worry, it's just a small scene."

Xiaozhi casually comforted him, but he couldn't help but think of the Rockets trio.

It seems that it is still necessary for the Rockets to appear on the field. Making troubles in a flashy manner can at least make the new teammates emboldened and have seen the world.

But right now he's just a poacher, so Xiaozhi doesn't care.

"I'll go to the front and fight with him, Serena, find the right opportunity and release all the Pokémon in the cage."

After leaving a sentence, Xiaozhi got up and walked out of the bushes.

Staying in place, Serena held her breath and stared at Xiaozhi's back with a very serious expression, as if he was about to enter the battlefield where he would die at any time.


This sudden appearance of a person in the wilderness surprised the short and fat poacher, and he immediately shouted and angrily reprimanded him.

But after seeing that it was a young boy, he felt relieved and didn't seem to care at all.

He casually stubbed out the cigarette butt, and waved his hand in disgust.

"Little devil, let's go while playing, my uncle is doing big things now, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Wen Yan Xiaozhi was a little surprised that this person didn't even know him.

The Carlos people, who had a high sense of regional identity along the way, wanted to kill themselves after knowing that they had made such insolent remarks.

But yes, the other party is an illegal poacher, and the sense of regional honor is not very important.

"Pokémon poaching is against the law! Quickly release all these Pokémon!"

So Xiaozhi took a step forward, and righteously scolded.

"Have you watched too much, do you like being a hero?"

The overweight man sneered, and then emphasized:

"And this uncle is not a poacher, but an honest Pokémon merchant~"

This sentence is not completely nonsense, but in front of businessmen, the suffix of "black market" must be added.

This group is still very popular in the Carlos area.

After all, Carlos people are fancy, some people pursue fashion, some people pursue sports, or walk their dogs, painting and so on

And some of Carlos' nobles and rich people are more inclined to another activity-collecting all rare Pokémon!

These nobles have plenty of money, but they don't have the corresponding skills, and they don't even bother to go to the wild to actually capture them.

This complicated work has naturally extended to the corresponding professional group - Pokémon black market merchants.

They secretly capture rare Pokémon, sell them to nobles at high prices, and claim that they are not the same way as the despicable poachers in other regions.

But in Ms. Junsha's eyes, it's all the same. Pokémon trading is illegal everywhere.

The name of this black market businessman is Daz, and he is also a well-known wanted criminal in Carlos.

At the moment, there is a box full of pink butterfly chrysalis at the back of the truck, and after this kind of Pokémon evolves, it will turn into a gorgeous and beautiful pink butterfly.

And the patterns and colors of the wings of the pink butterfly are different for each individual.

Especially the rare patterns and colors can be exchanged for high prices in the hands of nobles and rich!

Of course, what he is selling is still the second stage, and it is the chrysalis that is about to evolve. No one knows what kind of pink butterfly it will evolve into in the end.

Recently, this kind of pink butterfly chrysalis blind box has been quite popular, and each one can be sold at a high price.

As for the first-order white butterfly insects that have not yet evolved during transportation, the cycle of evolution into colorful white butterfly is estimated to be quite long.

This is not a ready-to-use blind box, so it was thrown away by the roadside by Daz.

And that naughty panda was a Pokémon he found by accident when passing by this bamboo forest area, and he touched it by himself.

Although after evolving into a bully panda, his appearance has dropped a lot, and it doesn't quite meet the aesthetics of the Carlos nobles

It's not a big problem, as long as you bring an unchanging stone, you will always be a cute little panda, and it is also a high-priced Pokémon!

"Hurry up, kid, or I will teach you a lesson~!"

Seeing that Xiaozhi was still standing there, Daz sneered and wanted to get closer with his fists clenched.


Xiaozhi threw a Pokéball backhand, no matter what age he wants to fight with a real person, naturally he uses Pokémon to compete.


When the red light fell, the single-headed dragon appeared in front of it, and as soon as it appeared on the stage, it bared its teeth and let out a low growl in protest at Daz, as if it would pounce on it at any time.

Shan Shoulong's temper became more and more irritable.

"Oh, it's a single-headed dragon, a quasi-god cub from the Hezhong area?!"

Seeing this, Daz's eyes brightened, and there was even a phantom of a gold coin in his eyes.

Quasi-gods from other places, especially in low-level form, can be sold for a sky-high price in the Carlos area!

Didn't expect a kid who popped up on the side of the road to have such a good product? !

"If you want to fight, let me teach you well~!"

Daz sneered, and then threw a poke ball, already planning to take the single-headed dragon by force.

When the red light fell, it was a bloated gray rabbit.

Standing upright, with a big belly and a face with a beard and big teeth, he looks like a messy uncle.

Huge ears hang down from the top of the head, like two strong arms.

The body shape and temperament are quite similar to the Daz in the back.

"The Digging Rabbit, generally has the attributes of the ground, the evolution of the Digging Rabbit, the power of the ears is comparable to that of a forklift, and even hard rock plates can be crushed by it, and it is very active in tunnel construction projects."

Xiaozhi put away the illustration book, knowing it in his heart.

It turned out to be the evolution of Xitron's Digging Rabbit, and the color of its body hair was very similar to its big ears.

It's just that this temperament seems to have become a lot hip-stretching all of a sudden!

If the Kalos area also has a list of "the least likely to evolve Pokémon", Digger should be on the list.

"Get me this single-headed dragon, and I'll give you extra food tonight, Digger Rabbit~!!"

Following Daz's command with a sneer, the obese Digging Rabbit's eyes also became fiery, with a big belly, and took the initiative to attack!


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