He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2429 Pink Butterfly Blind Box!

"The winner is decided! Use Taishan to push the top!!"

After releasing the powerful wave of evil, the two-headed tyrannosaurus rushed out like a small tank, splashing countless dust under its feet.

Finally, he suddenly jumped up and trampled heavily on the Digger Rabbit's head with all his limbs.


The force was so great that half of the digging rabbit's body was even embedded in the ground.

The two-headed tyrannosaurus in the second stage is now in the state of dual swords, and is very good in both special attack and physical attack.

Of course, after they are fully evolved, the three dragons' special attacks will become even more prominent!


After sustaining heavy blows continuously, the digging rabbit finally couldn't bear it any longer. It fainted and fell to the ground, its eyes spinning.

"Ah! My precious Digger Rabbit!!"

The black market businessman Daz immediately exclaimed repeatedly. This was his right-hand man, how could he be knocked down so easily? !

Not only that, behind the truck, Serena was also quietly performing rescue operations.

"Please Turtlefoot, use claws!"

Each iron cage is locked, but these sturdy cages are not difficult for Turtlefoot with sharp claws.

"Feet, foot.!" "Feet, foot.!"

The two turtle feet shouted, dragging the parasitic rock to jump up, and then two barnacle heads burst out at the same time.

Keng! Keng! Keng!

Under a burst of dazzling sharp white light, the shackles of dozens of iron cages were all shattered and torn, completely open.

Like the two-headed tyrannosaurus, the two-headed turtle feet are more powerful than ordinary Pokémon, and can even be caught twice in a row.

"Pupa~" "Pupa~" "Pupa~"

And inside these iron cages, dozens of pink butterfly pupae, like armored pupae, were Pokémon that had difficulty moving on their own. At this moment, they looked extremely panicked, trembling in place and making low sounds.

They are already in a state of evolution, and when they are stimulated at this moment,


As the first pink butterfly chrysalis bloomed with light, dozens of pink butterfly chrysalis around it also started to shine one after another!

"This is.?"

Serena and Turtlefoot were stunned, their faces shrouded in the dazzling light in front of them.

The sight of dozens of Pokémon evolving together is quite spectacular!


And Serena could also hear the sound of some cocoons tearing.

The light of the first white butterfly chrysalis dissipated and turned into a gray-black butterfly Pokémon, with the butterfly wings on both sides still curled up.

However, within a few seconds, the butterfly wings were fully deployed and were much larger than the torso.

"It's evolved, it's a pink butterfly!"

Serena was immediately attracted by the beautiful butterfly in front of her, her eyes filled with surprise.

The first pink butterfly is the most common pink individual, also known as the garden pattern type. Most of the middle part of the wings is pink, the roots are slightly lighter, and the ends are darker red.

This type of pink butterfly is naturally very stunning and gorgeous to Serena.

But for those aristocratic collectors, this first blind box was obviously very embarrassing, and the most common card was drawn out.

Then dozens of pink butterflies around them completed their evolution, transforming from heavy and slow cocoon bodies into beautiful and gorgeous butterflies.

"Wu~" "Wu~" "Wu~"

The first reaction was that these pink butterflies spread their wings, made chaotic sounds, and flew towards the sky in panic.

The space above suddenly opened up, and Serena, and even Xiaozhi and Daz, saw the entire group of colorful pink butterflies.

In the bamboo forest, colorful pink butterflies are flying together, scattering beautiful phosphorus powder in mid-air. The scene is very moving and beautiful.

3/5 of them are the most common pink individuals, which are garden patterns.

The remaining 2/5 are in different colors.

There are indigo snow country patterns, dark green courtyard patterns, and brown-red wilderness patterns.

"I'm super, there's also a ball pattern!!"

Daz couldn't help but beat his chest and exclaimed, his eyes fixed on one of the many colorful pink butterflies, whose wings were patterned exactly like a Poké Ball.


This colorful pink butterfly with a ball pattern can be sold for a high price! !

There are also some other distinctive patterns

Each one of them is his treasure, but at this moment, they are all flapping their wings. Except for the crystal phosphorus powder left on the ground, all of them are disappearing!

"Damn it, you two brats, how dare you ruin my good deeds today!!"

Daz looked extremely angry for a moment, and he was about to take out the second Poké Ball and launch a fierce attack.

"It's over with the black marketeer Daz! Stop all your acts of resistance!!"

However, before Xiaozhi could take action, a burst of heroic female scolding suddenly came from the distance, accompanied by the sound of a vehicle's engine speeding by.

Before anyone arrived, a majestic big dog, only blue and yellow in color, had already rushed over, as fast as a winding lightning bolt.

"Lei Wang!!"

He jumped up and let out a high-pitched roar towards everyone, especially targeting Daz!

The intimidating cry even made Daz's heart tremble, and he froze in place for a moment, unable to control his Poké Ball with his palms.

"This Pokémon is."

Serena was a little surprised and subconsciously took out the illustrated book.

"Thunder Beast, with electric attributes, is the evolved form of Thunder Beast. It can produce electric sparks in its mane to create thunder clouds. It has a menacing cry. It is also a powerful partner for Miss Junsha in the Kalos region."

"Thunder beast?"

Next to him, Xiaozhi nodded secretly, it was a Pokémon from the Fangyuan region.

But it does look like a police dog, as the picture guide says.

Since it is a police dog, then the car behind.

As the vehicle approached, it turned out to be a small police car. A solemn and heroic Miss Junsha was sitting in the main car driving the car.

However, the sidecar next to the police car was also carrying two people.

"Eh? Citron and Yurika?!"

Xiaozhi blurted out and exclaimed, why did this brother and sister come here with Miss Junsha?

Moreover, the hair of these two people was all curled up as if they had just been permed, and their faces were gray.

It seemed like he had been attacked by someone?

"Well, it's a long story. Are you okay, Ash?"

Citron rubbed his afro, looking a little embarrassed.

After they separated, he naturally used his inventions in an attempt to find traces of Xiaozhi and Serena.

It's just that the machine has just gotten an orientation.


It exploded directly, and by the way, it gave free perms to Citron and Yulijia who were approaching.

The sound of the explosion just caught Miss Junsha's attention.

The latter had been tracking the criminal Daz for a long time. They came to this bamboo forest area together and were worried that they could not find their target.

Then they heard the news of Xiaozhi and Daz fighting, and several people came together in a police car.

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